
hǎo gǎn
  • good opinion;favorable impression;good opinion (impression);graces
好感 [hǎo gǎn]
  • (1) [good opinion (impression)]∶对人对事满意或喜欢的情绪

  • 对他有好感

  • (2) [graces]∶喜欢;宠爱,宠信

  • 你千方百计骗取我的好感

好感[hǎo gǎn]
  1. 你如果继续撒谎,就会失掉大家对你的好感。

    If you continue to tell lies , you will forfeit the good opinion of everyone .

  2. 信誉对他人有好感或信任的基础上所受到的影响。

    Influence based on the good opinion or confidence of others .

  3. 公众总是对平易近人的政治人物有好感。

    The public is always attracted to politicians who have the human touch .

  4. 我立刻对新老板产生了好感。

    I took to my new boss immediately .

  5. 坦率地说吧,她对迈克有好感只不过是因为他有钱。

    Let 's be honest , she 's only interested in Mike because of his money .

  6. 我看出出版商对我的书颇有好感。

    I saw that the publishers were well disposed towards my book

  7. 我对英国小报完全没有好感。

    I have an extremely low opinion of the British tabloid newspapers .

  8. 他已经赢得了美国民众的好感。

    He has endeared himself to the American public .

  9. 他对她很有好感。

    He felt well disposed towards her .

  10. 律师告诫当事人穿戴整洁会赢得地方法官的好感。

    Solicitors advised their clients that a tidy look went down well with the magistrates .

  11. 他说,“我对你有好感。”我当时的反应是,“你开玩笑的吧!”

    He said ' I 'm attracted to you . ' I 'm like ' You 're kidding ! '

  12. 他们赢得了我们的好感。

    They won our favour .

  13. 我对你有着不可否认,又无法用其他途径解释的好感。

    There 's no denying I have feelings for you that can 't be explained in any other way .

  14. 曝光效应这种心理现象指的是人们容易对熟悉的人或事物产生好感。

    The mere-exposure effect is a psychological phenomenon by which people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them .

  15. 不管那房子里是什么东西,它都对我都没什么好感,它肯定不喜欢我,因为我爷爷在那住了24年,可什么都没有发生过。

    Whatever is in that house , it doesn 't like me . Well it must not , my granddad has lived there for 24 years and nothing like this has ever happened .

  16. 这里“暗香型女性”,是指以细腻和典雅的气质取胜的女性,她们看似低调实则高明,在职场中比花枝招展型更能赢得同事的好感和上司的信赖。

    Some female office workers are popular with colleagues , earning their superiors ' trust more easily because they keep a low profile though they are professionally sophisticated and tastefully polished , in sharp contrast to their flamboyant peers .

  17. 在西方文化中,人们对cock一词并无好感;

    Whereas in western culture ," cock " is a taboo ;

  18. 皮尤研究中心(pewresearchcentre)近期的调查显示,67%的日本民众表示他们对中国不抱好感。

    In a recent poll by the Pew Research Centre , 67 per cent of Japanese said they had an unfavourable view of China .

  19. 《管理科学》(ManagementScience)在2008年刊登的一项研究表明,对于视频会议中的讲话者,人们会更多地受到他们对讲话者的好感度,而非其理据质量的影响。

    People watching a speaker on a videoconference are more influenced by how much they like the speaker than by the quality of the speaker 's arguments , according to a 2008 study in Management Science .

  20. 他每想到海洋,老是称她为lamar,这是人们对海洋抱着好感时用西班牙语对她的称呼。

    He always thought of the sea as la mar which is what people call her in Spanish when they love her .

  21. 苹果正在以这款设备博取时尚和奢侈品市场的好感,包括在巴黎时装周(ParisFashionWeek)期间特意在柯莱特时尚店(Colette)陈列该产品。

    Apple is courting the fashion and luxury market with the device , including a showcase during Paris Fashion Week held at the chic boutique store Colette .

  22. 同时采用流行的Ajax技术,可以让页面局部数据更新,增加用户体验好感。

    At the same time we use the popular Ajax that can make the page update part of data to increase the user experience a good impression .

  23. 作为节目的一部分,australiangold为洛杉矶艾滋病项目组织(aidsprojectlosangeles)获胜团队选择的慈善组织捐款,让观众对该品牌又产生了一层好感。

    As a part of the show , Australian gold sponsored AIDS Project Los Angeles ( the charity of choice of the winning team ) , creating further viewer goodwill toward the brand .

  24. 观察上例,您应该会产生几分好感,将Python程序置于文件内,并使其运行是如此简单。

    Looking at this example , you should get a good feeling for how simple it is to put a Python program in a file and have it run .

  25. 具有同一类变异的免疫系统基因(MHC)的人们通常会对同一种香气产生好感(无论是玫瑰、麝香还是香草等等)。

    People who share the same variants of immune system ( MHC ) genes often preferred the same scents ( rose oil , musk or vanilla , for instance ) .

  26. 如今只有Rackspace,和其余像它那样把空置商城看作是一张空白画布的公司对购物中心还有好感。

    Except Rackspace , and others like it , who have come to see a dead mall as a blank canvas .

  27. Priceless与worthless都表示”无价的”吗?通常来说,忠告都是价值不菲的,但这个是免费赠送的.如果你能赢得沃塞曼和她丈夫荷恩的好感,那就找到了两位完美无缺,堪称无价之宝的葡萄酒导师。

    Generally speaking , advice is priceless , but this one is freely sent to you . If you 're a good guest , and Wasserman and her husband , Russell Hone , take a liking to you , you 've found your perfect , priceless mentors .

  28. 与Djoko一样,患有结核病和其他疾病的其他人也花上好几个小时从Douala赶到雅温得,因为“这里的药物更好些”,同时也反映了人们对该医院关爱质量的好感。

    Others like Djoko , who suffer from TB and other diseases , travel hours from Douala because the " drugs are better here ," highlighting positive perceptions about the quality of care .

  29. 分析师们表示,宣布设立该研发中心是库克赢得中国政府好感的最新企图。此前,这家美国集团曾在今年5月向中国叫车软件公司滴滴出行(DidiChuxing)投资10亿美元。

    Analysts said the announcement of the R & D centre was Mr Cook 's latest attempt to gain favour with Beijing , following the US group 's $ 1bn investment in Didi Chuxing , the Chinese car-hailing company , in May .

  30. 麦克尤恩个子很高,面貌和蔼可亲,这似乎很容易获得人们的好感。麦克尤恩在大学打篮球时认识了现在的妻子,他回忆起自己曾被学校的橄榄球队选中,因为他能够在争边球(line-out)时抢到球。

    A tall man - he met his wife playing basketball at university and recalls being picked for school rugby because he could win the ball in the line-out - Mr McEwan exudes a bonhomie that seems to help people warm to him .