
  • 网络macroeconomic environment;Macroeconomics Environment;macro economic environment;macro environment
  1. 同时,论文还需要对引起IPO效应的非可控因素,如:公司如何根据应对宏观经济环境和外部竞争环境的变化来降低IPO效应的影响等方面进行深入、具体的研究。

    Meanwhile , the paper also caused the need for the non-controllable IPO of factors , such as : how the company according to the macroeconomic environment and external changes in the competitive environment to reduce the effect of IPO in areas such as in-depth , specific research .

  2. 作业成本法产生与发展的宏观经济环境

    Macroeconomic Environment for the Birth and Development of Activity Based Costing

  3. 对该产业进行预测时还要考虑天气和宏观经济环境等其他不确定因素。

    Other variables in making forecasts for the industry include the weather and the general economic climate .

  4. 从宏观经济环境、国家产业政策、替代品以及加入WTO等四个方面进行了机会分析;

    It analyzes the opportunities in the aspects of macro-economic environment , national industry policy , substitutes and entry into WTO .

  5. SSCM公司是厦门的一家进口工程机械销售商,由于宏观经济环境和整体行业环境的变化,企业的应收账款居高不下。

    SSCM is an import engineering machines seller in Xiamen .

  6. 其次,文章运用SWOT分析法,分析鞍山自来水公司发展所面临的宏观经济环境,提出公司发展的威胁与机遇;自来水公司在这样的环境下自身发展的优势与劣势。

    Secondly , on the basis of applying SWOT , the paper analysis the macro and micro economic environment of Anshan general supply Water Company and discusses the strength and weaken opportunity and threaten to the company .

  7. 宏观经济环境、地区经济发展水平直接影响企业的违约概率,企业所在地区的人均GDP、人均财政收入越高、企业违约的可能性就越小。

    Macroeconomic environment , the level of economic development in the region directly affects the default probability of companies , GDP per capita , and income per capita , the higher the income per capita , the lower the possibility of corporate default .

  8. 首先,采用PEST分析方法,对企业面临的政治环境、宏观经济环境和运输行业经济环境、社会环境和科技环境等进行分析得到北京铁路局所处的宏观环境背景。

    First of all , using PEST analysis method , to the enterprise faced with political environment , the macroscopic economic environment and transport industry economic environment , social environment and technology environment of BIST , obtained the macro environment background .

  9. 这些关键问题主要包括有:从Z钢材物流园所处的环境中的政策环境、宏观经济环境、行业发展环境、区位交通环境四个方面对其的可行性和必要性进行探讨,以及进行SWOT分析。

    The problems are listed below : 1 . Analyze the possibility and necessity of the circumstance of the Z-Steel logistic park , including the policy , macro-economy , development of the industry , location and transportation . SWOT analysis will be used . 2 .

  10. 专注于你的微观经济:忘掉宏观经济环境。

    Concentrate on your micro economy : forget the macroeconomic climate .

  11. 近几年来欧盟宏观经济环境保持健康状态,并且和我国的关系发展势头良好,无疑是一个理想的目标市场。

    No doubt , it 's an ideal goal market .

  12. 要保持健康稳定、适度发展的宏观经济环境;

    We should keep healthy , stable , properly developing macro-economy atmosphere .

  13. 保险经营活动往往随着宏观经济环境的变化而发生周期性的改变。

    Insurance industry shows development cycle with the change of business environment .

  14. 制度导向、宏观经济环境与企业资本结构调整&基于中国上市公司的经验证据

    Institution , Macro-economy and Recapitalization : Evidence from Listed Companies in China

  15. 宏观经济环境对我国食物安全的影响

    Effect of Macro Economic Environment on China 's Food Safety

  16. 3改善宏观经济环境,对内对外协调发展。

    Improve macroeconomic environment to receive the coordination development of internal and external .

  17. 在面临威胁时,宏观经济环境带来了市场发展机会。

    In face of threats , the macroeconomic environment brings opportunities for market development .

  18. 计提行为能够反映出一定的经济实质,同时也会受到宏观经济环境的影响。

    Asset impairment implementation can reflect economic reality and will be influenced by macroeconomic conditions .

  19. 各国制定本国的经济政策来控制宏观经济环境,本无可厚非。

    It is undisputable that each country takes such measures to control its macro-economic environment .

  20. 这就要求我们一定要注重证券市场国际化与宏观经济环境相协调。

    This requires that we must pay attention to the international stock market and macro-economic environment .

  21. 相机抉择的财政政策为经济增长方式的转变提供稳定的宏观经济环境。

    Proper finance policies set up steady macro economic conditions for the mode transformation of economic growth .

  22. 在一个开放的宏观经济环境下,一个国家的汇率制度对于整个国家是极其重要影响因素之一。

    Exchange rate , undoubtedly , is one of the most important factors under open macroeconomic condition .

  23. 将这些因素归纳为相关政策方面,宏观经济环境方面及轿车消费心理三个方面。对每个影响轿车市场需求的因素进行了具体、全面的分析。

    It categorizes the factors into three aspects as correlative policy , macro-economic condition and consumer psychology .

  24. 但是在21世纪,决策者明白到,他们需要去更好得调控宏观经济环境,

    But in the 2000s , policymakers learned that they needed to manage the macroeconomic environment better ,

  25. 宏观经济环境影响公司资本结构调整速度的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on the Effect of Macroeconomic Conditions on Adjustment Speed of Firms ' Capital Structure

  26. 从政府收入结构看我国金融深化的宏观经济环境

    The Macroeconomic Settings-Viewed at the Angle of Government Revenue Structure of the Deepening of China 's Financial Reform

  27. 汇率是宏观经济环境中的一个重要变量,其变动对国民经济有着深远的影响。

    As an important macroeconomic environment variable , Exchange rate has a profound impact on the national economy .

  28. 为什么处于相同的宏观经济环境和行业背景中,个体企业的资本结构却存在着差异?

    Why individual firm differentiates from each other on the capital structure in the same macroeconomic and industry ?

  29. 糟糕的气候会限制生物的生命力,同样,不利的宏观经济环境也会降低企业存活的几率。

    Adverse macroeconomic conditions reduce the survival chances of businesses in the same way that bad weather limits biodiversity .

  30. 公司在向目标资本结构调整的过程中,调整速度受到公司自身因素和宏观经济环境的双重影响。

    The speed of capital structure adjustment was influenced with firm-specific characteristics and macroeconomic conditions during the adjustment process .