
  • 网络macro policy;macro-policy;macropolicy
  1. 我国私人汽车消费宏观政策选择研究

    A Study on Macro policy Choice of China 's Private Car Consumption

  2. 治理通货膨胀预期应成为宏观政策关注的新视角

    A new angle of the macro policy : give attention to inflationary expectation

  3. 实施好更加积极有为的财政政策、更加稳健灵活的货币政策,增强宏观政策的针对性和时效性。

    We should adopt more proactive and impactful fiscal policies and more prudent to keep macro policies more targeted and timely .

  4. 会议指出,要抓紧研究提出一揽子宏观政策措施,适当提高财政赤字率,发行特别国债,增加地方政府专项债券规模,引导贷款市场利率下行。

    A package of macro policies and measures will be introduced , the meeting noted2 , and China will appropriately raise the fiscal3 deficit4 ratio , issue special treasury5 bonds , increase the scale of special bonds for local governments , and guide the interest rate to decline in the loan market .

  5. 最后,文章从政府宏观政策和电力企业微观角度对电力行业更好的利用项目融资提出了相应的对策和建议。特别对项目融资中的TOT和ABS方式的前景进行了展望。

    Finally , the paper puts forward some suggestions and measures to widen the application of project finance from the view of both the economic policy of government and power enterprises , and especially elaborates the prospective of applying of TOT and ABS project in China 's power industry .

  6. 企业资本结构对宏观政策的动态适应性分析

    An Analysis of Dynamic Adaptability of Capital Structure to Macroeconomic Policy

  7. 宏观政策取向的调整:从促进增长转向充分就业

    Readjustment of Macroeconomic Policy Orientation : From expansionism to full employment

  8. 市场经济秩序与宏观政策调控力度

    The Market Economy Order and Dynamics of Macro Regulation & Control

  9. 中国货币政策的非对称性及宏观政策的有效组合

    Efficient Combination of Macro-policy and Non-symmetry about Chinese Monetary Policy

  10. 医疗机构完善药学服务的宏观政策需求

    The Macro-Policy Demand of Medical Institutions about Perfecting Pharmaceutical Service

  11. 六是缺少完善的宏观政策。

    Sixth , lack of the perfect macroscopical policy .

  12. 内外失衡的原因探讨贸易战略与宏观政策的冲突

    Study on Internal and External Imbalance : Conflict between Trade Strategy and Macro-policy

  13. 货币危机传染与宏观政策选择

    Currency Crisis Infection and Choices of Macro - policies

  14. 居民储蓄倾向增强与宏观政策调整

    On Enhancing Save Propensity of Inhabitant and Macro-polices Adjusting

  15. 推动运输与电信部门的竞争;提高宏观政策的一体化程度;

    Promoting competition in the transportation and telecommunication sectors ;

  16. 居民消费行为变迁与宏观政策选择

    Changes in Consumption Behavior and Choice of Macro-Economic Policy

  17. 2005年国家宏观政策与济南市房地产市场

    Macro-policy and Jinan Real estate market in 2005

  18. 浅析我国宏观政策通过基层银行业传导的效应

    On the Effect of China 's Macro-policy Conducted by the Grass-roots Unit Banking Industry

  19. 首先,要调整宏观政策,争取充分就业。

    At first , it needs to adjust policy to give more full employments .

  20. 同时,应将扩大消费需求作为宏观政策的主要着力点。

    Meanwhile , it is essential to focus on extending consuming demands for macro policy making .

  21. 有效地制订和实施这些政策需要与之相应的宏观政策、法规和制度相配套。

    To enforce those also needs supporting from macro economic policy and relevant laws and regulations .

  22. 宏观政策需要体制支持

    Economic policies need system support

  23. 本章从宏观政策和微观制度两方面对司法确认制度的完善提出了建议。

    This chapter provides the perfection of Judicial Confirmation System from both macro policy and micro system .

  24. 随着经济持续的增长,我国公路建设事业在国家宏观政策支持下得到了突飞猛进的发展。

    With continuously increasing of Chinese economy and under national macro policy , its highway industry develops rapidly .

  25. 对于德国而言,最好的总体宏观政策工具当属大幅减税,以刺激国内需求。

    In Germany , the best overall macro-policy instrument would be a big tax cut to boost domestic demand .

  26. 在开放经济条件下,外部经济对宏观政策的影响是不容忽视的。

    The influence on the macro - policy from economy outside under the open economy should not be ignored .

  27. 因此,建立资源节约型社会成为贯彻政府宏观政策的重大措施。

    For this reason , setting up resource economizing type society becomes great measure and carries out government 's macroscopically policy .

  28. 虽然各村庄所面对的宏观政策背景相同,但是特定的权力资源配置格局,却会形成特定的村庄二元权力结构互动情况。

    Although villages faced same policy background , but the specific power resource setup form the specific interactive from the double-powered structure .

  29. 政府方面,从宏观政策、科教力量和税收等三个方面阐述了政府的重要作用。

    On the government side , to illustrated the importance of the government from macro-policy , science , education and taxation these aspects .

  30. 其次,提出了促进就业的宏观政策取向,明确了在积极就业政策中政府的角色定位,以及积极就业政策体系的内容。

    Secondly , we put forward the macro policy trend to promote employment , clarified the orientation of government on active employment policy .