
  • 网络Learning Team;Learning-oriented Team;learning organization
  1. 但是到目前为止,学习型团队理论还是一种很不成熟的理论。

    But up to now , learning team theory is not mature .

  2. 第三要建设学习型团队;

    The third is to build learning team ;

  3. 对团队软绩效管理系统,则主要从构建团队心理契约和形成学习型团队两个方面进行论述。

    To team soft performance management subsystem , this text studies mainly from constructing team psychological agreement and forming studying team .

  4. 学习型团队三维特征结构包括团队学习、团队成员角色和团队授权三个因素。

    The three-dimensional feature structure of learning team includes three influences such as : team learning , team member roles and team empowerment .

  5. 本研究首次在学习型团队的概念、性质、特征等方面的研究将丰富学习型团队理论。

    The study on the new concept , structure , nature and characteristic of learning team in this paper will enrich the learning team theory today .

  6. 学习型团队是一种介于组织和个人之间的人数较少、有共同目标和责任、有一定授权程度、成员角色多元化并不断学习的特殊群体。

    A learning team is a small number of employees with empowerment , member roles and learning who are committed to common effectiveness goals and responsibilities between organization and individual .

  7. 研究结果表明:团队组长管理风格、团队承诺、团队集体效能感、团队凝聚力四个群体变量对合作学习型团队的学习成绩有显著的影响。

    The result indicated that the team leader 's managerial style , the team commitment , the sense of collective efficacy and cohesive force had a significant effect on the pupils ' achievements .

  8. 首次提出了学习型团队三维特征结构影响团队效能的操作性模型,为在我国企业建立学习型团队提供了一个有力的工具。

    Secondly , a operating model that a three-dimensional feature structure of learning team influences the team effectivenss is put forward , which is a great tool of building learning teams in Chinese enterprises .

  9. 综上,本文从能力的角度出发,提出通过有步骤地、分阶段地进行团队能力管理、创建学习型团队的方法和途径,以期可以为企业在实际中进行团队管理予以指导和借鉴。

    To sum up , ways of and approaches to building up learning team step by step and stage by stage are discussed in this dissertation , which shows some guidance and references for the team management in enterprises .

  10. 最后,作者对电信企业重组阶段的团队建设进行了总结。建立一个高效、沟通简单、具备较强执行力的学习型团队才是解决问题的根本。

    Then , the author proposes seven corresponding suggestions such as enriching team type , optimizing structure , and improving encouragement . Finally , the author makes a conclusion that building an effective , easy-for-communication and learning-oriented team with strong execution could solve different problems under the telecom restructuring circumstance .

  11. 再从营销流程创新、建立执行力强的学习型营销团队、体制和制度创新、执行型绩效考核体系建设、构建执行型企业文化等方面提出了提升大连JT公司营销执行力的对策和建议。

    Then the thesis raises the countermeasures and suggestions on how to promote the marketing execution capability of DALIAN YKK ZIPPER CO. , LTD. in aspects of process innovation , building up a learning marketing team , system innovation and constructing execution culture .

  12. 论高科技企业学习型管理团队构建与学习

    Building and learning of learning management team on High-tech enterprise

  13. 教师的发展需要和谐、经验分享的学习型组织团队。

    Harmonious development needs of teachers , the learning experience sharing organizations team .

  14. 制度化管理的学习型科研团队

    The Learning Scientific Research Team with the Systematic Management

  15. 建立学习型教练员团队的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of Establishing Learning Coach Team in China

  16. 学习型护理团队中学习智障的原因分析及对策

    Analysis of the reasons and countermeasures of learning mentally retardation in nursing team

  17. A保健品企业学习型营销团队构建的研究

    The Research of the Study-Type Marketing Team Establishment of the A Health Products Enterprises

  18. 我国国家队建立学习型教练员团队是有价值且可行的。

    It is valuable and feasible to establish learning coach team in national team .

  19. 中小企业学习型创业团队模式构建研究

    Study on Structuring the Mode of Learning Initiatives Team of Small and Medium - sized Enterprises

  20. 教师要自然合作,构建学习型教师团队文化体系。

    Teachers have to be cooperative naturally , and build a cultural system of studying type teachers team .

  21. 因此,需要在艺术设计教学团队组织建设过程中明晰组织目标,建立良好的沟通渠道,为构建学习型教学团队创造条件。

    We should clarify organizational goals in the process of building teaching team and establish communication channels for building a learning teaching team .

  22. 获取和创新是学习型科研团队的精神基石,努力实践团队的宗旨和目标,是所有成员的共同愿景。

    Acquirement and innovation are the foundations of the learning scientific research team , and it is the same vision of all staff to implement the tenet and goals .

  23. 建立优质服务满意率测评链;完善机关绩效评价机制,打造学习型机关团队。

    Thirdly , give prominence to innovation in hospital management : establish appraising chain of satisfaction rate of high quality service , improve mechanism of performance evaluation to build learning type group .

  24. 北京大学人类疾病基因研究中心成立5年来,在科研及管理工作中所取得的骄人成绩,有力地证明,在努力建设学习型科研团队的同时,建设制度化管理的一系列举措是行之有效的。

    Peking University Center for Human Disease Genomics , with 5 years of history , has obtained the fantastic achievement in scientific research and management fields . It proves that the ever improving results and significant endeavors of the team are directly correlated with the systematic management .

  25. 中医学习型PBL教师团队建设的思考与实践

    Construction of Learning Teacher Team for Problem-Based Learning in Chinese Medicine

  26. 确立团队的共同目标,树立团队管理者的榜样作用,建立良好的团队形象,激励员工对团队高度忠诚,培养学习型的护理团队等措施。

    Establishing the common aim of the nursing team , setting a good example by the leaders of the team , building up a good exhibition of the nursing team , motivating the faith of the nursing staff to the team , and training for a learning-type nursing team .

  27. 对学习型组织创建中团队学习的新思考

    A Study on Team Learning in Learning Organization 's Establishment

  28. 最后本文提出构建学习型的工程项目团队,以改善学习和成长维度的绩效,从而改变整个工程项目团队的绩效。

    Constructing learning project team was proposed to improve management of learning and growth dimensionality .

  29. 学习型国家队教练员团队是对教练员岗位培训的发展,而不是对其全盘否定;组织学习和岗位培训是一种友好的生态过程关系,但又不是完全等同的关系。

    Learning coach 's team in national sports team of China is the friendly development to China Sports Coach Post Training .

  30. 在探讨学习型组织与科研团队关系的基础上,提出了建设学习型环境会计科研团队的具体措施。

    Based on probing into the relation between the learning-type organization and the scientific research team , this paper puts forward some concrete measures for establishing the learning-type environmental accounting scientific research team .