
  • 网络learning disability;underachiever;underachievement;under-achiever
  1. 本研究主要采用直接干预和间接干预相结合,改善初中二年级学业不良学生的消极自我评价,提高他们的自我概念水平,促进他们的学业进步。本研究是K-ABC在国内首次试用。

    This treatise is trying to apply direct and indirect intervention to enhance self-concept and improve achievement of Learning Disabilities students of junior two . K-ABC measures intelligence separately from achievement .

  2. 国内学业不良儿童社会性发展的研究综述

    Chinese Research on Social Development of Learning Disabilities : A Review

  3. 微观教学、学习困难(LD)、学习兴趣、自我有效感和学习习惯方法等因素与学业不良的关系最密切和最直接,是学业不良的一级原因;

    Teaching methods , LD , learning interest , self-efficiency and learning habits are most important causes that usually have the closest and most direct relation with low-achievement , considered as the first-layer causes for low-achievement .

  4. 家庭环境、父母教养方式,对于XH和YC这样典型的外因影响型学业不良学生的化学学习产生了极大的影响,笔者重点探寻了其影响程度。

    School environment and family background have an effect on XH and YC , so the writer emphasize on the degree of exterior causality .

  5. 这一远期影响除与FAD儿童本身的言语问题有关外,是否还与他们存在注意缺陷影响其认知功能而致学业不良、合并行为问题影响其社会交往等因素有关还有待于进一步研究。

    This long - term effect is certainly related with the speech problem of children with FAD . However , it will be still investigated in the further research if it is related with attention deficit or behavioral problems in these patients .

  6. 数学学业不良儿童的估算特点研究

    The Characteristics of Children 's Computational Estimation with Mathematical Learning Disability

  7. 中等职业学校学生学业不良问题研究

    A Research on the Learning Disabilities of Secondary Vocational School Students

  8. 智力测验在学业不良诊断中的作用探析

    Analysis of Roles of Intelligence Tests in Diagnosis of Learning Disability

  9. 另外对学业不良的形成机制进行了教学论分析和归因分析。

    Moreover , the mechanism of underachievement upon instruction theory was discussed .

  10. 针对所得结果提出对应策略,培养学业不良学生积极的归因方式。

    Put forward a corresponding strategy according to the result .

  11. 学业不良学生类型与特点的聚类分析

    The Q-type clustering of the types and characteristics of under achievement students

  12. 学业不良学生的主导成就目标是学习目标定向。

    LD students ' leading achievement goals orientation is learning goals orientation .

  13. 高一学业不良学生元认知策略的补救训练

    The Meta-cognitive Strategy Intervention Study on Learning Disability Students of Senior One

  14. 教师要努力帮助学业不良学生树立自信,激发学习兴趣。

    Teachers should try to help underachievers have confidence and learning interest .

  15. 大学优等生与学业不良学生人格特征比较研究

    Comparison of College top and LEARNING-DISABILITY students ' personality features

  16. 关于学生自我妨碍策略与学业不良的相关研究

    A Relevant Research of Students ' Academic Self-handicapping Strategies and Learning Disability

  17. 化学学业不良学生的人格特征研究

    A Study on Personality Traits of Chemistry Learning Disability Students

  18. 723例学业不良儿童智力状况分析

    Intelligence Status Analysis on 723 Children with Learning Disability

  19. 积极健康的学习氛围有利于学业不良学生的教育转化;

    Active and healthy learning atmosphere conducive to educational conversion of LD students ;

  20. 中学生学业不良的非智力因素分析及对策研究

    Study on the Personality Factors and Countermeasures of the Underachievers in Middle Schools

  21. 学业不良研究的生态学取向:教育社会生态学模式的提出

    The Ecological orientation Study Model for Learning Disability : Educational social ecology Model

  22. 学业不良学生转化之研究

    A Study of Transforming Students of Poor School Work

  23. 第三部分对学业不良问题进行多视角的系统分析。

    In the following part , a systematic analysis of underachievement problem was attempted .

  24. 大学生网络成瘾与学业不良的相关研究及教育对策

    Related Research of College Students with Internet Addiction and Learning Disabilities and Educational Countermeasures

  25. 提高高中学业不良学生学业自我概念的干预研究

    An Intervention Study of Enhancing Academic Self-concept of Learning Disabilities Students of High School

  26. 学业不良学生提高元认知监控能力的思考

    Reflections on Improving the Supervisory Ability of Meta Cognition of Students Poor in Learning

  27. 大学生学业不良问题研究

    The Study on Learning-disability of Higher Education Student

  28. 大学生学业不良的心理归因与辅导对策探析

    An Analysis on Psychological Causes of Bad Achievements of University Students and Coaching Countermeasures

  29. 大学生学业不良的因素分析及对策

    Analysis on Factors of Causing Illness of School Work of Undergraduates and the Countermeasures

  30. 论高职学生学业不良现象的成因及矫正对策

    The Cause and Correctional Countermeasure for Bad School Work Condition of Higher Vocational Students