- proxy;agent per procuration;authorized proxy;principal's representative

The declaration form shall be concise , signed by the declarer or its authorized proxy and attached with an abstract which contains no trade secret or state secret .
The shareholders can either be present at the shareholders meetings in person or they may appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf , and both means of voting possess the same legal effect .
Brief Analysis on the Rights of Attorneys Entrusted by Bailees
Shareholders can participate personally or delegate a representative .
Certificate of appointed representative or jointly entrusted agent by all the shareholders ;
The account is now in the hand of our ~ s for collection .
Tax payers have the right to entrust and delegate agents to bring prosecution .
On Credit Agent System of Managing State - owned Assets On Honesty & Credit
An entrusted agent shall exercise the power of agency as entrusted by the principal .
The legal representatives and the authorized legal counsels of the above companies attend the trial .
Any assignee or legal successor to either party shall assume all obligations and benefits of the contract .
The bid opening shall be held with all the legal representatives or consignors of the bidders present .
Creditors may appoint proxies to attend creditors ' meetings and exercise their voting rights on their behalf .
A party may appoint an agent to enter into a contract on its behalf under the law .
The subjects of execution of the informed consent include the patients , their statutory agents and mandatory agents .
In case the complainant entrusts its agent to make such complaints , it shall submit the power of attorney accordingly ;
A power of attorney of the clients appointed by the directorate ( signed by all the directors and seal ) .
The conciliation statement shall be signed by the arbitrators , sealed by the arbitration commission , and served on both parties .
The attorney of the respondent sun Yongren defended that the respondent agreed to divorce owing to loss of affection caused by separation .
The chattel mortgage registration may be handled at the chattel mortgage registration authority by both parties to the mortgage or their agents .
Zhao zhengbin , counsel and the entrusted agent of the supplementary civil action , is a lawyer of Yijia law firm of Bejing municipality .
The authorized agent shall submit the power of attorney to the authority for administrative reconsideration , which shall contain the relevant entrusted matters and powerscompetence .
In Client 's case with antagonism , Attorney shall not represent the opposite Party 's in any other synchronous cases , without Client 's admission .
According to legal provision , party , legal representative , legal agent , have authority attorney , they can entrust the limits that serves as agent very extensive .
Agree with the main body of the right of the patient himself , the guardian and the agent agree that the right can be exercised on his behalf .
In the exercise of the right to clear the main body of the patient himself , but the main exercise has included patients , legal representative and agent .
Article 68 If in the principal 's interests an entrusted agent needs to transfer the agency to another person , he shall first obtain the principal 's consent .
If any of the director failed to be present in the board meeting , he or she may entrust his or her agent to be present and vote .
He is an interested party and can not serve on the jury . The parties may authorize attorneys to confer with the Arbitration Commission on matters relating to arbitration .
Party can be changed to accredit limits of the attorney , can expand or narrow , after dealership is changed , should inform people of court and the opposing party .