
  1. 那么,环境媒体创意有无规律可循?

    So , is there any principle of creation of ambient media to abide by ?

  2. 环境媒体创意是一种将媒介的物理属性融进广告创意的思维形式,它具有传统媒介策划无法达到的广告效果。

    The creation of ambient media is characterized by a form of thinking media background involved , which can get good communication effect that old media planning can not do .

  3. 不同广告媒体视觉创意的研究

    A Study on the Visual Creation of Different Advertisement Media

  4. 电视是技术的媒体,创意的媒体。

    TV is the technology media and creative media .

  5. 商业广告的有效传播不仅体现在用户的有效覆盖率上,还体现在对媒体的创意性利用和设计上。

    The effective transmission of commercial advertising is not only seen on the effective customer share , but also the utilization and design of medium .

  6. 我公司有专门关于数字、媒体和创意部门的招聘。很多人认为视频简历在今后几年内会更加流行。

    One of my recruitment businesses specialise in the digital , media and creative sectors , and many people believe video CVs will get more popular over the next few years .

  7. 在一些跨国公司,有关在招聘流程中如何使用社交媒体的新创意来自这些公司在中国的子公司。

    At some multinational companies , new ideas on how to use social media in recruiting processes are coming from their Chinese units .

  8. 现在她是英国负责体育和文化活动、媒体政策和创意产业领域的英国文化、媒体和体育部的大臣。

    She is head of the Department for culture , media , and sport which is responsible for Britains sporting and cultural activities , media policy and creative industries .

  9. 在此基础上,与当前我国社会经济转型阶段的时代背景相结合,就新媒体艺术与创意产业结合的可能性进行探讨。

    Based on this and combing with our social background in the stage of the economical transition , the article discusses the possibility of the combination of the new media art and the creative industry .

  10. 从文化产业到创意产业&解读英国艺术及媒体发展政策中创意产业一词的含义

    FROM CULTURAL TO CREATIVE INDUSTRIES & An Analysis of the Implications of the " Creative Industries " Approach to Arts and Media Policy Making in the United Kingdom

  11. 文章分析认为,微电影广告能够众多广告中脱颖而出,是在新媒体平台和广告创意不断创新的大环境共同作用下形成的,这是广告创意人进行的一次有意义的尝试和突破。

    The article believed that micro film advertisement can come to the fore in that it is formed in the interaction platform of the new media and advertising creative innovative environment , and this is a meaningful attempt and breakthrough for admen .