
Each month the total prize kitty is £ 13.5 million .
Masdar even has a $ 4 million award program the Zayed future energy prize like the vaunted X-Prize .
Earlier Thursday , New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said that total Wall Street bonuses totaled $ 18.4 billion last year .
Spain 's " El Gordo ," the world 's biggest lottery , gave out2.2 billion euros ( 1.6 billion pounds ) in Christmas prizes on Saturday .
City bonuses this year will be 10-30 per cent higher than last year , according to Armstrong International , an executive search firm . Getting exact numbers for the amount of money paid out in bonuses is difficult , if not impossible .
The first prize is a lump sum of $ 200000 .
Bonuses of up to $ 100000 will be cash only .
The division 's bonus pool is divvied up-in large part-on the basis of the rankings .
Shortly before he resigned , he agreed to cap some investment bankers ' annual total rewards , she said .
The winning ads received a total of $ 3000 in cash awards and are used on campus to promote participation in the2010 Census .
Wall Street bonuses topped $ 20bn last year , rising 17 per cent from 2008 as US banks emerged from their worst downturn in decades .
Bonus pool predictions are " tepid-to-negative " , with more than half of companies surveyed by Russell Reynolds expecting them to be smaller than last year .
On this measure , the total bonus pool for 2014 was $ 28.5bn , its highest level since 2007 and 3 per cent higher than in 2013 .
European investment banks are set to cut their bonus pools in the coming weeks by 20 per cent in a move that will exacerbate the pay gap with their US rivals .
The US Tennis Open is the last open match to take place among the four matches in the Tennis Grand Slam . This year the prize amount is 9.36 million US dollars .
Why not design a limited-liability model , where bankers become personally liable for the cumulative amount of their bonuses ?
The move comes as research from the pan-EU banking regulator reveals huge disparities in bonus sizes across the region and big differences in enforcing existing EU pay rules , which limit the upfront cash portion of a bonus to 25 per cent of the total .
Lottery officials said Wanczyk chose to take a lump-sum payment of $ 480 million , or $ 336 million after taxes , the Associated Press reported , rather than a larger amount spread out over many annual payments .