
  1. 劳动定员定额的基础原理与方法问题研究

    A Research on Basic Principles and Methodology of Labour-Requirement and Work-Quota

  2. 部门预算改革的一项主要内容就是基本支出的定员定额管理。

    Budget quota is one of the major contents of departmental budgetary reform .

  3. 企业劳动定员定额管理模式研究

    Model Research of Enterprise Personnel Work Quota

  4. 向效率管理要效益&对当前企业劳动定员定额工作的思考

    Efficiency management creates benefit & The thought in the work of manpower authorization and labour quota

  5. 建立定员定额与实物资产相结合的定额标准体系。

    Establishes fixed quantity standard system which the fixed member fixed quantity and the real asset unify .

  6. 扩大基本支出定员定额和实物费用定额试点。

    Trials to set the allowable number of employees , level of funding and limits for spending for goods within basic expenditures expanded .

  7. 建立健全机构编制与经费预算衔接机制,完善行政开支定员定额标准。

    We will create a sound mechanism for linking staffing levels with budgetary funding and improve the standards for setting the allowed number of employees and the level of administrative expenses .

  8. 它丰富了劳动定员定额管理的内容,填补了劳动定员定额中编制定员标准体系方面的空白,为现代人力资源管理理论提供了有益补充。

    In theory , it enriches the work and personnel quota theory , fills in the blanks of the design of standard personnel system , and makes beneficial supplements for the modern HRM .

  9. 劳动定员定额管理是人力资源管理体系中最基础的工作,对人力资源的管理与开发的作用举足轻重。

    In human resource management system , work and personnel quota management is the most basic work , and it plays an important role for human resources management and development ( HRMD for short ) .

  10. 从定员定额管理与人工成本控制相互关系及其影响效应研究出发,阐明了效率管理对人工成本进行有效控制的科学观点,同时就其方法的可操作性以及相关的配套措施进行了深入的论述。

    〕 Started out from the relations between fixed number of staffs , quota management and artificial cost control and its effect , this paper clarifies the scientific view of efficiency management for artificial cost and deeply discusses its methods , operational ability and related matching measures . 〔