
  • earned value;Value;realize the value
  1. 实现价值打点手艺的体例仍是按照曩昔的实施结不美观展望未来绩效的一种手段。

    The earned value management methodology also provides a means to forecast future performance based upon past performance .

  2. 所以,SIP协议在近些年得到了多方面大力的关注与发展,具有相当大的研究意义与实现价值。

    Therefore , SIP protocol in recent years has been the concern of many strong and development , with a fair amount of research significance and realizes value .

  3. 因而,要实现价值创造型企业的发展目标,对现代制造业的价值管理就要上升到比传统的价值工程更高的层次&全面价值管理(TVM)。

    To realize the target of " Enterprises of Value Creating Model ", the value management of modern manufacturing industry should rise to a higher level than the traditional VA & " Total Value Management "( TVM ) . What ′ s the TVM ?

  4. 所有事物都只不过是实现价值目标的手段或工具。

    Everything is but means or tool of realizing the value objective .

  5. 总之,风险导向内部审计将成为电网企业内部审计的必然趋势,将为电网企业提高绩效、实现价值增值提供重要的保证!

    Risk-oriented internal audit will realize the value added , provide important guarantee .

  6. 借助电子商务实施,实现价值链集成。

    Realize value chain integration through implementing e-business .

  7. 发现需求,实现价值。

    Discover needs and realize value .

  8. 构建基于价值链的成本管理方法和业绩评价指标体系,充分发挥价值链会计的管理职能,更好地为企业实现价值最大化服务。

    The value chain accounting will perform its function of management to serve the enterprise well .

  9. 公司财务是财务学的核心部分,该部分的主要内容是在不确定情况下进行有限资源的跨时间配置,具体工作是组织财务活动,处理财务关系,实现价值创造最大化。

    Corporate finance is the key part of financial studies concerning the time-transcending allocation of limited resources .

  10. 通过资产重组促使困境企业实现价值增值的期权博弈分析方法

    The Analytic Methods of Real Options and Game Theory in the Value Increase of Failing Firm Through Asset Restructuring

  11. 市值管理的中心要义是实现价值信息在企业与资本市场之间流动的顺畅。

    The core of Market Value Management is to realize smooth flow of value information between companies and capital market .

  12. 但只有建设政治文明、改造社会存在,才是改变社会意识、实现价值内化的根本出路。

    Building up political civilization and transforming social being are the way out to change social consciousness and realize inherent value .

  13. 薪酬或者工资,在绝大多数人眼中就是一个实现价值的代名词。

    Wages or salaries , in the eyes of the vast majority of people are realizing the value of having one .

  14. 道德既是价值规范,又是实现价值的实践活动,还是人类利益意志的“人为法则”。

    Morality is the standard of value , the practical activities of accomplishing the moral value and the man made law of human interests'will .

  15. 并购双方的匹配性是一项并购能否获取协同效应、实现价值创造的前提和基础。

    The fit between M & A partners is the premise and basis of determining whether the transaction can obtain synergy and create value .

  16. 他将从这两种方案的协作实现价值的失败归因于其发起者的驱动力利益是相背的。

    He attributes the failure to capitalize on the synergies between the two approaches to the diverging interests of the drivers of the initaitives .

  17. 针对这个问题,本文在分析前人成果的基础上提出了人力资源当期实现价值系数法计量模型。

    The paper establishes a measure model of the coefficient method for realized value of human resource in current period based on the former production .

  18. 通过不断地对网络结构进行维护和更新,使系统以更优的轨迹实现价值输出。

    At the same time , the target that value output can realize maximizing optimization will be achieved through continuously maintenance and renewing the network structure .

  19. 技术创新是知识创新的延伸与深化,是应用创新知识,服务于市场并实现价值的过程。

    While the technology innovation is the extending and deepening of knowledge innovation , as well as a process of serving market and realizing value by applying innovation knowledge .

  20. 公司价值最大化已经成为公司管理的终极目标,如何实现价值创造便成为公司管理的现实目标。

    The maximization of value of the company has become the ultimate objective of company management . How to realize this therefore becomes the practical objective of company management .

  21. 调度准则充分考虑了任务的工作方式优先级和截止期,并以任务丢失率、实现价值率、系统时间利用率作为评估指标。

    The scheduling criterion took both priorities and deadlines into account fully , with the Task Drop Ratio , Hit Value Ratio , Time Utilization Ratio as evaluation indexes .

  22. 只有依据新的历史条件,实现价值观的变革和重建,才能为大学生的健康成长提供良好的思想基础和精神保障。

    Only when we realize the transformation and reconstruction of values under the new historical condition , can we provide students ' healthy growth with good thought and spiritual guarantee .

  23. 大约90%的消费者相信他人的推荐(而仅仅14%的人相信广告),而商家也能通过参与这种消费者之间的对话来实现价值。

    Some 90 % of consumers trust peer recommendations ( just 14 % trust advertisements ) * and businesses can start to realize value through participation in these peer-to-peer conversations .

  24. 同时,文中分析了支付工具演变的三个规律:(1)、支付工具的演变必须实现价值保值;

    At the same time , this section discusses three evolving laws of means ofpayment : ( 1 )、 the means of payment should preserve value during it ' sevolvement ;

  25. 最后,作者借鉴国际权威咨询公司的成果对各类企业如何立足自身客观条件逐步实现价值增长提出了具体的策略思路。

    At last , according to research fruits of international authoritative consulting companies , the author puts forward some detailed suggestions on how to carry out value growth on objective conditions .

  26. 我描述了解耦方面的所有好处,每次解耦都能提升组织的敏捷度,进而降低成本、减少实现价值所需的时间。

    I characterise each benefit in terms of a decoupling , where each decoupling increases an organizations agility , and increased agility results in reduced costs and reduced time to value .

  27. 人的理论认识向实践转化的过程既是通过实践而发现真理的过程,也是通过实践而实现价值的过程。

    The process of the transformation from theoretical knowledge to practice is not only a way to search out truth via practice , is also a way to realize value through practice .

  28. 税收筹划是现代企业一种积极的理财意识,可以通过合法的手段将税负控制在合理水平,有助于企业实现价值最大化。

    Tax Planning is a positive fiscal awareness in modern enterprise , through legitimate means to control the tax burden at a reasonable level is helpful to maximize the value of enterprise .

  29. 在价值的多层次中统统筹兼顾,在价值的多样性中融合汇通,是中国当代电视文艺实现价值追求的基本路径。

    From the angle of development , the basic path which contemporary Chinese television literature pursues to realize its value is trying to attain higher fusion out of multi level and variety .

  30. 并且进一步指出,通过优化企业内部价值链以建立成本优势,外部价值链则要处理好顾客价值、核心能力和相互关系,通过优化企业内外部价值链更好地实现价值创造。

    In the external value chain aspect , we should well process the relationship between customer value and core ability , better realization the creation of value by optimizes enterprise interior value chain .