
  1. 更团结即追求体育比赛的公平竞争和共同进步。

    More Comity means seeking for fair competitions of sports and common progress .

  2. 因为我们更团结象一个团队了,在更衣室中和在场上的事情都完全改变了!

    Things have definitely changed in the changing room , and on the pitch , because we are more together as a team .

  3. “在毛的年代,要更团结。”这位棉农说,他喂养着供自己吃的鸡鸭。

    " During the era of Mao Zedong it was much tougher ," said the cotton farmer who also raises chickens and ducks for home consumption .

  4. 但是,若要避免这些国家的政治自主受到欧元戒律的侵害,我们就必须找到一种更团结的办法来捍卫它。

    But if political autonomy in these countries is not to be undermined by the disciplines of the euro , a more solidaristic approach to defending it will need to be found .

  5. 我们正在为同样的目标而努力,在这个成败关头,我们要比以往更团结、准备更充分,在11月是我们的国家重回正确的轨道。

    And we are all heading toward the same destination , united and more ready than ever to win in November and to turn our country around , because so much is at stake .

  6. 央视网上的文章指出,雾霾让中国人更团结、更平等,因为大家因为一个共同的问题而团结起来,这个问题不因年龄、住所或收入而异。

    The pollution ' unifies the Chinese people ' and ' makes the country more equal , ' the essay noted , as citizens unite around a common complaint that doesn 't discriminate based on age , residence or income .

  7. 这篇评论文章发表的前一天,央视网上发表的一篇文章列出了中国严重空气污染的“五大意外收获”:雾霾让中国人更团结、更平等、更清醒、更幽默、长知识。

    The commentary came a day after an essay posted on the website of China Central Television outlined the ' five surprising benefits ' of the country 's severe air pollution ( in Chinese ) : it unites people , makes them more equal , raises citizen awareness and knowledge and leads to an elevated sense of humor .

  8. 更注意团结那些与自己意见不同的人一道工作。

    Pay more attention to uniting and working with those who differ with you .

  9. 奥运会是全世界的一大盛典,作为中国人更应该团结!

    The Olympic Games is a big grand ceremony of the whole world , should unite even more as the Chinese !

  10. 这不是为地主打算,而是更容易团结和领导群众,把事情办好。

    They are not meant for the benefit of landlords , but to facilitate our effort to unite with the masses and lead them to success in land reform .

  11. 由于这些努力,国际社会更为团结一致,试图无视自身义务的国家更为孤立,其中当然包括北韩。

    Because of these efforts , the international community is more united and nations that attempt to flout their obligations are more isolated . Of course , that includes North Korea .

  12. “新北京,新奥运”不仅仅是激发了人们想象力的口号,更是团结整个中华民族的呼声.

    New Beijing , Great Olympics , this is not only a slogan that fires the imagination of the people but also a battle cry that rallies the whole Chinese nation .

  13. 音乐作品不仅仅是反映本民族的音乐文化,更成为团结人们共同争取自由和解放、同反动势力斗争到底的精神支柱。

    Music works not only had represented European traditional music culture but also had become spiritual pillar to unite people and to fight jointly for freedom and liberation with the reactionary forces .

  14. 事实上,弗朗西斯,约翰二十三世和约翰·保罗二世3位超级明星汇聚一堂也许是为了使得天主教徒们更为团结,也许是为了提升他们的信仰。

    In fact , Francis , John XXIII and John Paul II are three church superstars coming together for a one canonization certain to unite Catholics and perhaps , renew their faith .

  15. 美国是善良热心人们的沃土,美国是一个民族,这里的公民都更愿意团结一致而非彼此分裂,美国是一个国家,她依靠自由和人人机会均等的信念把大家紧紧团结在一起。

    He declared that America is a land of good-hearted people , a nation of citizens who have more to unite them than to divide them , a country held together by a belief in freedom and opportunity for all .

  16. 男生结成的非正式群体在表面上看比较松散,但是当他们面对外部压力时更容易团结,内部压力往往是他们的原则上的冲突,外围成员变化较大且快,核心成员稳定。

    The groups made by boys seem like loose , but they may become closer when they face the pressure outside . The inner pressure may be the dissonance of the principle . Members outside the group change faster , the cores of the members are firmer .

  17. 住得日益稠密的居民,对内和对外都不得不更紧密地团结起来

    The denser population necessitates closer consolidation both for internal and external action .

  18. 今年4月被Fox新闻频道(FoxNews)问及与亚努科维奇的关系时,马纳福特表示他只是在努力帮助乌克兰民众建立一个能与美国及其盟友更紧密地团结在一起的民主国家。

    In April , asked on Fox News about his relationship with Mr. Yanukovych , Mr. Manafort said he was simply trying to help the Ukrainians build a democracy that could align more closely with the United States and its allies .

  19. 你们都是一体的,当真相被揭示的时候,也将更快速的团结到一起。

    You are One and will come together more quickly when the truth is revealed .

  20. 替换这类中央措施,成员国之间需要拥有更高度的团结。

    In place of such central action , stronger solidarity among members would need to emerge .

  21. 这意味着寻找方法使医院,医生和其他医疗保健提供者更有效的团结协作。

    That means finding ways for hospitals , doctors and other providers to work together more .

  22. 很难想象还有什么共同体比货币联盟更仰赖于团结。

    It is hard to imagine a shared enterprise more dependent on solidarity than a monetary union .

  23. 要想取得进步不能靠单个城市或国家,更是要团结全球的社会。

    Progress now requires coming together not just as cities or nations , but also as a global community .

  24. 欣赏是一种真正的传统美德,它可以为这个世界减轻很多压力,还能让人们更紧密的团结到一起。

    Appreciating each other id a true family vaue , onr that will bail out much of the stress on the planet and help strengthen the universal bond all people have .

  25. 他们还将世界更紧密地团结在一起,提醒我们,我们都是一家人,我们都向往一个所有人都能有尊严地生活在安全之中的和平的星球。

    They also draw the world closer together by reminding us that we are one family , sharing the same dreams for a peaceful planet , where all people can live in safety , and with dignity .

  26. 在21世纪到来的前夕,自由的人民现在必须做出抉择,控制资讯时代和全球社会的各种力量,充分发挥我国全体人民的无限潜力,实现更完善的团结统一。

    At the dawn of the21st century a free people must now choose to shape the forces of the information age and the global society , to unleash the limitless potential of all our people , and , yes , to form a more perfect union .

  27. 我们成功地经历了斗争的洗礼,比以前更强大、更团结。

    We have come through the struggle stronger and more united than we were before .

  28. 中国雇员与西方雇员不同,他们更重视集体的团结。

    Chinese employees differ from those in the west in that they emphasize the group solidarity .

  29. 但这让劳动大军更幸福、更团结、生产力更高了吗?

    But has this led to the emergence of a happier , more cohesive and more productive workforce ?

  30. 我亲爱的同胞们,我们正是为此刻而生,我们更要在此刻团结一致,抓住当下的机会。

    My fellow Americans , we are made for this moment , and we will seize it so long as we seize it together .