- 名McCarthyism

For a follow-up , Mr. Brooker said he wanted to try his version of a series like Rod Serling 's " Twilight Zone , " which offered parables about racism , McCarthyism and nuclear paranoia , concealed in the garb of traditional science fiction .
But whereas Robeson 's activism ran headlong into early cold-war paranoia , blacklists and McCarthyism , Mr Belafonte was luckier : his career rose more or less in tandem with the American civil-rights movement .
Many are the Crimes : McCarthyism in America . 1998 .
At that time , however , McCarthyism prevailed in the United States .
And it is just a modern-day form of McCarthyism
McCarthyism and China Studies in the United States
She was a victim of mccarthyism .
Schrecker , Ellen . No Ivory Tower : McCarthyism and the Universities . 1986 .
Well , that and , you know , Mccarthyism and Segregation and Nuclear Arms Race .
He used his celebrity to speak out against fascism , racial prejudice and the McCarthy hearings .
This thesis analyses the reasons for its rise and fall and explores its influences on U.S. ideology and its China policy .
In Gardner 's mind , VENONA was almost an art form , and he did not want it sullied by crude McCarthyism .
Although it lasted for only five years , McCarthyism has exerted a strong influence on American society , politics and foreign policy and a long-lasting effect .
Joshua Kurlantzick , now at the Council on Foreign Relations , portrays him as on the losing side in a battle in post-war Washington , as McCarthyite frenzy turned American foreign policy into a " with-us-or-against-us " crusade against communism .
They have made a successful career in China , but they lost the emotion and marriage , bearing the loneliness and solitude . They gain a reputation , but also took the risk , they become the object of Mccarthyism in the United States .