
  • 网络Crab shell
  1. 离子液体-CmimPF6分离提纯虾、蟹壳中壳聚糖的研究

    Study on Chitosan of Shrimp and Crab Shell by Extracting with Ionic Liquid-CmimPF_6

  2. 蟹壳与乳腺癌相关凋亡基因关系的研究进展

    Research Progress on Relationship between Crab Shell and Breast Cancer Related Apoptosis Genes

  3. 虾、蟹壳制高分子絮凝剂的研究

    Study on Preparation Macromolecular coagulant from Crust of Shrimp and Crab

  4. 方法:壳聚糖膜来源于雪蟹壳。

    Methods : Chitosan membrane extracted from shell of snow-crab was made .

  5. 梭子蟹壳色素的提取、纯化及其稳定性的研究

    Study on Extraction , Purification and Stability of Pigment from Portunid Carapace

  6. 虾、蟹壳聚糖溶液粘度变化的研究

    Study of Viscosity Change on Shrimp and Crab Chitosan Solution

  7. 用虾、蟹壳制取止血海绵

    Making haemostatic sponge with shell of shrimp and crab

  8. 以蟹壳为原料,研究了O-羧甲基壳聚糖的制备原理和方法;

    The principle and method of preparing O-carboxymethyl chitosan from crab shell was studied .

  9. 用日本蟹壳生产优质甲壳素的工艺研究

    Studies on the technology of producing good quality chitin from the shell of Charybdis japonica

  10. 梭子蟹壳制备壳聚糖和果酸钙的工艺及应用研究

    Study on Preparation Technology and Application of Chitosan and Calcium Citrate Malate from Portunid Carapace

  11. 人们还用这些机器来粉碎旧轮胎、地毯、注射器甚至蟹壳。

    Old tires , carpet , syringes and even crab shells are routinely pulverized in these machines .

  12. 她最好玩的杰作是一件完全由真的蟹壳和龙虾爪制成的文胸。

    Her snappiest masterpiece in the bunch is a bra made entirely out of real crab shells and lobster claws .

  13. 人们还发现了另一个令人惊愕的事实:蟹壳的颜色变得最深的时间每天推迟50分钟。

    Yet another startling fact was revealed : the crab 's shell reached the darkest color about 50 minutes later each day .

  14. 在激烈的战斗中,许德拉有一只巨蟹助战,被赫拉克勒斯用大棒将蟹壳击碎而亡。

    In the fierce battle , Cancer , Hydra 's assistant , was killed by Heracles who crushed shells with a stick .

  15. 大部分时间,它们都背着马蹄形的蟹壳在海底四处爬行。

    Granted , they spend most of their time crawling over the sea floor and have a crab-like shell roughly resembling a horseshoe .

  16. 虾蟹壳生产甲壳素废碱液的成分分析用日本蟹壳生产优质甲壳素的工艺研究

    Composition analysis of alkali wastewater from chitin processing Studies on the technology of producing good quality chitin from the shell of Charybdis japonica

  17. 凭借着对海产类食品的热爱和剥蟹壳的技术,退休的女服务员谢女士以自己的此项技能赚钱。

    With a passion for seafood and the skill of de-shelling crabs , Ms Xie , a retired stewardess offers her skill for sale .

  18. 在蟹壳、尘螨背甲、苔藓细胞壁,甚至在寄生蠕虫硬质内脏中甲壳素无处不在。

    Chitin is the stuff of crab shells and the carapaces of dust mites , the cell walls of lichens , and even the rigid innards of parasitic worms .

  19. 现在市场上出现了一种高科技的敷药绷带。像蟹壳原料一样出人意料之外,其原料是猪小肠。

    There is a high-tech scaffold that 's commercially available now , and it comes from a source as unexpected as crab shells : the small intestines of pigs .

  20. 食物下脚可以变成肥料。当初,白蛇娘娘压在塔底下,法海禅师躲在蟹壳里。

    Garbage from food can be changed into fertilizer . Formerly Lady White Snake was imprisoned under the pagoda , and Fa Hal hid himself in the crab 's shell .

  21. 调查结果表明:几丁质(蟹壳粉)处理对棉花黄萎病的防治效果最好,在盆栽和小区试验中病情指数分别比对照降低了72.21%和62.26%;

    Chitin ( crab shell powder ) was the best one for controlling disease with a 72.21 % reducing of disease index in pots and 62.26 % reducing in plots .

  22. 他逃来逃去,终于逃在蟹壳里避祸,不敢再出来,到现在还如此。

    Then the monk fled hither and thither , and finally took refuge in a crab 's shell , from which he has not dared emerge to the present day .

  23. 海洋环境中含有丰富的几丁质,为虾壳、蟹壳的主要成分,这些物质如果不经过处理,还有可能成为有机污染源,海洋的这种特殊生境,使得从海洋环境中分离筛选产几丁质酶真菌成为可能。

    The marine environment is rich in chitin which is the component of shrimps and crabs . If these substances are not treated , could become the organic sources of pollution .

  24. 实验结果如下:(1)通过单因素和正交实验,确定了回流提取和微波辅助提取梭子蟹壳色素的最佳提取工艺。

    The results were as following : ( 1 ) The optimum extracting conditions for solvent extraction and microwave-assisted extraction of pigment in Portunid carapace were studied by single factor analysis and orthogonal test .

  25. 梭子蟹的加工产生了大量的下脚料,其中蟹壳是主要组成部分,含有丰富的甲壳素和钙资源,具有较高的利用价值。

    The crab shell is the main components of portunid wastes which produced during the processing of the portunid , includes the rich resource of chitin and calcium , has the high use value .

  26. 但是,当一个勇于探索的科学家把招潮蟹放在黑暗中,他惊讶的发现蟹壳的颜色依然准确的按时间转变。

    But when an enterprising scientist placed a fiddler crab in darkness , he was amazed to find that the color of the crab 's shell kept ticking off the time with the same accuracy .

  27. 由蟹壳制备壳聚糖的过程分两步:首先蟹壳分别在稀酸和稀碱中脱除钙和蛋白质得到甲壳素;

    The process from crab shells to natural polymer chitosans has two steps : One is that crab shells were demineralized in dilute acid and deproteinized in dilute base , respectly , and then decolored to obtain chitins .

  28. 味精(又叫谷氨酸钠)是一种常用来为咸味或酸味食物增加口感的化学物质。本公司是生产蟹壳黄的绩优厂商,有咸的也有甜的口味。

    MSG ( or monosodium glutamate ) is a chemical commonly used to add flavor to salty or sour tasting foods . We are one of the leading manufacturers of sweat pastry and salt pastry which called Hsieh-Ke-Huang pastry .