
  • 网络Trust-Mart;Trust Mart;Costco
  1. 我们俩都在好又多购物时,撞见了彼此。

    We bumped into each other when we were shopping in the Trust Mart .

  2. 尤其是,光大通信已与美国沃尔玛(wal-mart)持有部分股权的大型超市连锁商好又多(trust-mart)展开合作,将在好又多店里开展业务。

    In particular , EBT has partnered with Trust-Mart , the hypermarket chain partly owned by Wal-Mart of the US , to open operations within Trust-Mart stores .

  3. 在好又多长达一年的拍卖过程中,沃尔玛超过了法国的家乐福(Carrefour)和一家中国企业,成为竞标中的领先者。好又多是中国大陆第二大外资大型超市连锁企业。

    The US retailer has emerged as the leading bidder in a year-long auction for Trust-Mart , the second biggest foreign hypermarket chain in China , edging ahead of bids from Carrefour of France and a Chinese company .

  4. 沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)已同意购入好又多商业发展有限公司(Bounteous,简称:好又多公司)35%的股权,并且最终可能会以大约10亿美元的代价,控股该公司的中国大陆业务好又多(Trust-Mart)连锁超市。

    Wal-Mart has agreed to buy 35 per cent of the company that operates the Trust-Mart chain of hypermarkets in China and could eventually pay about $ 1bn for control of the operation .

  5. 家乐福在中国37个城市拥有101家大型超市;沃尔玛有86家,并且正在收购多至100家好又多(Trust-Mart)旗下的门店。

    Carrefour has 101 hypermarkets in 37 cities , while Wal-Mart has 86 and is in the process of acquiring up to 100 stores belonging to the Trust-Mart chain .

  6. 互联网是个信息网络,它有许多好又多的功能。

    The internet is a network of information , is very good and much functions .

  7. 城市大型连锁超市的空间布局模式探析&以广州好又多连锁超市为例

    Spatial Distribution Pattern of Urban Big Chain Store & A case study of Trust-Mart in Guangzhou

  8. 沃尔玛的高管认为,中国顾客进店次数变少是因为他们光顾好又多的次数减少了。

    Executives cited declines at the Trust Mart stores as the reason customer visits have dropped in China .

  9. 如果沃尔玛完全控股好又多公司,那么,它将成为中国最大的超市连锁企业。

    If Wal-Mart takes full control of Bounteous , the company that operates Trust-Mart , it would become the biggest hypermarket chain in China .

  10. 齐晓斋还表示,沃尔玛收购好又多之后,应该将两个品牌整合在一起,否则反而不利。

    But Qi also said Walmart should speed up its restructuring and assimilation of Trust-mart , otherwise the merger will have an adverse impact on the company .

  11. 然后借鉴前人的研究成果并结合大连好又多超市顾客的具体特点,设计出顾客感知服务质量量表和顾客满意度量表,通过预测试对量表进行了信度和效度检验。

    Then from the previous research achievements and the characteristics of Dalian trust-mart customer , design scales of customer-perceived service quality and customer satisfaction , through questionnaire to predict reliability and validity .

  12. 我们的品牌“贝蒂娜”在日用消费品市场已经遍及中国的华东和华北区域,在这些地区的重要的大型超市集团诸如欧尚、大润发、世纪联华、好又多等都可以购买到我们的产品。

    Our Consumer brand " Bettina " can be found in China 's most important Supermarket groups such as Auchan , RT-Mart , Century-mart , and Trust-mart , throughout South East and Northern China .

  13. 因此,在解决了规模较小的山姆俱乐部业务的所有小故障后,沃尔玛要继续开发沃尔玛或好又多品牌的平行网站就会相对容易一些。

    So it would be relatively easy for the retailer to follow up with a Walmart – or Trustmart – branded parallel site , after ironing out any glitches under the smaller Sam 's Club business .