- 网络organizational culture

A Research Case on the Organizational Culture of One School
Comparative Study on Chinese and Foreign School Organizational Culture
Creating the atmosphere for developing teachers ' curriculum consciousness .
The Study on the School Organizational Culture in Beijing
School organizational culture is closely related to multiple levels and elements within school .
School Organizational Culture and P. E Teachers
To construct school organization culture is to change culture conception into teachers ' value .
The Research of School Culture Building Process
Nowadays , the scholars and leaders of school concern organizational culture of school and teachers ' job satisfaction .
While Chinese school organizational culture research begins with culture , mainly focusing on the educational function of culture .
The culture in reflective school organizations is a kind of sub-culture , which is characteristic of inquiry , cooperation , and openness .
The description process hold the whole organization culture through hero , artificiality and characteristic activities , which are the basic factors of symbolistic activity .
The writer tries to study the core of school organization culture in individual case , and make a thorough thinking in school organization culture construct .
Organization culture is a spirit power in school management , which can be divided into three levels from abstract to concrete : shared-value , shared-behaviour and symbolistic activity .
Then , the writer make a thorough thinking in school organization culture construct , present some suggestions according to the school 's physical environment , school leader and teacher .
First it clarified organizing culture and school organizing culture , specialty of a school and specialized school , and the basic connotation of the concept of a foreign language school ;
The adaptation of moral education ecosystem can be shown first as the one of moral education system to school organizational culture . But its ultimate goal is the adaptation to social culture .
This article aims at revealing the influence of school based management on the maintenance and development of organizational culture of school , and tries to find an effective management way of school culture .
The study aims at learning the relationship between the organizational culture of school and teachers ' job satisfaction , discuss the aspects of middle school teachers ' job satisfaction who are under different conditions .
School organizational culture is the spiritual phenomenon of the faith , styles , standards and solemnity formed at school with the view of value as its core in a given environment and historic conditions .
This research stressed on the survey of two typical cases about how the two schools construct their school culture . It collected the relating materials and information and interviewed the main leaders in the construction process .
Teachers ' professional development is effected not only by outside environment , such as school culture , headmaster , their colleagues and educational policies , but also by internal factors , such as teachers ' need , emotion , interests , attitude towards teaching .
The development of foreign school organizational culture theory is more dependent on the nutrition taken from the organizational theory . Its research objective is to search for the relationship between organizational culture and management effectiveness and pay attention to the management effectiveness of organizational culture .
The author provides some cases of schools as evidence to express his own opinions about the relations between school organization culture and school brand visual image , and about the management innovation of school brand visual image as well as the efficacy of Quality-Centered Education .
As we know , organizational culture is the soul of each organization . The school organizational culture conceals in daily educational behavior .
The teaching task , the interests and attitudes of teacher , the cooperation among teachers and the system and culture of school influence the teacher 's reflection of teaching .
School Culture Construction : Perspectives of Organizational Culture
Educational ethnography is suitable for some fields as follows : the structure of school and class , the culture of organization , the role performance of organization , the theory and practice of school-based curriculum , teaching and learning evaluation .
Through the analysis of school organizational culture , the article elaborates the lack of administrative culture from three aspects of the students , teachers , principals and pointes out the direction of school management improvement from interpersonal communication , leader , resource integration , and stability .
Currently , the school organizational form , school organizational culture , leading model and goal of school changing have trends to the school learning organization , school new organizational culture , school transformational leadership and school effectiveness .