
  • 网络HTC
  1. 从参数来看,小米4似乎要和苹果公司的iPhone、三星电子的Galaxy系列以及宏达国际电子股份有限公司(HTCCo.,2498.TW,简称:宏达国际)的One系列手机抢夺市场。

    Specwise , the phone looks aimed at the same market as Apple Inc. 's iPhone , Samsung Electronics Co. 's Galaxy line and HTC Corp. 's One line .

  2. 华为已经进入智能手机市场,其生产的更为廉价的智能手机给台湾的宏达国际电子股份有限公司(HTC)等企业造成了压力。

    Huawei has already moved into smartphones , with cheaper handsets that put pressure on companies like Taiwan 's HTC .

  3. 宏达国际电子股份有限公司(HTCCo.,2498.TW,简称:宏达国际)本季度首次开始外包部分智能手机的生产业务,目的是降低成本,争夺发展中市场的客户。

    HTC Corp. began to outsource production of some of its smartphones for the first time this quarter , as it looked to slash costs and pursue customers in developing markets .

  4. 台湾手机生产商宏达国际电子股份有限公司(HTCCorp.)周一宣布,计划在明年之前与中国移动联手推出7款3G手机,包括至少一款使用Android操作系统的手机。

    On Monday , Taiwanese phone maker HTC Corp. announced it plans to launch seven third-generation phones , including at least one Android phone , with China Mobile by next year .

  5. 《华尔街日报》周一报道称,苹果正从竞争对手宏达国际电子股份有限公司(HTCCo.简称:宏达国际)和其他台湾科技公司挖工程师,来扩大自己在上海和台北的团队。

    The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Apple is poaching engineers from rival smartphone maker HTC and other Taiwanese tech firms , to build up its teams in Shanghai and Taipei .

  6. 虽然这款塑料外壳手机缺少宏达国际电子股份有限公司(HTCCo.,2498.TW,简称:宏达国际)全金属外壳手机One(M8)时髦和奢华的感觉,不过GalaxyS5背面使用了点状纹理材质,易于手握。

    Though the plastic phone lacks the stylishness and luxury feel of the new all-metal HTC One ( M8 ) , the back of the phone now features a dotted Band-Aid-like texture , which helps with grip .

  7. 宏达国际电子股份有限公司(HTC)取代苹果,成为美国最大的智能手机卖家,计算机公司宏碁(Acer)则超越戴尔(Dell),成为全球第二大个人电脑生产商。

    The device maker HTC had surpassed Apple to become the largest smartphone vendor in the United States , while the computer company Acer had leapfrogged Dell to become the world 's second-largest personal computer maker .

  8. 其实,苹果一直通过向搭载谷歌安卓(Android)移动操作系统的电子产品制造商(三星、宏达国际电子股份有限公司(HTCCorp.)和摩托罗拉移动(MotorolaMobility)等)发起诉讼,而在与搜索巨头谷歌打一场代理人战争。

    In effect , Apple has been fighting a proxy war against the search giant by going after makers of devices running Google 's Android mobile operating system-including Samsung Electronics Co. ( SSNHY , 005930 . SE ) , HTC Corp. ( HTCXF , 2498 . TW ) and Motorola Mobility .