
  • 网络active fiscal policy;positive fiscal policy
  1. 促进就业与GDP同步增长的新一轮积极财政政策思考

    Reflection on the New Round of Positive Fiscal Policy of Simultaneous Promotion of Employment and GDP Growth

  2. 命题9:如果没有激励民间投资的有效措施出台,积极财政政策淡出将使H省经济增长速度下滑。

    Theorem 9 : If the proper measures are not taken to stimulate private investment , the economic growth rate in H Province will diminish due to the gradual retreat of positive fiscal policy .

  3. 第二,除印度外,亚洲国家公共负债占GDP比例很低,同其他新兴经济体国家相比这就为其使用积极财政政策提供了更广大的空间。

    And second , with the exception of India , Asian countries have low public-debt-to-GDP ratios , giving them more room for fiscal stimulus than other emerging economies .

  4. 积极财政政策是凯恩斯有效需求不足理论在现实中的运用发展,通过IS-LM曲线可以看出政策效果与其之间的关系。

    In fact applying activity fiscal policy expand the theory of valid demand lacking .

  5. 第一项是约翰梅纳德凯恩斯(johnmaynardkeynes)上世纪30年代传授的经验:在私人需求“崩盘”之时,有必要增加公共部门需求,或采取积极财政政策。

    The first is the lesson that John Maynard Keynes already taught in the 1930s in the face of a collapse in private demand , there is a need for new public sector demand , or for fiscal activism .

  6. 第一部分对积极财政政策的理论和历史实践进行了概述,对积极财政政策的作用过程做了一般性的分析,并且通过IS-LM模型对影响积极财政政策效果的因素做了概括说明。

    The first part narrates briefly the theory and the historical practice of active fiscal policy , analyzes generally the enforcement process , illustrates the factors which influence the effect of active fiscal policy through the model IS-LM .

  7. 积极财政政策:路径依赖与结构转型

    On the Proactive Fiscal Policies : Path Dependence and Structure Transformation

  8. 积极财政政策的转型思路及其依据

    Pattern - shifting thoughts of active fiscal policies and its basis

  9. 积极财政政策和增加国防费的协调配合

    Harmonize the Relation Between Active Financial Policy and National Defense Expenditure

  10. 所以,减税成为继续实行积极财政政策的新方向。

    So reduction of taxation becomes a new positive finance policy .

  11. 淡出积极财政政策的对策思考

    Counter - measurements against the fading - out positive financial policy

  12. 我国积极财政政策风险及其防范

    The Risk and its Preventing of China 's Pro-active Fiscal Policy

  13. 积极财政政策及其转型评析

    Evaluation on the Proactive Fiscal Policy and Its Transformation in China

  14. 1998-2001年积极财政政策效果评析

    Comments on the Effect of the Positive Financial Policy of 1998-2001

  15. 积极财政政策淡出为时尚早

    It Is Too Early to Weaken the Positive Financial Policy

  16. 关于积极财政政策的若干认识

    Consideration on the Pro - active Fiscal Policy in China

  17. 积极财政政策的全要素生产率增长效应

    The Effects of the Active Fiscal Policy on Total Factor Productivity Growth

  18. 积极财政政策实施的背景、成效与现实对策

    Background , Performance and Countermeasure : on China 's Active Fiscal Policy

  19. 积极财政政策中的国债战略目标

    Strategic goal of National Debt in the Positive Financial Policy

  20. 世界金融危机背景下的我国积极财政政策

    Study on China 's Active Fiscal Policy against the Global Financial Crisis

  21. 论长期实行积极财政政策的负面影响

    On the Negative Influence of the Long - term Active Financial Policy

  22. 最后,防范积极财政政策的实施风险。

    Finally , we should prevent the financial risk actively .

  23. 中国积极财政政策未来走向研究

    Research on the Future Trend of Chinese Positive Financial Policies

  24. 我国积极财政政策下国债的效应与管理

    The Effect and Management of Treasury Ml Under the Positive Fiscal Policy

  25. 积极财政政策的积极作用分析

    Analysis of the Active Effect of the Active Fiscal Policy

  26. 充分发挥税收在实施积极财政政策中的作用

    Fully Exert the Taxation Role in the Application of Active Financial Policy

  27. 我国积极财政政策的特殊挤出效应

    Special Exudation Effect Caused by Positive Fiscal Policies in China

  28. 第四章论述了积极财政政策淡出阶段,如何进行财政政策内部的转型调整。

    The fourth chapter is on the internal shift of fiscal policy .

  29. 积极财政政策与货币供给关系分析

    An analysis on the relations between active fiscal policy and monetary supply

  30. 对于积极财政政策淡出的讨论,众说纷纭。

    There are many viewpoints on proactive fiscal policy fading .