
  • 网络if we are together
  1. 如果我们在一起,会一起命丧黄泉。

    If we stay together , we could all wind up dead .

  2. 可以这么特殊,如果我们在一起。

    Can be so special if we 're together .

  3. 如果我们在一起,天上的月亮也会嫉妒的。

    When we are together , even the moon in the sky will be jealousy .

  4. 如果我们在一起不合适我会让你失望伤害到你而我不想那样

    So if it doesn 't work , I 'll just disappoint you and hurt you , and I don 't wanna do that .

  5. 在一起祷告的家庭总在一起,那么如果我们在一起,我们自然的就会彼此相爱。

    The family that prays together stays together ; and if we stay together , naturally we will love one another and want each other .

  6. 但如果我们合在一起呢?

    But what if we pooled it together ?

  7. 如果我们依然在一起再黑的夜晚我也无需躲避。

    If we are still together and then black night I need not evade .

  8. 如果我们呆在一起我们就能活着!

    We can survive if we stay together !

  9. 但是如果我们联合在一起。

    But if we were one land-united .

  10. 如果我们不能在一起,生活还有什么意义?无论是在几百年前的英国,还是现在。

    What value will there ever be in life , if we aren 't together ?

  11. 如果我们能在一起,那就不在会感到离别的痛楚。

    If we could be united , ~ ~ we would feel this pain no longer .

  12. 如果我们没在一起,她也不会在那。

    Well , she wouldn 't have been there if we weren 't having an affair .

  13. 你有没有想过,如果我们最终在一起了会怎样?

    Do you ever think about what it 'd be like if you and I ended up ?

  14. 如果我们还能在一起,我不希望你是出于一种义务感。

    If we 're gona be together , I don 't want it to be out a sense of obligation .

  15. 这还为了什么?如果我们不能在一起,就意味着我们输了!就意味着我们放弃了!

    What else was it for ? If we can 't stay together , that means we lost ! That means we 've given up !

  16. 每一天,我都因为自己是美国人而觉得蒙福,我仍然深信,如果我们团结在一起,共同努力,尊重我们彼此的不同,坚定我们的信念和对我们国家的爱,我们最好的日子还在前面。

    I count my blessings every single day that I am an American , and I still believe , as deeply as I ever have , that if we stand together and work together with respect for our differences , strength in our convictions , and love for this nation , our best days are still ahead of us .

  17. 如果我们大家团结在一起,就不会有事。

    If we all stick together , we ought to be okay .

  18. 虽然,我们都能goonwithourlives继续自己现有的生活,但是,如果我们有可能在一起的话,Ichooseus.我选择我们。

    I know we could both go on with our lives , and we 'd both be fine . But I 've seen ... what we could be like together . And I choose us .

  19. 昨天的会议,如果我们可以聚在一起的话。

    About the meeting last night , if we can get together .

  20. 如果他和我们在一起,我们会感到好得多。

    If he were here with us , we should feel much better .

  21. 如果我们不团结在一起,肯定会被各各击破。

    If we do not hang together , we shall most assuredly hang separately .

  22. 如果伯克霍夫看到我们在一起

    And when Birkhoff sees us working together ,

  23. “你说过这会给你带来麻烦……如果我们公开地在一起。”我提醒他。

    You said it might cause trouble for you ... us being together publicly , I reminded him .

  24. 我的意思是,如果某人和我们在一起时十分强大而有力,我们倾向于让自己变小。

    What I mean is if someone is being really powerful with us , we tend to make ourselves smaller .

  25. 如果让他们看见我们在一起他们会杀了我们的

    but they 'll kill me if they see us together .

  26. 但如果我们真的要在一起

    But if we 're gonna stay together , then ,

  27. 杰克:如果我们的房间不在一起的话,我不在意。

    Jack : I don 't mind if our rooms aren 't together .

  28. 如果我们把它们合在一起,就会引起困惑。

    They are confusing when we conflate them .

  29. 如果我们用心和他在一起,基督是不会恼怒的。

    Jesus is never mad at us if we live with him in our hearts .

  30. 如果我们和父母连接在一起,我们也就和我们的源头连接在一起。

    If we are connected to our parents , we are connected to our source .