
  1. 每个月的彩池奖金总额达1,350万英镑。

    Each month the total prize kitty is £ 13.5 million .

  2. 马斯达尔还设立了一项奖金总额为400万美元的扎耶德未来能源奖(ZayedFutureEnergyPrize),类似于闻名于世的埃克斯奖(X-Prize)。

    Masdar even has a $ 4 million award program the Zayed future energy prize like the vaunted X-Prize .

  3. 周四早些时候,纽约州审计长狄纳波里(ThomasDiNapoli)说,去年华尔街的奖金总额达到184亿美元。

    Earlier Thursday , New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said that total Wall Street bonuses totaled $ 18.4 billion last year .

  4. 号称世界上规模最大的西班牙“ElGordo”圣诞彩票于上周六开奖,奖金总额高达22亿欧元(16亿英镑)。

    Spain 's " El Gordo ," the world 's biggest lottery , gave out2.2 billion euros ( 1.6 billion pounds ) in Christmas prizes on Saturday .

  5. 根据猎头公司阿姆斯特朗国际(ArmstrongInternational)预测,今年金融城内发放的奖金总额将比去年高出10%到30%。若想得到确切金额,即使并非不可能,也是很难的。

    City bonuses this year will be 10-30 per cent higher than last year , according to Armstrong International , an executive search firm . Getting exact numbers for the amount of money paid out in bonuses is difficult , if not impossible .

  6. 第一笔奖金总额为20万美元。

    The first prize is a lump sum of $ 200000 .

  7. 应得奖金总额不超过10万美元的,全额支付现金。

    Bonuses of up to $ 100000 will be cash only .

  8. 部门的奖金总额很大程度上是按评估等级分配的。

    The division 's bonus pool is divvied up-in large part-on the basis of the rankings .

  9. 卡恩沃斯说,戴蒙德在辞职前不久已同意对一些投资银行家的年度奖金总额设立上限。

    Shortly before he resigned , he agreed to cap some investment bankers ' annual total rewards , she said .

  10. 获奖的广告获得了3000美元的奖金总额,并在校园内使用,以促进2010年人口普查的参与。

    The winning ads received a total of $ 3000 in cash awards and are used on campus to promote participation in the2010 Census .

  11. 随着美国银行业摆脱数十年来最严重的低迷,华尔街去年奖金总额高达200亿美元,比2008年的水平高出17%。

    Wall Street bonuses topped $ 20bn last year , rising 17 per cent from 2008 as US banks emerged from their worst downturn in decades .

  12. 对奖金池的预测结果是“平稳至负面”,一半以上接受罗盛咨询调查的公司预计今年的奖金总额会低于去年。

    Bonus pool predictions are " tepid-to-negative " , with more than half of companies surveyed by Russell Reynolds expecting them to be smaller than last year .

  13. 根据这一指标,去年的奖金总额为285亿美元,为自2007年以来最高,较2013年高出3%。

    On this measure , the total bonus pool for 2014 was $ 28.5bn , its highest level since 2007 and 3 per cent higher than in 2013 .

  14. 欧洲投行准备在未来几周将奖金总额削减20%,此举将进一步拉大它们与美国竞争对手之间的薪资差距。

    European investment banks are set to cut their bonus pools in the coming weeks by 20 per cent in a move that will exacerbate the pay gap with their US rivals .

  15. 美国网球公开赛是网球大满贯四大赛事中,最后项进行的公开赛,今年的奖金总额为936万美元。

    The US Tennis Open is the last open match to take place among the four matches in the Tennis Grand Slam . This year the prize amount is 9.36 million US dollars .

  16. 为何不设计一种有限责任模式依据这一模式,银行家本人要对自己奖金的累积总额承担法律责任?

    Why not design a limited-liability model , where bankers become personally liable for the cumulative amount of their bonuses ?

  17. 与此同时,来自欧盟银行业监管机构的一项研究显示,该地区不同银行间奖金规模差异巨大,对欧盟现行薪酬规定(奖金的现金预付比例不得超过奖金总额的25%)的执行情况也千差万别。

    The move comes as research from the pan-EU banking regulator reveals huge disparities in bonus sizes across the region and big differences in enforcing existing EU pay rules , which limit the upfront cash portion of a bonus to 25 per cent of the total .

  18. 据美联社报道,彩票中心的工作人员表示,华兹克选择一次性提取4.8亿美元的奖金,即税后3.36亿美元,而没有选择每年提取一部分、获得更多的奖金总额。

    Lottery officials said Wanczyk chose to take a lump-sum payment of $ 480 million , or $ 336 million after taxes , the Associated Press reported , rather than a larger amount spread out over many annual payments .