
  • 网络suzhou;Suzhou City
  1. 最后,将UGB框架应用到宿州市UGB个案研究上。

    Finally , the UGB framework is applied to the Suzhou City UGB case studies .

  2. 宿州市交通警察血铅水平调查及其相关因素分析

    Blood lead levels of traffic police in Suzhou city and the correlative factors

  3. 方法对1999~2002年宿州市县级80份环境卫生年报表逐项进行统计分析。

    Methods 80 environment & sanitation annual reports were analyzed Statistically .

  4. 本次调研主要围绕宿州市灵璧县留守儿童教育情况为中心。

    The research mainly around Suzhou Lingbi children left education in the center .

  5. 用高新技术改造传统农业&宿州市农业科技示范园的调查

    The Improvement of Traditional Agricultural with High-techniques Agricultural equipment

  6. 宿州市1997~2001年医疗机构消毒工作质量分析

    Analysis on Disinfection Quality of hospitals from 1997 to 2001 in Suzhou City

  7. 安徽省宿州市农业生态环境的主要问题与对策

    On the Main Problems and Countermeasures about Agricultural Ecological Environment in Suzhou City

  8. 安徽宿州市发现的唐宋铜镜

    Bronze Mirrors of the Tang and Song Periods Discovered in Suzhou City , Anhui

  9. 宿州市泌尿生殖道支原体感染与耐药情况分析

    Analysis of Mycoplasma Cultivation and Drug Resistance in Urogenital Tract Infection Patients in Suzhou

  10. 宿州市市区浅层工程地质条件评价

    Appraisal of shallow - horizon engineering geological conditions of the urban area of Suzhou City

  11. 宿州市1999-2002年环境卫生年报表填报质量分析

    Analysis of Environment Sanitation Annual Report ( 1999 ~ 2002 ) Quality in SuZhou Prefecture

  12. 宿州市肾综合征出血热监测与控制

    HFRS Surveillance and Control in Suzhou City

  13. 宿州市房地产企业所得税征管模式研究

    Research of a New Pattern Which Adapting the Income Tax Administration on Real Estate Industry of Suzhou

  14. 宿州市市县级自来水厂卫生现状及影响因素探析

    Analysis of Waterworks Sanitation and Its Crucial Influence Factors at Prefecture and County Levels of Suzhou City

  15. 目的:调查安徽省宿州市交通警察血铅水平,探讨其影响因素。

    Objective : To investigate the blood lead levels of traffic police in Suzhou city and the correlative factors .

  16. 深化分配制度改革夯实共同富裕基础&宿州市城市居民收入差距现状及其对策

    Deepening distribution system reform ramming common enrichment foundation & present situation and its countermeasures of residents ' incomes disparity in Suzhou

  17. 目的分析宿州市市、县级自来水水厂供水卫生现状和影响因素,以加强我市集中式供水卫生管理。

    Objective Analyzing the sanitation status and its crucial factors of SuZhou water supply in order to strengthen sanitation management of water supply .

  18. 结论宿州市城镇集中式供水面临的主要问题是改水降氟、饮水消毒和水源卫生防护。

    Conclusions The main problem of centralized water supply management in Suzhou City was to decrease fluoride , decontaminate drinking water and protect the water source .

  19. 新汴河污染是严重的,应尽早采取措施,抓紧治理河水污染,对改善宿州市环境、提高河水质量、保障居民健康、促进经济发展有重要意义。

    The pollution is so serious that measures should be adopted to treat it further to improve living environment , maintain residents ' health and promote economic development .

  20. 宿州市作为经济发展的后发地区,市委市政府提出了奋力赶超、加速崛起的奋斗目标。

    Suzhou city backwardness of economic development area , and puts forward the struggling to catch up , to accelerate the rise of the municipal party committee of the goal .

  21. 目的通过对宿州市县级环境卫生年报表填报质量的分析评价,发现卫生监督统计工作中的问题,提出改进建议,以提供高质量的卫生监督信息。

    Objective This paper analyzed and evaluated environment sanitation annual reports from county level , brought up statistics issues in the sanitation surveillance and proposed suggestions to improve quality of sanitation surveillance information system .

  22. 结果宿州市县级环境卫生年报表4年平均不合格率为52.50%,错项率为1.59%,漏项率为17.44%,化妆品卫生监督监测年报表合格率高于公共场所、化妆品类年报表。

    Results Unqualified rate was 52.5 % , wrong item rate was 1.59 % , missing item rate was 17.44 % . It also disclosed that the cosmetic product sanitation annual reports had higher qualified rate than other annual reports , e.g. public environment sanitation annual reports .

  23. 淮北、宿州两市地下水限采规划研究

    Pumping-limit Scheme of Confined Groundwater of Huaibei and Suzhou Cities

  24. 宿州金田农机大市场是安徽省“861”重点项目,宿州市政府重点工程。

    Suzhou is the largest market for agricultural machinery Kaneda Anhui " 861 " key project , key project of Suzhou Municipal Government .