
  • 网络Pricing policy;price policy
  1. 从疫苗价格相关属性谈疫苗定价政策的完善

    Perfection of Vaccine Pricing Policy through research on Vaccine price-relating attributes

  2. 价格和定价政策在所有销售策略中起着很重要的作用。

    Price and pricing policy play an important role in all marketing strategy .

  3. 最近几周,中国政府发起了多起调查,调查范围既包括微软(Microsoft)等公司涉嫌触犯反垄断法的,也包括外国豪华汽车制造商的定价政策。

    Chinese government officials have launched various probes in recent weeks , exploring both antitrust violations of companies such as Microsoftas well as the pricing policies of foreign luxury automakers .

  4. 这些交易符合力拓定价政策的所有标准。

    They conformed to all criteria of Rio pricing policies .

  5. 毕竟,苹果对自己的产品一直都是采取高定价政策。

    After all , Apple has always priced its products at a premium .

  6. 研究所有潜在竞争对手的定价政策。

    Study the pricing policies of any possible competitor .

  7. 本文以比较的方法对美国华盛顿州正在实践中的宏观研究生学费定价政策进行了分析。

    This article makes a comparative analysis of the practice undergoing in Washington State .

  8. 定价政策(向补贴与反补贴措施委员会作出通知)

    Pricing Policies ( to be notified to the Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures )

  9. 具体地说,主要包括以下几个方面:跨国公司的价值链管理、跨国公司的投资管理、跨国公司转移定价政策以及跨国公司的绩效评价。

    These aspects include : Value Chain Management , Investment Management , Transfer Price Policy and Achievement Evaluation .

  10. 拥挤定价政策在改善了社会福利的同时也不可避免的带来了不公平因素。显然,追求公平与追求社会福利最大化的目标是相互矛盾的。

    It is inevitably to bring inequity for congestion pricing and equity conflicts with social welfare each other .

  11. 除了增值税及海关的影响外,税务筹划中还应考虑转让定价政策的影响。

    Further to VAT and customs , transfer pricing policy should be considered in the overall tax planning .

  12. 论文研究结果可以为天然气定价政策评估和决策支持提供实验数据。

    The study results show that the experimental data supports the assessment and decision of natural gas pricing policy .

  13. 跨国公司在世界范围内进行投资时,把制定适当的转移定价政策作为公司战略的重点。

    While multinational corporation invests in all of the world , it takes transfer pricing as a corporation strategy .

  14. 对城市消费者保持粮食低价格是歧视农民的定价政策得以推行的重要促进因素。

    Maintaining low food prices for urban consumers is an important motivation for having pricing policies that discriminate against farmers .

  15. 制药业正在忙着削减成本、重新审议定价政策,并把研发外包给高校以及较小的生物技术企业。

    The sector is busy trimming costs , re-examining pricing policies and outsourcing research to universities and smaller biotech companies .

  16. 然而交通拥挤定价政策的复杂性使得传统的研究方法难以对其进行准确描述。

    However , it is difficult to express exactly by conventional method because of the complexity of traffic congestion pricing problem .

  17. 这必须包括建立环境定价政策、取消化石能源补贴,以及就减少碳排放的合理承诺达成一致。

    This must include establishing environmental pricing policies , cancelling fossil fuel subsidies , and agreeing reasonable commitments to reduce carbon emissions .

  18. 政府企业也通过定价政策履行职责。我很难过,我没有履行自己的职责。

    Government enterprises also exercise their responsibilities through their pricing policies . I felt bad that I had not done my duty .

  19. 食品价格高企也反映出了一些发展中国家不够审慎的农产品定价政策。这些也需要得到改善。

    High food prices also reflect imprudent agricultural pricing policies in some developing countries , and these too need to be improved .

  20. 对国有股减持等待期限和定价政策等对控制权收益的影响程度也进行了定量分析。

    Meanwhile , the effect degree of waiting deadline of the state stock reduction and pricing policy on controlling-rights earning was also quantitatively studied .

  21. 进出口关税税率等变量,建立模型的目的在于帮助跨国公司管理者制定转让定价政策。

    The objectivity of formulating the model is to help the corporation management evaluate the effect of transfer price decision on the worldwide profit .

  22. 这一判决具有里程碑式的意义,要求兄弟俩在判决后6周内就其天然气供应合同重新谈判,谈判结果应遵从政府的天然气定价政策。

    The landmark verdict directed the brothers to renegotiate their gas-supply contract within six weeks , in keeping with the government 's gas-pricing policy .

  23. 这些定价政策被认为是最高利益获取价与价格渗透的组合,定价方法被视为需求导向。

    These pricing policies are considered to be the combination of price skimming and penetrating , while the pricing method is considered to be demand-oriented .

  24. 论文的研究成果对于拥挤定价政策的可行性研究,以及分析拥挤定价政策对城市交通的影响具有一定的现实意义。

    It is useful to the feasibility study of traffic congestion pricing . And the study of congestion pricing impact has practical significance to city traffic .

  25. 未来的策略应该集中于改变食品定价政策,影响有关健康内容和体育教育的学校政策,并改善学校小卖部的商品。

    Future strategies could focus on changing food pricing policy , influencing school policy on health matters and physical education , and changing the content of school canteens .

  26. 在过去一年中,由于定价政策由年度定价变成了季度定价,矿商们已将现货价格涨幅中的30%收入囊中。

    Miners ' move from an annual to a quarterly pricing policy has helped them to lock in a 30 per cent spot price rise over the past year .

  27. 我国现行的药品定价政策适用于所有的药品,不论是仿制药还是创新药,不论技术创新程度和临床效果,均采用以生产成本和有限研发成本为基础的简单定价方法。

    It adopts a simple cost-based pricing method , which takes manufacturing cost and R & D cost in consideration and neglects the difference between generic drugs and innovative drugs .

  28. 如何阐述一项定价政策显然十分重要&这令那些能够将定价全都变成数学公式、并让政策的阐述变得毫不相干的经济学家们感到不安。

    How a pricing policy is presented clearly matters – which is disconcerting to economists , who can translate all the pricing into mathematical equations and make the presentation irrelevant .

  29. 其次,芬兰航空表示,多媒体短信服务提供了向顾客发送二维条形码的手段,但手机运营商需要重新调整其定价政策。

    Secondly , multimedia message service ( MMS ) provides a method to deliver a 2D barcode to a customer but mobile operators need to readjust their pricing policy , says the airline .

  30. 主要对策有合理定价政策、控制用药品种、规范处方行为、完善医疗机构经营机制、限定流通机构利润、加强医药监管系统、全面应用药物经济学等。

    Major containments should involve : scientific pricing principle , essential drug list , prescription criteria , hospital management upgrade , restriction on distribution profit , concentrated drug monitor system , execution of Pharmacoeconomics .