
  • 网络CEBU;Cebu City;ceb
  1. CNN新闻,记者安娜·科隆,菲律宾宿务岛报道。

    Anna Coren , CNN , Cebu , the Philippines .

  2. 菲律宾宿务岛上的一个重要海港。

    An important seaport on the Island of Cebu in the Philippines .

  3. 宿务岛的语言和一诺卡诺语等等也是一样。

    So is Cebuano , Ilocano and so forth .

  4. 宿务是菲律宾第二大城市,有着“南方帝都”之美誉。

    Cebu is the second stop of our Philippines trip , which is famous for its prosperity .

  5. 宿务岛的这个机场已经成为该国最大救援行动的集结地。

    This airfield in Cebu has become the staging ground for the country 's biggest relief operation .

  6. 上个月,一名婴儿在宿务太平洋航空公司从迪拜飞往马尼拉的航班上出生。

    Last month , a baby was born on a Cebu Pacific Air flight from Dubai to Manila .

  7. 菲律宾的宿务人所说的语言;它的词汇形成菲律宾的官方语言。

    Language of the people of Cebu in the Philippines ; its lexicon contributes to the official language of the Philippines .

  8. 菲律宾宿务岛水面下,一个庞大沙丁鱼群伪装成一只80英尺(约24米)的海豚穿梭海中,以逃避捕食者的威胁。

    To frighten off potential predators , enormous shoal of sardines grouped together into the shape of an80-feet dolphin below the surface in Cebu in the Philippines .

  9. 据菲律宾国家灾害机构消息,宿务有4人死亡,原因是被倒塌的大楼掩埋。

    There were reports from the Philippine National Disaster Agency that four people died in the town of Cebu , after a building collapsed on top of them .

  10. 菲律宾中部宿务省一艘客轮与一艘货轮相撞,目前事故的死亡人数已上升至28人,另有215人失踪。

    The death toll of the collision between a passenger ship and a cargo vessel in central Philippine province of Cebu has risen to 28 , with 215 others still missing .

  11. 吉隆坡第一次首脑会议见证了东亚峰会的分组设立阶段,今年早些时候在菲律宾宿务举行的第二次首脑会议的则体现出这一峰会更为明显的影响。

    While the first summit in Kuala Lumpur saw the grouping in its establishment phase , the outcomes of the second summit in Cebu held earlier this year were much more apparent .

  12. 去年,一名从宿务太平洋航空公司迪拜飞往马尼拉的航班上出生的婴儿获赠一百万英里的飞行里程奖励,而不是终生免费航班。

    Last year , a baby born on a Cebu Pacific Air flight from Dubai to Manila was given one million frequent flyer miles instead of an open grant of free flights .

  13. 据美联社报道,上周六晚在菲律宾宿务市,一名扮演蒙面枪手的演员被社区警卫误以为是刺客而遭其开枪射杀。

    AP reported that an actor playing a masked gunman was shot dead by a village watchman who allegedly mistook him for a real assassin late last Saturday in Cebu , the Philippines .

  14. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,摄影师史蒂夫德尼夫在菲律宾宿务岛海底拍到一个庞大的沙丁鱼群伪装成一只海豚的画面,它们聚集到一起以逃避捕食者的威胁。

    An enormous shoal of sardines has been photographed appearing to adopt a disguise as they swim in the formation of a dolphin . Steve De Neef photographed the fish near Cebu in the Philippines grouping together to protect themselves from predators , the Daily Telegraph of London reported .

  15. 沙丁鱼群“伪装”海豚求生据英国《每日电讯报》报道,摄影师史蒂夫·德·尼夫在菲律宾宿务岛海底拍到一个庞大的沙丁鱼群“伪装”成一只海豚的画面,它们聚集到一起以逃避捕食者的威胁。

    Dolphin shaped sardine shoal An enormous shoal of sardines has been photographed appearing to adopt a disguise as they swim in the formation of a dolphin . Steve De Neef photographed the fish near Cebu in the Philippines grouping together to protect themselves from predators , the Daily Telegraph of London reported .