
  • 网络Methods of mathematical physics;Mathematical Methods of Physics
  1. MATLAB在《数学物理方法》中的应用

    Applications of MATLAB in Methods of Mathematical Physics

  2. 竞赛题中的数学物理方法

    Methods of mathematical physics in competitive problems

  3. 对《数学物理方法》课程教学改革的思考

    Thought on the teaching reform of Mathematics and Physics Methods

  4. 数学物理方法是电类专业技术中应用的基本科学技术方法。

    Basic scientific technology method applied to electric professional technologies is math-physical method .

  5. 数学物理方法在工科电类专业课程教学中的应用

    Math-Physical Method is Applied to Teaching of Electric Profession Courses for Engineering Majors

  6. 给出了用探索性方法进行数学物理方法教学的一个案例。

    A typical example of the exploration method in mathematical physics methods is showed .

  7. 《数学物理方法》虽然是数学课,但是它是介绍在物理中应用的数学。

    Methods of mathematical physics is a course which introduces the mathematics applied in physics .

  8. 将这种关系用于“数学物理方法”课程的教学,效果相当不错。

    Using this corresponding relation in teaching mathematical physical method turns out to be quite effective .

  9. 《数学物理方法》多元化双主型教学模式的探索与实施

    Exploration and Implementation of the Multi-dimension and Dual-center Teaching Mode of " Methods of Mathematical Physics "

  10. 为进一步风成地貌形成演化的理论分析提供了一种可行的数学物理方法。

    The study provides a viable method of mathematical physics for further theoretical analysis of the aeolian sand ripples .

  11. 利用全纯函数的边值问题与数学物理方法,得到了此类边值问题的解的表示式。

    Using the boundary-value problem of holomorphic function and method of mathematical physics , we obtained the expression of solution for above mentioned problem .

  12. 计算机火焰模拟的方法大致分为三种:粒子系统方法、数学物理方法和纹理技术方法;其中比较传统的是粒子系统方法。

    There were three methods for flame simulation in computer graphics : particle system method , mathematic and physics-based method and the method of texture technique .

  13. 本文利用振动分析理论和数学物理方法对音频检测轴类零件的数学模型和振型曲线进行研究。

    This paper studied mathematical mould and vibration curve , it used vibration analysis and mathematics and physical method , and used sonic testing of axles , too .

  14. 基于非稳态流体动力润滑理论和相应的数学物理方法,建立了板带轧制时工作界面非稳态润滑基本模型。通过入口区的分析,确定了入口油膜厚度。

    Based on the unsteady hydrodynamic lubrication theory and its corresponding mathematical and physical methods , the basic model of unsteady lubrication of work interfaces during strip rolling was established .

  15. 但在工科电类专业课程编写的许多教材在论述专业技术时,存在对所应用的数学物理方法说明不足的缺点。

    But there is a defect problem on many teaching materials edited for electric professional courses for engineering majors , where professional technologies are discussed in detail whereas math-physical method is described deficiently .

  16. 利用电磁理论与数学物理方法求出了磁刺激下有限长圆柱型生物组织内部激励函数的计算公式。

    The author also gets the activating function computation formulation of the inner biological tissues of the finite length cylinders , by using the theory of electromagnetics and the method of math and physics .

  17. 为了能明显地看出其镜象特征,还利用数学物理方法对电势表达式进行变形处理,并分析了其镜象电荷、镜象偶极子的空间位置。

    In order to see the mirror-image feature obviously , it is transformed that the potential representation by mathematical methods of physical , and analyzed the space positions of mirror-image charge and mirror-image dipole .

  18. 因而,地质构造变形数值模拟是采用数学物理方法对相关地质学问题的科学描述,并采用理论分析和数值模拟实验方法,对所描述的相关地质学过程进行定量化求解。

    Therefore , the essence of the numerical modeling of geology structural deformation is to adopt the well-established numerical methods of multidisciplinary acknowledge including mathematics , physics and mechanics to solve the relevant geological problems scientifically .

