
sù zhǔ fàn wéi
  • host range
  1. SB和PB宿主范围极其广泛,从单细胞生物到高等哺乳动物都能够发挥作用。

    SB and PB have a broad host range , from single-celled organisms to higher mammals .

  2. 用宿主范围扩大的重组AcNPV在家蚕中表达TNF

    Expression of Tumor Necrosis Factor in Bombyx mori by Host Range Expanded Recombinant AcNPV

  3. EB病毒感染的宿主范围极其狭窄,仅能感染人及少数几种灵长类动物。

    It can only infect a few kinds of new world primates and human being .

  4. 目的通过比较研究一株分离自医院污水的宽宿主范围大肠埃希菌(E.coli)噬菌体与野生型单一宿主谱E.噬菌体宿主谱改变核酸分析研究

    Objective To study the change of nucleic acid sequence and the germicidal effect of an E. Extracting and comparing analysis the nucleic acid from E.coli bacteriophage with broad host range

  5. 这种ID细胞可用于滴定不能形成XC蚀斑的嗜亲性病毒,并可同时检测不同宿主范围的病毒。

    The ID cell is useful to titrate the ecotropic viruses which hardly develop XC plaque and to detect viruses with various host ranges simultaneously .

  6. MS2噬菌体宿主范围及其相关特性的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the host range of MS2 phage and its related characteristics

  7. NDV属二类病原微生物,易发生变异,其宿主范围广泛,新致病型不断出现。

    NDV , the second category of pathogenic microorganisms , is easy to be mutant and has a broad host-infection range and the new-emerging pathotypes .

  8. 隐孢子虫(Cryptosporidium)是一种重要的人畜共患寄生性原虫,其宿主范围广泛,可以感染包括人在内的240多种动物;由其所引起的隐孢子虫病对人畜危害严重。

    Cryptosporidium spp. are important zoonotic protozoa that infect more than 240 animals , including humans . Cryptosporidiosis can cause severely harmful disease to human and animals .

  9. dsRNA病毒宿主范围广泛,对人或动物造成了重大危害和经济损失。

    Double-stranded RNA ( dsRNA ) viruses have wide range of hosts . They have caused significant damage and economic losses to people or animals .

  10. 为了解斑点叉尾鮰病毒(CCV)感染宿主范围和CCV病暴发的水温条件。

    The host range and the outbreak water temperature of Channel catfish virus ( CCV ) were investigated through experimental CCV infection .

  11. 泡沫病毒(FV)具有广泛的宿主范围,可以感染从人到鱼几乎所有脊椎动物细胞,可见其包膜蛋白具有极强的膜融合能力。

    Foamy viruses have large cellular tropism , which can infect all vertebrates from fish to human being , indicating that Env protein has the high capability of membrane fusion .

  12. 欧文氏菌(Erwinia)是一类重要的植物致病菌,侵染宿主范围广,在世界范围内造成了严重的经济损失。

    Erwinia is an important plant pathogen , which can infect a wide range of host species , thus causes serious economic losses worldwide .

  13. 近年来,报道显示CDV的感染宿主范围不断扩大,部分地区还出现了非典型症状的病例。

    In recent years , CDV has infected a growing number of animals , and there were even cases of atypical symptoms in some areas .

  14. 对虾白斑综合症病毒(WSSV)的宿主范围极其广泛,这也是该病毒得以在世界范围内迅速传播的原因之一。

    One remarkable characteristics of White Spot Syndrome Virus ( WSSV ) is its wide host range , which contributes to its wide geographical distribution .

  15. 鸡减蛋综合征病毒(EDSV)是禽腺病毒Ⅲ群中唯一的成员。其宿主范围较广,毒株毒力差异较大,具有特殊的生物学特性。

    Egg Drop Syndrom Virus ( EDSV ) is the only member in the Fowl Adenovirus Group III , which has special biological characteristics .

  16. 副黏病毒科麻疹病毒属的犬瘟热病毒(CDV)的流行造成了在世界范围内的经济损失,并且其宿主范围的不断扩大,使得其危害越来越严重。

    Canine distemper virus ( CDV ) is the unit of Paramyxovirus Virus measles virus , and caused economic losses worldwide , which become worse because of the increase of its host .

  17. 随着对BHV1分子生物学的深入研究,BHV1已被广泛用于研究宿主范围狭窄而且安全的活病毒载体。

    With the development of BHV1 biological studies , BHV1 was widely investigated as short host ranged and safety living virus vector .

  18. 我们发现天坛株具有广泛的宿主范围,经研究的12种哺乳动物细胞中的11种及原代鸡胚细胞CEF均是天坛株的允许细胞,而中国仓鼠卵巢细胞CHO-K1是天坛株的非允许细胞。

    We found that VTT has broad host cell range that 11 of the 12 mammalian cell lines studied and primary CEF are permissive to VTT infection whereas one , CHO-K1 , is non-permissive .

  19. 鸭腺病毒1型病毒是产蛋下降综合征病毒(EDSV)或类似该病毒的一类腺病毒,它的宿主范围很广,致病力相差很大。

    Duck adenovirus type 1 , including egg drop syndrome virus ( EDSV ) or EDSV-alike fowl adenovirus , have large range of host , and the virulence of the isolates or strains varied .

  20. 通过豆科植物凝集素基因转化扩大根瘤菌宿主范围;

    Extend the rhizobial bacteria into non_legume host plants by lectin gene ;

  21. 它们的宿主范围都很窄。

    These phages had a narrow host range .

  22. 灰霉由于具有广泛的宿主范围,因而可以引起农业生产中的巨大损失。

    Botrytis cinerea can cause great lose in crop production because of the wide host area .

  23. 病毒受体是病毒宿主范围和组织嗜性的一个决定因素。

    Receptors play a crucial role in determining the host specificity and tissue tropism of virus .

  24. 木麻黄根瘤内生菌分离培养和宿主范围的研究

    Studies on the Isolation , Culture and Host Ranges of Frankia Strains from the Root Nodules of Casuarina Species

  25. 采用限制性内切酶图谱分析和宿主范围测定方法,对分离的噬菌体进行分类;

    Classification of the isolated phages was done with the methods of restriction fragment analysis of phage genome and host range analysis .

  26. 方法:采集动物体表寄生蜱类,分类鉴定、分析蜱类区系分布与宿主范围。

    Method : We collected ticks on animal bodys and classified into species , so that the distribution of ticks was confirmed .

  27. 造成莱姆病的伯氏包柔螺旋体以及狂犬病的病毒就是这种具有广泛宿主范围的动物源性病原体。

    The bacterium that causes Lyme disease , Borrelia burgdorferi , and rabies virus are examples of zoonotic pathogens that have a broad host range .

  28. 国内外尚未见到对其进行致病性、宿主范围、抗原性、免疫原性和血清学调查等研究。

    There have not been researches for its pathogenicity , host range , antigenicity , immunogenicity and serological surveys , etc. at home and abroad .

  29. 猴的感染表明,随着基因突变细小病毒的宿主范围和致病性在不断地在发生着变化,其如何实现跨越种间屏障及其能否跨种感染人类等问题仍不清楚。

    How did this parvovirus from monkey break inter-species barrier and whether can it be able to infect humans cross the species barrier are still unclear .

  30. 近年来其自然感染宿主范围不断扩大,除了犬和毛皮动物外,还可以感染狮、虎、灵长类等多种动物。

    In recent years , CD natural host range increased from canine and fur-bearing animals to many animals such as lion , tiger and even to primate .