
  • 网络quota method
  1. 采用定额法得出青岛市未来年份的工业需水量。

    The industrial water demand of Qingdao in the future years is obtained by using the quota method .

  2. 犍为县农村居民点整理潜力预测采用人均定额法,利用挂钩潜力系数来表示挂钩潜力的大小,得出犍为县规划期末挂钩的供给能力。

    The rural residential areas potential forecast in QianWei county by per capita quota method , Using the link to represent the size of the hook potential potential coefficient , finally it is concluded that hook supply capacity of QianWei county in the future .

  3. 浅析定额法与实物量法

    Discussion of the norm method and the real object quantity method

  4. 定额法编制水利工程施工招标标底

    Using norm method to prepare the construction bidding pretender for hydraulic project

  5. 用定额法做实物工作量法工程造价

    Utilizing quota " method to finish object work quantization " project cost

  6. 随后首先以生态用水定额法计算了不同生态系统生态环境需水量,该部分是流域河道外生态环境需水的值,其次计算了流域河道内生态环境需水量。

    The fifth part is the calculation of the consumption of the eco-environmental water demand of YanHe Basin .

  7. 对甘肃省未来15年的社会经济发展做出了预测,并且运用定额法对各行业的需水情况进行了预测。

    It forecasts the development of social economy and the water demand in different departments in 15 years .

  8. 对延河流域生态系统进行了划分,对河道外的生态环境需水量计算采用了生态用水定额法进行计算,得出了延河流域河道外生态环境需水量;

    On the basis of classification of ecosystems , the consumption of eco-environmental water outside YanHe channel was calculated ;

  9. 采用面积定额法估算泾河流域31个县的农作物需水量,从农作物需水结构着手,探讨农业用水存在的问题。

    The quota-area method was used to estimate water demands of agricultural crops in 31 counties of the Jinghe Watershed .

  10. 国外的计算方法可以分为4类:历史流量法、水力定额法、栖息地法和整体分析法。

    These valuation methods in foreign countries can be classified as four types : historic flow methods , hydraulic rating methods , habitat rating methods , holistic methods .

  11. 针对研究区域的情况,主要从数量结构和空间结构两个方面进行了优化。对于数量结构的优化,采用了指标定额法和回归分析的方法对数量结构进行预测分析,以求优化结果的合理性。

    Combining research area , use the index method and regression analysis of the norm of the number of structure prediction method in order to optimize rationality of analysis result .

  12. 将河道内生态需水计算方法分为4类&历史流量法、水力定额法、栖息地法、整体分析法;

    The calculation methods for river ecological water demand are classified into four kinds : the historical flow method , hydraulic rating method , habitat rating method , and holistic method .

  13. 通过定额法与实物量法的比较分析,两者对水利水电工程造价管理具有一定的指导意义。

    Based on the comparison and the analysis of the norm method and the real object quantity method , they have the merit and defect in the work cost management of hydraulic and hydroelectric projects .

  14. 综合分析了国内外钻井周期预测方法,归纳出历史水平法、典型案例法、学习曲线法、工序工时法、周期定额法等,并进行了简要分析和论述。

    This paper analyses and discusses five means of forecasting petroleum drilling cycle in the world , including historical level method , typical cases method , learning curve method , procedure work-hour method and cyclic rating method .

  15. 详细综述了需水量预测的研究与方法,总结出生活、工业、农业、生态需水量的预测公式,最后运用用水定额法对需水量进行预测。

    And then summarize in detail the prediction of the research methods and the water , summarized the life , industry , agriculture , ecological water demand forecasting formula of , finally using the method of water predicted the water demand .

  16. 该文基于对民勤灌区机井抽样测试与调查,运用耗电量测算法和平均灌溉定额法,分析计算了民勤灌区现状地下水开采利用量。

    This paper analysed and Calculated the Current Situation of groundwater exploitation of the Minqin Irrigation District by using of the electricity consumption measurement and the average irrigation quota based on the pumping well sampling measurement and investigation of the Minqin Irrigation District .

  17. 定额成本法与标准成本法的比较

    On the Comparison of the Quota Cost Method and the Norm Cost Method

  18. 在引入作业成本法之前,企业采用定额成本法对产品成本进行核算。

    Before the ABC system , it had taken the fixed cost method as the basic tool of production cost accounting .

  19. 以管理费用为例对固定耗费在作业成本法中的分配进行了阐述,提出了实际分配法和定额分配法两种方法,并分析了两种方法的适用范围。

    It also expounds distribution of static expense to cost , and poses two methods : actual distributing and quota distributing .

  20. 详细叙述定额预算法、成本测算法、市场价格比较法的内容构成、算法和操作步骤。

    It details the contents , measures and operation procedures for quota budget method , cost measuring method and market price comparison method .

  21. 介绍了实物法确定工程造价的方法,并对现行定额单价法的不足作了分析,阐述了实物法确定工程造价的优越性,提出编制预算具体的工作步骤。

    The real object method is introduced for project cost determination . With analysis on the disadvantages of current norm unit price method the advantages of the real object method are elaborated as well as concrete operation in budget making .

  22. 查标准工时定额表法是一种常用的、重要的工时定额计算方法,但在计算非标准结点时误差较大,难以制定较精确的工时定额。

    Searching standard man-hour quota table is a popular , important method to calculate man-hour quota , but when the method is used to calculate non-standard nodes in man-hour quota table , it has large errors and is hard to compute accurate man-hour quota .

  23. 制定自由锻件工时定额的相关要素法

    Relative factors on hours required for free forgings