
jiǎnɡ lì zhì dù
  • reward system;incentive system;system of reward;system of prize
  1. 宿迁市的奖励制度提供了一种有效机制,以保证保安志愿者自己也可以为他们做得好事中受益。

    The reward system in Suqian offers an effective mechanism to ensure security volunteers themselves can also benefit from their good deeds .

  2. 第三部分,行政奖励制度法治化建设的完善。

    The third part , administrative reward system legalization construction consummation .

  3. n.刺激;鼓励我们的国家因各种不同的奖励制度而繁荣起来。

    incentive Our country has prospered by various incentive systems .

  4. 所以我们很鼓励的另外一件事,是在公司内部设立奖励制度,比如科学优秀奖,科技优秀奖,Joel,Wilson奖项。

    So the other thing we definately encourage is we do have an award system within our company , the Exellence in Science Award and Excellence in Technology Award , the Joel Wilson Award .

  5. 悉尼市历史建筑保护的奖励制度及启示

    Bonus System in Historic Conservation in Sydney as Source of Study

  6. 我们必须让我们的奖励制度丰厚易懂。

    We need to keep our incentive program sweet and simple .

  7. 我国科技奖励制度探讨

    A Probe into the National System of Science and Technology Awards

  8. 科学发现优先权与科学奖励制度

    The Priority of Scientific Discovery and the Reward System in Science

  9. 环境行政奖励制度研究

    A Research on the Administrative Incentive System of the Environment

  10. 关于我国科技奖励制度的8点建议

    Advices on Reward System of China 's Science and Technology

  11. 第一部分,行政奖励制度的一般原理。

    The first part , the general principles of administrative reward system .

  12. 公司奖励制度的许多方面是很不明确的。

    Many aspects of a company 's reward system are quite unclear .

  13. 印度科技奖励制度及其社会影响

    On scientific and technical research encouragement and reward system of

  14. 也许,在适当的奖励制度下,管理者会做得更好。

    Perhaps , with proper incentives , managers would have done better .

  15. 科技成果鉴定、奖励制度改革之我见

    Reform of Appraisal and Award System for Research Results

  16. 第二部分,税务行政奖励制度概述。

    The second part : the main point of tax administrative award system .

  17. 论我国学术奖励制度的缺陷与创新

    On the objections and innovations of our country ′ s academic reward system

  18. 国家建立清洁生产表彰奖励制度。

    The Nation establishes a system of commendation and reward for cleaner production .

  19. 他们还常常得不到现行奖励制度的奖励。

    They are frequently bypassed by current award systems .

  20. 此外,推出配套奖励制度。

    In addition , put in place incentive systems .

  21. 我们的国家因各种不同的奖励制度而繁荣起来。

    Our country has prospered by various incentive systems .

  22. 首先,建立起原告奖励制度和约束制度。

    First of all , establish the plaintiff reward system and restraint system .

  23. 竞赛奖励制度不健全;

    The incentive system of the contest is imperfect ;

  24. PPS&适合中小型企业的面向生产率的奖励制度

    PPS-A Productivity-oriented Premium System for Small-and Medium-sized Enterprises

  25. 新中国的科技奖励制度

    System of Science and Technology Awards of China

  26. 论知识产权制度与科技奖励制度的合理实施

    On Reasonable Implementation of Intellectual Property Rights System and S & T Reward System

  27. 第二部分,目前我国行政奖励制度存在的主要问题及成因。

    The second part , administrative reward system existing main problems and their causes .

  28. 奖励制度在图书馆建设中的作用

    The Effects of Reward System in Library Construction

  29. 对提供节能措施建议的人员,是否制定过奖励制度?

    Have you created incentive programs to reward those who provide energy saving ideas ?

  30. 表现管理及工作表现奖励制度工作小组〔公务员体制改革〕

    Working Group on Performance Management and Performance-based Reward System [ Civil Service Reform ]