
  • 网络Part number;P/N;pno
  1. TCM零件号正确吗?

    Is the TCM part number correct ?

  2. 但这里存在一个问题:搜索型号和年份必须使用Assembly表,但是零件号和零件描述只能在Inventory表中找到。

    Here , though , there 's a problem : A search for model and year must use the Assembly table , but the part number and part description can only be found in the Inventory table .

  3. 例如,一个零件号可以是10个字符宽。

    For instance , a part number may be10 characters wide .

  4. 检查零件号和标记是否能够读出。

    Check that the part number and inscription can be read .

  5. 更换各个喷油器时,请务必注意零件号。

    Always observe the part numbers when replacing individual injectors .

  6. 告诉我车型或者你的零件号。

    Let me know the type of your car or Part number .

  7. 飞机零件号打印方法的研究及应用

    Research and Application of Marking Methods for Plane Parts

  8. 按照说明输入零件号订购。

    Order the part numbers in accordance with instructions .

  9. 仅使用标有零件号的润滑剂。

    Only use lubricants that have part numbers .

  10. 你改版的时候,会产生不同的零件号吗?

    Do you get a different part number ?

  11. 增加7-1cpu组装板零件号。

    Ullet change part number of7-1cpu assembly .

  12. 放置密封件时,必须可以从外部看见零件号。

    The seal must be positioned so that the part number is visible from the outside .

  13. 读取该车辆发动机上所有杆式点火模块的零件号。

    Read off the part number on all bar ignition modules on the engine of this vehicle .

  14. 基于此零件号,可确定并可根据下表来使用所需外倾角偏心螺钉。

    Based on this part number , the required camber eccentric screw can be determined and used in accordance with the table provided below .

  15. 《技术维修信息》不包含任何技术数据或零件号;它不用作进行修理或排除技术故障的依据。

    The service information Technik does not contain any technical data or part numbers ; it is not intended for use as a basis for carrying out repairs or troubleshooting technical problems .

  16. 集成于AutoCAD的零件序列号标注设计

    Develop of the Dimension of Parts ' Serial Number Integraled with AutoCAD

  17. 针对在网络上一个团队进行工艺编制时对CAPP系统的需求,阐述了基于网络的CAPP系统设计、零件图号的网络管理及相似工艺网络查询等问题,并用实例加以验证说明。

    Discusses the design of a CAPP system on Windows NT . The management of part drawing numbers , the methods of easy finding similar process planning files and some examples are presented in detail .

  18. 在有些案例中,根据图面或项目工程师的要求,零件料号将有一个日期区别。

    In some cases , a part number destination will be an dated by the part print or requested by the project manager .

  19. 这些模块必须作为整体部件单元或者作为单个零件进行更换,具体取决于所安装的杆式点火模块的零件号;参见?“所需操作:”。

    The modules must be replaced either as a complete unit or individually , depending on the part number of the installed bar ignition modules ; see ?" Action required : " .