
  • 网络olympic medal
  1. 但是这并不意味着获得奥林匹克奖牌的人就不是一个无耻的舞弊者。

    But that doesn 't mean somebody getting an Olympic medal isn 't a rat .

  2. 她赢得过一块奥林匹克奖牌。

    She won an Olympic medal .

  3. 获得奥林匹克奖牌是最能客观的证明你在某一方面要强于其他人的方法。

    Winning an Olympic medal is the closest you can get to proving you are objectively better at something than everyone else on Earth .

  4. 菲尔普斯成为赢得金牌数最多的人,而拉瑞萨·拉提尼娜18枚奥运奖牌的记录也使她成为奥林匹克奖牌史上最成功的选手。

    While Phelps may hold claim to have won the most gold medals , Latynina's18 medals make her the most successful Olympic medal winner of all time .

  5. 在《名人果汁》节目中,这位19岁的奥林匹克奖牌得主说道他和39岁的曾获奥斯卡最佳原创剧本奖的达斯汀·兰斯·布莱克恋情发展的很不错。

    Speaking on ITV2 's Celebrity Juice the 19-year-old Olympic medalist also said his relationship with 39-year-old Oscar winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black is ' all good ' .

  6. 李群一直想获得奥林匹克英语奖牌。

    Li Qun tries for an Olympic medal of English .

  7. 根据教练BobLarsen,对于美国奥林匹克马拉松奖牌获得者MebKeflezighi而言,现在,“舒适地费力”配速占周里程15-20%。

    Today , American Olympic Marathon medalist Meb Keflezighi puts in15 to20 percent of his miles at his " comfortably hard " pace , according to his coach , Bob Larsen .

  8. 奥林匹克运动会奖牌的主要特色是正反两面均刻有希腊文字。

    The main feature of the Olympic medals is the Greek characters shown on both sides .

  9. 悉尼歌剧院、奥林匹克火炬和奥林匹克五环刻在奖牌背面。当晚,他在朋友奥利维尔·莫林尼尔家过夜。

    The Sydney Opera House , the Olympic torch and the Olympic rings are represented on the reverse . He spent that night with his friend , Olivier Molinier .