
  • 【电影】Like a Dream
  1. 四年前,林书豪以他在纽约尼克斯队(NewYorkKnicks)的一系列如梦如幻般的超凡表现让纽约人和全世界的亚裔为之一振。

    It has been four years since Mr. Lin seemed to inspire New Yorkers and Asians around the world with his mystical , mythical string of performances with the New York Knicks .

  2. 请缓缓读起,如梦一般,你会重温。

    And slowly read , and dream of the soft look .

  3. 电影如梦解析

    An analysis of the simile " movies are like dreams "

  4. 在这个如梦如真的夜晚,一切皆有可能!

    This is a perfect dream night , everything is possible !

  5. 我们在一个如梦的安息日下午,去城里兜了一圈。

    We circumambulated the city on a dreamy Sabbath afternoon .

  6. 青春如梦,短暂而充满理想,高阔而让人羡慕。

    Youth is a dream brief and ambitious , lofty and enviable .

  7. “丽江摩托车友之家”在如梦的云南丽江欢迎你的到来!

    Motorcycle Club of Li Jiang welcome you to come the dreamland-Lijiang !

  8. 若不是如梦一般,这真似梦成真。

    Not very dream-like except that it seems like a dream cometrue .

  9. 李清照两首《如梦令》词赏析比较

    Appreciation on the Two Ci poetry of Ru Meng Ling by Li Qingzhao

  10. 谁曾梦到过美如梦一般消逝?

    Who dreamed that beauty passes like a dream ?

  11. 在这如梦的世界中,爱才是真实的。

    In this world of dreams , love is the one true thing .

  12. 这儿的风景有人烟稀少、如梦如幻的味道。

    The landscape has a depopulated and dreamlike air .

  13. 你的声音如梦似影。

    Your sound like dream resembles the shade .

  14. 我降临的人身就如梦中的的一个幻象。

    My Avatarically-Born Person in the world is like an image in a dream .

  15. 因而并非河水如梦如幻;,而是理查在幻想。

    So the river is not dreaming ; it 's Richard who is dreaming .

  16. 一切如梦境般结束。

    It was like a dream ended .

  17. 人生果真空如梦吗?

    Is life really an empty dream ?

  18. 花开寂寞,往事如梦。

    Flowers loneliness , past a dream .

  19. 浅潜如梦的细雨。

    Shallow submarine dream of the rain .

  20. 他的甜言蜜语令她如梦如痴。

    His sweet talk made her dreamy .

  21. 在“如梦境般的”状态中,意识完全与形式认同。

    Consciousness has entered that " dream-like " state where it is completely identified with form .

  22. 下面是一行同样显眼的口号:如梦中情人一样温柔。

    Immediately below and almost as prominent was the slogan : As Gentle As Your Dream Lover .

  23. 第二天:晨起步出船舱,您会发现自己到了一个如梦如幻的世界。

    The next day : morning outside cabin , you will find themselves forced to live in one world .

  24. 我们对一种感觉满足时,有时会用如梦如幻,如痴如醉来形容。

    We have a feeling of satisfaction , sometimes with a dreamlike , delude one to folly to describe .

  25. 我们可以说在这个状态下,宇宙或者说意识进入了一个“如梦境般的”状态。

    We could say that in that state , the Universe or Consciousness has entered a " dream-like " state .

  26. 当光线稍微变强时,一切如梦如幻,柔和淡雅,美不胜收。

    When the light has become a little stronger , you have one of the fairest and softest pictures imaginable .

  27. 任何人在压瘪的汽车中生还都是一个奇迹;时光飞逝如梦。

    A miracle that anyone survived in the telescoped cars ; years that seemed telescoped like time in a dream .

  28. 笛声如梦:愿我们长笛爱好者的这个大家庭,人丁兴旺,充满温馨,永远开心!

    Flute sound dream : wish our flutefriends family is full of members , full of warm and happy for ever .

  29. 缓缓读起,如梦一般,你会重温你那脉脉眼波曾经那么的深情和柔美。

    And slowly read , and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once , and of their shadows deep ;

  30. 他必飞去如梦,不再寻见,速被赶去,如夜间的异象。

    Like a dream he flies away , no more to be found , banished like a vision of the night .