  19. 在比较数学物理方法课程不同内容体系的基础上,探索了一种适合于应用物理专业的新内容体系,经过教学实践的试点,取得了预期的效果。

    Based on the comparison among different content systems of methods of mathematical physics , a new content system suitable for applied physics specialty is explored . Through teaching practices , the expected results are obtained .

  20. 在现行的数学物理方法教材中,数理方程只涉及到一维的弦振动方程、杆振动方程和热传导方程等,对二维薄膜的振动只作了扼要的介绍。

    However , the current teaching materials of mathematical equations only include 1D string vibration equation , pole vibration equation and heat conductivity equation while only a brief introduction is given to 2D thin film vibration .

  21. 采用数学物理方法和复变函数方法来计算同轴圆柱形电容器的电场强度,从而进一步认识电场强度的计算方法。

    The paper introduces the mathematics - physics and the complex function methods in calculating the electric field of coaxial cylindrical condenser , and thus makes a further understanding of the calculating methods of electric field intensity .

  22. 由于对流域水文过程认识程度的局限和所持有的影响水文过程资料的限制,至今还难以完全用数学物理方法确切地描述其中每一个过程。

    Because of not clear knowing the hydrology process and lacking of the datum which influencing the hydrology process , it is hard to describe completely each hydrology process using the mathematics physics method up to now .

  23. 它表征了土壤本身的性质和特征,是应用数学物理方法定量分析研究土壤水运动的必不可少的资料,也是进行土壤水分运动数学模拟必不可少的依据。

    It characterized the nature and characteristics of the soil itself , is essential information applying mathematical and physical methods to analyze soil moisture movement quantitatively , but also essential basis mathematical modeling of soil water movement .

  24. 本文应用数学物理方法,较详细地分析了具有釜底加热特性的罐形塔釜工频感应加热的釜内温度分布函数,从而为我们设计、分析及制作更合理的罐形塔釜找到了理论依据。

    The temperature distribution fuction inside a jar-shape tower caldron heated by working frequency induction is analysed in detail in the paper by mathematical-physical method . Then the theory for design , analysis and construction of more reasonable jar-shape tower caldron has been found out .

  25. 该模型简单适用,主要参数易于获得,既不同于严格的数学物理方法,又不同于工程设计方法,可用于蒸发蒸腾期间田间水盐状况的调控管理。

    The model is simple and suitable for the management and control of water and salt regimes on farmland under the processing of evapotranspiration and its main coefficients are available easily . The simulation method is different from strict math-physics method and also different from engineering design method .

  26. 路拌式土壤稳定机械工作过程动力学的研究与数学物理模拟方法

    Dynamic Investigation of the Operation Process of Road & mix Soil Stabilization Machine and Method of Simulation

  27. 在地貌学研究中,数学&物理方法首先被引入到流域地貌的形成、演化的研究中。

    In the field of Geomorphology , mathematical methods are first poured into drainage geomorphology for the study of its forming and evolving .

  28. 介绍了战术对抗仿真系统的基本组成,提出了采用数学和物理方法在实验室内构建对抗仿真系统的设计模式。

    The basic composition of the tactical countermeasure simulation system is described , the design method for countermeasure simulation system with the mathematical and physical method in the laboratory is proposed .

  29. 这些因素共同的作用影响了织物的热湿传递,并与织物热湿传递性能之间存在复杂的非线性关系,因此,用传统的数学、物理方法进行这方面的研究就受到了一定的限制。

    The factors of the fibers , yams and fabrics have very complicate relations with the heat and moisture permeability . It is difficulty to study the relation between them by using of traditional mathematical and physical methods .

  30. 在反问题的理论及数值计算方面,国内外的科学家做了大量的工作,提出了不少经典的数学和物理方法,但这些传统的方法都有其一定的缺陷或局限性。

    For theory and numerical algorithms , much work has been done by researchers at home and abroad and a lots of traditional mathematic or physical methods have been worked out . But these traditional methods have certain drawbacks and limitations .