
jiā fǎ
  • Family Law;domestic discipline exercised by the head of a feudal household;a rod for punishing children or servants in a feudal household
家法 [jiā fǎ]
  • (1) [domestic discipline exercised by the head of a feudal household]∶家长统治本家或本族人的法度

  • 圣贤家法。--清. 全祖望《梅花岭记》

  • (2) [a rod for punishing children or servants in a feudal household]∶家长责打家人或孩子的用具

家法[jiā fǎ]
  1. CLO并不属于在一定程度上导致此前美国住房抵押贷款市场崩盘的衍生金融产品,后者是曼哈顿下城正在对高盛(GoldmanSachs)前银行家法布里斯•图尔进行审判的案件的核心。

    Clos are not the derivatives that are in part credited with blowing up the mortgage market and are at the heart of a trial going on in lower Manhattan against former Goldman Sachs ( GS ) banker Fabrice Tourre .

  2. QUALIPAC是一家法资集团公司,业务遍布全球,专业从事名牌化妆品塑料包装容器制造。

    QUALIPAC is a French group , worldwide established and specialized in the manufacturing of plastic packaging for the leading brands in the Perfumery and Cosmetic industry .

  3. 家法族规与人民调解制度&试论两者的共通之处及家法族规对人民调解制度的借鉴

    FOR THE PEOPLE The Clan Rules and the System of People Intermediation

  4. 广西家法族规概论

    An Introduction to the Family and Clan Regulations in Guangxi

  5. 唐代成文家法的产生是这一趋势的突出表现。

    Formulated family rule in Tang dynasty was the notable feature of this tide .

  6. 法学家法是在对习惯法进行认识和提炼的基础上形成的。

    Juristic law is formed on the basis of recognizing and refining the customary law .

  7. 家法族规在明清法律体系中的地位

    The Position of Family discipline and Clan Role in Ming and Qing Dynasties ' legal system

  8. 论明清时期宗谱家法中植树护林的行为

    Study On the Tree-planting and Forest-protecting Action in Genealogy and Clan-dharma during Ming and Qing Dynasty

  9. 首先研究家法的功能及其对文学的影响。

    It starts to investigate the function of family code of conduct and its impact on literature .

  10. 少数民族习惯规范和国家法的冲突及互动&以景颇族为例

    The conflicts and integration between ethnic customary norms and national law & As an example of Jingpo

  11. 乡村纠纷中国家法与民间法的互动&法律史和法律人类学相关研究评述

    Interaction between State Law and Folk Law in Village Disputes State and Society : the Model of Studying Folk Law

  12. 在这一节里,主要论述了儒家文化是如何利用宗族家法制度来传承的。

    In this section , it mainly discusses how to inherit the Confucian culture using the patriarchal clan family discipline system .

  13. 法律多元已经成为一个标志性的范畴,用于指称现实社会中国家法与非国家法并存的一种现实存在,它是社会实然状况与法律观念形态的综合体现。

    Legal pluralism has become a landmark category , for alleged the coexist of the national law and the non-national law .

  14. 这家法荷运营商手头的事已经够多了,它正试图稳定财务状况、削减单位成本和机队。

    The Franco-Dutch carrier has plenty on its plate as it tries to stabilise finances and cut unit costs and fleet .

  15. 家族则通过家法族规来约束族内女性成员的思想和行为。

    The family adopted domestic discipline and clan rule to control the members of women 's thought and behavior in the family .

  16. 特别是在广大少数民族地区除国家法之外,还存在着大量民族习惯法。

    Particularly in the vast minority areas , in addition to state law , there exist a large number of national customary laws .

  17. 对于乡村纠纷中国家法与民间法的关系问题,法律史和法律人类学领域的部分学者做了相当出色的工作。

    Some scholars in the field of legal historiography and legal anthropology excellently studied on the relation between constitutional law and nongovernmental law .

  18. 中国传统家训研究中国传统家庭道德教育的特殊形式&唐代家法初探

    On the Traditional Family Education of China The Special Modality of Traditional Chinese Family Education & A Preliminary Study on Family Rule in Tang Dynasty

  19. 针对日益增多的女性犯罪,国家法律和家法族规都对其进行了相应的调整。

    With the growing number of female crimes , laws as well as clan regulations and family rules found their place in the control of them .

  20. 家法族规在中国文明史上占据过重要的地位,对于中国社会的形成与发展也起到过一定的作用。

    Clan rules played a very important role in the history of China civilization and have deep effects on the form and development of China society .

  21. 从地域性的视野分析,家法族规是赣南客家传统文化的一部分,其历史久远。

    Based on the field work analysis on regionalization , family laws are partially traditional culture of Gannan Hakka people , which has a long history .

  22. 摘要本文在田野调查的基础上,运用民族学的方法及仪式理论,对辛家法会的仪式结构及文化进行了初步解读。

    Based on fieldwork , the article uses the method of Ethnology and ritual theory , discusses Xinjia magic assemblage structure and it 's culture analysis .

  23. 春秋时期法律革新思想的出现和战国各家法哲学思想都是《易传》法哲学思想产生的重要渊源。

    Spring and autumn period , the emergence of the legal innovation thought and the warring states period from legal philosophy is Yi-zhuan philosophy produce important origins .

  24. 第三部分阐述家法族规等民间法律规则在当下中国存在的合理性。

    Next , the third part states the rationale of the existence of nongovernmental laws and regulations such as domestic disciplines and clan regulations in modern China .

  25. 反思中国法制现代化建设中国家法与民间法的作用十分必要。

    It is therefore imperative that we reflect on the functions of the state law and the popular law in the construction of legal modernization in China .

  26. 在土家家法中,族规是宗族的法典;族长是家族的首领,拥有绝对权力;家法实施的范围和家谱的范围一致。

    According to the family law of Tujia nationality , the clan regulation is the code . Shaikh is the leader of whole family and has absolute power .

  27. 埃利希将法分为国法、活法、法学家法三类。要想准确把握其习惯法思想的内涵,还需厘清这三种法与习惯法的内在逻辑关系。

    To accurately grasp the essence of the idea of customary law , we should make clear the internal relations between these three kinds of law and the customary law .

  28. 中国古代的大家闺秀想必西方人一定毫无想象,更不必说中国古代的“男尊女卑”及古时的家法等一切束缚主义的思想。

    Ancient Chinese people Guixiu presumably Westerners must not imagine , not to mention ancient China 's " patriarchal " and the ancient and all the lessons of the ideological shackles .

  29. 原注二:白善孝为先,不孝之罪有时候是严重到可以用家法处死的。他最后的行为就是这一种不孝。

    Violation of filial piety ," The first of a hundred virtues ," sometimes was punished by death within the clan . His last act must be a deed of impiety .

  30. 其他期刊文献主要是分析习惯法和国家法的冲突,再探讨应如何调和习惯法与国家法的冲突问题。

    Periodical Literature is to analyze the other major common law and state law conflict , and then explore how to reconcile the customary law in the national law of the conflict .