
This algorithm uses ray tracing to calculate traveltime , and de-rives reflection amplitude from wave field interface equation .
GRAB computes TL through a user-defined model include source location , wave frequency , distance of transmission and so on .
Also the calculations using non-distributive measures such as standard deviation will not produce reliable results if propagated to the virtual cube .
We will address this problem in follow-up discussions . Finally , the paper gives a summary and outlook , The Appendix is a summary of Propagator calculation when study the cooling of Neutron star .
The empirical formula of calculating flame - propagating speed is obtained .
A Method of Acoustic Transmission Loss Calculated with Background Noise Removal-energy Summation
The mixed Eulerian Lagrangian procedure is adopted in this paper for the calculation of wave propagation .
After simulation , it becomes more explicit on physical concept for solution process with the introduction of the wavenumber , and also more concise on solution .
The process of the boundary information propagation is accelerated with the immediate update method in which the information of the n + 1 time step is applied .
In this paper we review briefly the recent discussion in literature about the two infectious diseases models : SIR model and SIS model and the problem of how to calculate the transmission threshold in value of the two models .
Finally , a new straightforward formula for determining the e-ray propagation direction is derived .
Quantitative calculation of propagation velocity and pressure of shock waves from the interferograms of flow field
First , the calculation of atmospheric attenuation module and the calculation of the propagation factor module are designed .
And then , through density evolution , the threshold value or transmission capacity of confidence transmitting algorithm was calculated .
And on the aspect of software , they include : identifying the correcting signal and surface signal , then real-time calculate the velocity by these data of correcting signal , and final accurate calculating the liquid level .
The Effect of the Numerical Method and Parameters on the BPM
Elastic constants calculation method and propagation properties for cracked monoclinic media
An Empirical Formula for Calculating the Propagation Constants of a Unilateral Fin-Line
We calculate one-loop corrections to boson and electron propagators and get a new tunneling exponent .
The quench propagation velocity calculated is about 3 ~ 6 ? mm / s and it can be cut-off under certain current value .
With proper seeding , social computing often has a viral effect ; it spreads quickly among teams and departments as its business value as well as its value to individuals is demonstrated .
The attenuation on the sea is computed using electromagnetic calculation method and the attenuation of propagation is analyzed on the complicated boundary conditions .
The numerical study on storm surge of Yangtze estuary consists of four parts : the numerical model , the calculation of set-up , the calculation of tidal ware transmission , and the study on predicative model .