
wěi zhōng
  • Weizhong
委中[wěi zhōng]
  1. 委中穴不同刺法对中风患者下肢功能障碍的影响

    Effects of Different Point Weizhong Needling Methods on Lower Limb Dysfunction in Stroke Patients

  2. 针刺委中穴与足三里穴PET/CT脑功能显像研究

    Acupuncture of Weizhong ( BL 40 ) and Zusanli ( ST 36 ) on the study of brain function by PET / CT imaging

  3. 结论通过减少PGE2、PLA2等炎症因子含量减轻炎症反应可能是点刺委中放血治疗LIDP的作用机制。

    Conclusions Decreasing contents of inflammatory factors PGE2 and PLA2 may be the mechanisms of pricking Weizhong acupoint to cause bleeding for treatment of LIDP .

  4. 问:您如何评价查韦斯总统为推动委中关系作出的贡献?

    How do you evaluate the contribution by President Hugo Chavez to Venezuela-China relations ?

  5. 环跳直刺进针2.5-5寸,针委中时刺0.5-1.5寸深。

    Jump ring piercing needle 2.5 to 5-inch , needle puncture when the Committee 0.5-1.5 inch deep .

  6. 委内瑞拉总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗表示,委中有着牢固的政治联系。

    For his part , Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro says political contacts between the two sides remains solid .

  7. 目的观察委中穴刺血拔罐配合针刺治疗坐骨神经痛的疗效。

    Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of point Weizhong blood-letting puncture and cupping plus acupuncture for treating sciatica .

  8. 方法:对临床72例急性腰扭伤患者进行腰部及委中穴放血拔罐。

    Methods : 72 cases of patients with acute lumbar sprain in the waist and appointed point bloodletting cupping .

  9. 先取俯卧位,大椎、委中刺络拔罐,出血量约5-10ml;

    First prone position , make the way of venesection and ventouse on Dazhui and Weizhong , volume of blood on 5 - 10ml ;

  10. 中方对同马杜罗总统领导下的委内瑞拉加强合作,推动委中共同发展的战略伙伴关系有何期待?

    What is China 's expectation of enhancing cooperation and growing strategic partnership for common development with Venezuela under the leadership of President Maduro ?

  11. 针刺委中穴对脑卒中急性期下肢肌力恢复即刻疗效观察

    Observations on the Immediate Rehabilitating Effect of Acupuncture at Point Weizhong ( BL40 ) on Lower Limb Myodynamia in the Acute Stage of Cerebral Stroke

  12. 在雪兰莪反贪委中,他是最重要的人物,他决定了是否要对一起案件进行起诉,而这个权利应该落在副检控官手上。

    In MACC Selangor , he is the most important person who decides whether a case should be prosecuted even if the power should rest in the hands of the Deputy Public Prosecutor ( DPP ) .

  13. 体针取穴:上肢取肩髃,曲池,手三里,内关;下肢取环跳,阳陵泉,委中,阳辅,解溪,昆仑。

    Body acupuncture acupoints : upper shoulder Jian Yu , Qu Chi , Shou San Li , Nei Guang ; leg to take Huan Tiao , Yanglingquan , Wei Zhong , Yang Fu , Xue Hai , Kunlun .

  14. 我国造船工业体制的决策问题人才委用中的系统决策运用

    The System and Policy Decision of China 's Shipbuilding Industry

  15. 用人之道与选才标准人才委用中的系统决策运用

    Recruitment Criterion & Employment of Personnel Skills Application of System Policy Decision in Personnel Recruitment

  16. 他在学生、教职员工和校委会中都很受欢迎,何况他还是跟着政府与利比亚开展接触的。

    He was popular with students , staff and the governing body . He was also following a government lead in engaging Libya .

  17. 本文针对网络负载均衡设备F5Networks的BIG-IP与防火墙在内部网和公共网络接口处的部署,简要介绍了智能网络负载均衡技术在黄委计算机网络中的应用情况。

    In the paper , the application of network load-balancing technology is described and addressed , focusing on the cooperative work between firewalls and balancing facilities in applied network of Yellow River Conservancy Commission .

  18. 智能网络负载均衡技术&在黄委计算机网络中的应用

    An Application of the Intelligent Network Load-balancing Technology

  19. 观察人士表示,领导层变更的信号在5月就已发出,当时国资委宣布在中海油内部作出5项提拔。

    Observers say the change in leadership was signalled in May , when Sasac announced five promotions within CNOOC .

  20. 在这种委代关系中,委托人追求收益最大化,而代理人追求自身效用的最大化。

    In such relationships appointed in the pursuit of maximizing the return on clients and agents seek to maximize their effectiveness .

  21. 中美官员表示,在美中商贸联委会的谈判中,中国希望美国扩大高科技产品的出口,并希望为中国在美国的投资铺平道路。

    In the JCCT talks , China pushed for greater exports of high-tech goods from the U.S. and sought to clear the way for Chinese investment , Chinese and U.S. officials said .