
  • 网络Learning Organization;Learning Organisations
  1. 论高校图书馆在知识管理和虚拟学习组织中的作用

    The Role of College Library in Knowledge Management and Virtual Learning Organization

  2. 在此基础上,提出了建立学习组织的基本要素;

    Then , the basic elements of how to build a learning organization are presented .

  3. 通过自编问卷,对国营与非国营两种性质不同群体员工的调研,初步确定持续学习组织文化的结构维度。

    Using a self-designed questionnaire , the authors studied the organizational culture for continuous learning in state-owned and joint-venture corporations .

  4. 同时聚类分析根据构件文档语义分类,可以提高构件查询的准确性。自组织映射算法根据输入领域的概念特征学习组织软构件库。

    Clustering analysis that is used in component classification according to semantic features of component document can improve the efficiency and veracity of component retrieval .

  5. 世界学习组织董事长朱迪梅罗希望在今年底与上海建立一个合资的教育机构。

    Judie meilo , chairman of the board of world learning organization , hopes to establish a joint venture education organization with Shanghai by the end of this year .

  6. 在倡导合作、注重学生主体性发展的新课程改革的实施中,“小组讨论”成为大多数教师在实施教学时经常采用的一种学习组织方式。

    In the practice of the new course reform to initiate cooperation and make a point of children corpus development , the group discussion becomes a method of organizing study in putting teaching into practice by majority teachers .

  7. 实施走班制学习组织方式要求在课程设置、师资保障、资源建设上具备一定的条件,同时,要建立班级、教学、选课指导方面的管理机制。

    The implementation of " Mobile Learning System " demands basic conditions provided in curriculum , guarantees of teachers and teaching facilities while a management mechanism is to be established in the guidance of classes , teaching and learning and selection of lessons .

  8. 相反,计算机用户正在发展更为强大的交互记忆;也就是说,人们正在学习如何组织大量的信息,以便以后能够访问这些信息。

    Instead , computer users are developing stronger transactive memories ; that is , people are learning how to organize huge quantities of information so that they are able to access it at a later date .

  9. 上世纪九十年代,学习型组织(learningorganization)理论一经推出,立即在全球管理学界引起极大的震动。

    Once the theory of Learning Organization came out in the nineties of twenty century , it enormously shocked the international Academia of Management .

  10. 信息推动因素(信息共享准则、学习型组织、社会导向、信息沟通技术)对IT企业RD营销界面集成度存在显著的正效用。

    The conclusion of this study is as below : ( 1 ) Information prompting factor has distinct positive impact on IT corporation 's R & D-Marketing interface integration .

  11. 通过教育训练、人才培养与专业企管顾问公司辅导,从ISO日常管理、来建立学习型组织。

    Through the education training , talents training and professional business consultant company counselling , from ISO daily management , to establish learning-oriented organization .

  12. 首先,本文陈述了业界国内外的现状和发展趋势,并分析了x航空构建学习型组织的必要性和紧迫性。

    First and foremost , the thesis state present situation and development trend of the industry in China and abroad , then the necessity and urgent meaning for X Air are analyzed .

  13. 而MPA课程中的现代公共管理、服务型政府构建、学习型组织,组织文化制度化建设等原理为解决这些问题提供了理论依据。

    The theories in MPA courses on modern public management , service-oriented government construction , studying organization , organization culture and systematic construction provide theoretical basis to settle these problems .

  14. 并制定了公司战略实施的具体措施:加强人力资源、加强企业文化建设、导入CS、建立学习型组织、打造高绩效团队、实施客户关系管理。

    Works out the particular measure that put the strategy into effect : strengthen human resources and enterprise 's cultural construction , introduce CS , form study organization , model up group of high efficiency , put into practice customer relationship management .

  15. 接着,本文从提议制度及其发展、kaizen、TQM、永续创新、学习型组织和创新型组织中探究全员创新的理论来源。

    Then , the paper studies the theoretical source of all-involvement innovation from suggestion system and evolution of this , kaizen , TQM , 24 / 7 innovation , learning organization and innovative organization .

  16. 首次建立了系统的学习型组织评价指标体系,采用层次分析法(AHP)确定各指标的权重,运用模糊综合评价法(FCM)建立了学习型组织模糊评价模型。

    The appraisal index system of the learning organization is developed for the first time . Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) is adopted to determine the weights of indices . The Fuzzy Comprehensive Method ( FCM ) is used to build the fuzzy comprehensive appraisal model .

  17. 建立起学习型组织,培养企业的核心竞争,建立人力资源激励制度,必将为Barco公司发展成为具有国际竞争力的大型集团公司提供重要的指导意义,并对我国其他企业的发展具有参考价值。

    Establish a learning organization , training the core competitiveness of enterprises - the strategic management of human resources , is bound to Barco for the company to become internationally competitive large enterprise groups is of great guiding significance , my country and other enterprises with a reference value .

  18. 探析学习型组织理论与图书馆的管理创新

    On the theory of learning organization and management innovation of libraries

  19. 知识管理组织必然是学习型组织,而且组织学习也必然在未来的组织中发挥越来越大的作用。

    Furthermore , knowledge management organization must be the learning organization .

  20. 因此,学习型组织理论应运而生。

    Therefore , the theory about learning organization came into being .

  21. 企业学习型组织发展理论与应用研究

    The Development Theory and Application Study of Learning Organizations in Enterprises

  22. 学习型组织是适应经济发展需要的新型企业管理组织,是组织变革的新趋势。

    Learning-styled organizations are new corporations trying adapt to economic development .

  23. 基于终身学习与组织学习的学习型物流企业研究

    On Learning Logistics Enterprises Based on Lifetime Learning and Organizational Learning

  24. 创建学习型组织:背景、理论和实践意义

    Establish Study-type Organization : Background , Theory and Practice Significance

  25. 图书馆构建学习型组织的实践与探索

    On the Practice and Exploration of Library Development as a Learning Organization

  26. 现代远程教育学习中心组织结构设计

    Organization Structure Design in Learning Center of Modern Distance Education

  27. 关于国有企业建立学习型组织的探讨

    A Study of Establishing Learning Type State - owned Enterprises

  28. 文章阐述了学校学习型组织的创建过程。

    The paper discusses the constructing process of learning community in schools .

  29. 学习型组织将成为未来成功企业的管理模式。

    Learning-style organization will be the managerial makeup of future successful enterprises .

  30. 学习型组织与图书馆员的继续教育

    The study organization in library and librarian 's continuing education