
  • 网络punitive rule about earnest money
  1. 商品房认购书中定金罚则适用的困惑与反思

    On Puzzle and Introspection of the Application of sin Subscription Certificate

  2. 在双方当事人均不履行合同时,不能适用定金罚则;

    The deposit avouchment can 't be applied to loan contract .

  3. 对定金罚则的适用,应以当事人有无过错为依据。

    Deposit penalties applicable , should be parties with or without fault .

  4. 从性质上讲,预约责任不排斥实际履行、损害赔偿、违约金及定金罚则的适用。

    A pre-contract does not exclude in nature the application of real performance , damage compensation and penalty regulation of damages and deposit .

  5. 在当事人的损害赔偿额未超过适用定金罚则数额时,应当适用定金罚则,而不再另行予以损害赔偿。

    The amount of damages to the party does not exceed the amount of penalties applicable to the deposit , deposit penalty should be applied and other damages do not to need to compensate .

  6. 认购书中的定金纠纷在实际生活中日渐增多,但定金罚则自有其适用的规则。

    The disputes about the deposit of subscription certificate have increased .