
gù kè
  • customer;client;consumer;shopper;patient;punter
顾客 [gù kè]
  • [customer;client;shopper] 商店或服务行业称来买东西的人或服务对象

  • 顾客盈门

顾客[gù kè]
  1. 我们将继续重点关注顾客的需要。

    We shall maintain our focus on the needs of the customer .

  2. 我们的宗旨是始终以高标准为顾客服务。

    We aim to maintain high standards of customer care .

  3. 为方便顾客我们备有座位。

    We have provided seats for the convenience of our customers .

  4. 现在于办公时间以外顾客可以用电邮和我们联系。

    Clients can now contact us by email out of hours .

  5. 这张传单是为向我们的顾客提供信息而印制的。

    This leaflet is produced for the information of our customers .

  6. 我们百无聊赖地等待顾客光临。

    We were kicking our heels , waiting for some customers .

  7. 这份商品目录满篇皆是称心顾客的赞辞。

    The catalogue is full of testimonials from satisfied customers .

  8. 我们所有的商店都有供顾客给婴儿换尿布的地方。

    There are baby changing facilities in all our stores .

  9. 他又干起了与顾客打交道的老本行。

    He was back on familiar ground , dealing with the customers .

  10. 一年里这个季节顾客很少。

    Customers are thin on the ground at this time of year .

  11. 她对一位顾客发了脾气,冲着人家大喊大叫。

    She lost her temper with a customer and shouted at him .

  12. 我们为所有顾客提供个别服务。

    We offer a personal service to all our customers .

  13. 我们最关心的是为顾客提供优质服务。

    Our main concern is to provide quality customer service .

  14. 她的第一位顾客竟然是布莱尔夫人。

    Her first customer was none other than Mrs Blair .

  15. 我们已创造了快速处理订单的方法以便迅速将货物送达顾客。

    We have developed rapid order processing to expedite deliveries to customers .

  16. 购买十件商品以内的顾客可使用快速购物通道。

    Customers with ten items or less can use the express lane .

  17. 顾客若付现金,可获九折优惠。

    Customers are offered a 10 % discount if they pay cash .

  18. 这种产品是为了满足顾客的需要而开发的。

    The product was developed in response to customer demand .

  19. 低廉的价格意在把顾客从其他商店吸引过来。

    The bargain prices are expected to entice customers away from other stores .

  20. 公司必须对顾客的需求作出积极反应。

    Firms have to be responsive to consumer demand .

  21. 重要的是让顾客满意。

    It 's important to keep the punters happy .

  22. 顾客争先恐后地抢购最便宜的特价商品。

    Shoppers were scrambling to get the best bargains .

  23. 出租汽车缓慢行驶在街上招揽顾客。

    Taxis cruised the streets , looking for fares .

  24. 全体职员接受训练,以便在任何时候对顾客都以礼相待。

    Staff members are trained to treat customers with civility at all times .

  25. 顾客经常受大公司的捉弄。

    Consumers are often jerked around by big companies .

  26. 在顾客服务方面,有时小企业可能优于大企业。

    Sometimes small firms can outdo big business when it comes to customer care .

  27. 和我们的一些顾客打交道需要有极大的耐心。

    You need the patience of Job to deal with some of our customers .

  28. 他喜欢和顾客开玩笑。

    He enjoyed exchanging banter with the customers .

  29. 不断上涨的价格把顾客纷纷吓跑了。

    Rising prices are scaring customers off .

  30. 请顾客不要吸烟。

    Patrons are requested not to smoke .