
  1. 潮湿的小径弯弯曲曲,同我儿时的记忆一样。

    The damp path zigzagged like those of my childhood .

  2. 但张小涛对儿时的记忆不是这样。

    But that is not what Mr. Zhang remembers from his childhood .

  3. 在这夜深人静的夜晚,突然想起了儿时的记忆。

    In this night of nights , a sudden thought of childhood memories .

  4. 现在想想,我大多数儿时的记忆都是关于那些我能做的事和我不能做的事。

    Come to think of it , most of my early memories are about what I could and couldn 't do .

  5. 从我表弟的看法中,从放牛娃的话语中,从我儿时的记忆中,我感到了一种绝望。

    From my cousin 's viewpoint , from the cowherd children 's words , from my childhood memory , I have perceived feelings of hopelessness .

  6. 因为在我儿时的记忆里这里很少有人居住,所以我把它称作是祖母的山。

    When I was little , few people lived on the same mountain my grandmother lived on and so I would always refer to it as her mountain .

  7. 说什么我也不会换走我儿时的记忆,那些溪中游戏、攀爬大树、河里游泳、登高望远的美好时光。

    I would never trade in my memories of playing in a stream , climbing trees galore , swimming in the river , and hiking up hills for a breathtaking view ...

  8. 大多数人觉得那是里奥纳多想象出来的,但是越来越多的证据表示蒙娜丽莎背后的背景其实是达芬奇根据自己儿时的记忆创作出来的自己曾经生活过的地方–亚诺河河谷。

    Most people assume that this was a product of Leonardo 's fertile imagination , but there 's increasing evidence it was inspired by the landscape of his childhood , the Arno Valley .

  9. 儿时模糊的记忆,童话故事里的传说人物将重现舞台!

    Legendary characters in the fairy tales are coming back on stage from the vague childhood memory !

  10. 当我长到10多岁时,这些儿时对话的记忆还从来没有真正从我的脑海中离开过。

    As I grew into my teens , the memories of those childhood conversations never really left me .

  11. 因为“大力水手”的烟斗是记者儿时的深刻记忆,所以此时出现在我脑海中的是卜派的卡通形象。

    Since Popeye 's pipe was a profound childhood memories of mine , so at this time it was a cartoon image of divination that came to my mind .