
  • 网络Reward and Punishment
  1. 强化学习允许通过奖励和惩罚完成agentS编程,而不用指定如何实现这个目标。

    Reinforcement learning allows to program agents by reward and punishment without specifying how to achieve the task .

  2. 其次,高强迫倾向个体的风险决策缺陷并没有受到奖励和惩罚的频率或数量的影响,表现为一种先天性的特质。

    Second , the deficit of HOC individuals ' decision-making is not affected by the frequency or magnitude of reward and punishment , which likes an inherent quality .

  3. 它没有将教师评价结果作为奖励和惩罚的依据。

    It does not consider the result of the appraisal as the base of reward or reproach .

  4. 一个好方法,以满足你的目标是建立一个奖励和惩罚制度。

    A good way to meet your goals is to establish a system of rewards and punishments .

  5. 这些高管所任命的人、所奖励和惩罚的行为,有着“定调”的意味。

    By the people they appoint , the actions they reward and those they punish , senior executives set the tone .

  6. 人们应该根据不同的情况给予奖励和惩罚,我们应该奖励捐献者的无私奉献。

    In view of the notion that prize and punishment should be meted out accordingly , donors should be rewarded for their selflessness .

  7. 奖励和惩罚作为一种强化形式在教育教学和心理治疗中经常使用,而且奖励和惩罚具有调动情绪的作用已得到共识。

    Rewarding and punishing as reinforcement often be used in education and psychotherapy . Rewarding and punishing inducing emotion has been a consensus .

  8. 说到人类,那些斯金纳试图应用于人类身上的,奖励和惩罚之类的概念,定义太过模糊,所以不能再当做科学来看待。

    When it comes to humans , the notions of reward and punishment and so on that Skinner tried to extend to humans are so vague it 's not science anymore .

  9. 教师的道德人格力量,对学生的影响是任何教科书、任何道德箴言、任何奖励和惩罚手段都不能代替的一种教育力量。

    Teachers ' ethical personality is very powerful and has great influence on students . It can 't be replaced by any textbook , any admonition , reward and punishment on morality .

  10. 这位美国海军上将说,这也是为什么他支持当前布什政府以及国际社会的政策,试图用一揽子奖励和惩罚计划,来说服伊朗领导人放弃核武器项目。

    The admiral says that is why he prefers the current U.S. and international policy of trying to convince Iranian leaders to abandon their nuclear weapons program through a package of incentives and punishments .

  11. 随后,就业主与监理单位之间的博弈和承包商与监理单位之间的博弈进行了分析,分析表明可以通过奖励和惩罚两种方法来提高监理方的工作积极性;

    Firstly , this paper analyzed the game of bidding , fulfilling between owner and contractor , which indicates that it should build the mechanism of incentive & constraint in order to reduce risk .

  12. 已有研究多探讨由情绪性影片和图片引发情绪对行为的调控作用,而对由奖励和惩罚引发的情绪对行为调控作用的研究相对较少,同时缺乏从发展角度进行探讨。

    The present study mostly examined the impact of emotion induced by emotional film clip or pictures on behaviors , few investigate the impact of emotion induced by rewarding and punishing on behavior from the point of development .

  13. 再次,学校领导及各级教育部门要给予足够的支持,及时解决体育教学改革中存在的问题;必要时实施一些奖励和惩罚措施;给教师的实际教学工作提供后援。

    Again , school leaders and education departments at all levels to give adequate support and timely solutions to physical education reform problems ; necessary measures to implement some incentives and penalties ; to the actual teaching of teachers to provide back-up .

  14. 低奖励和高惩罚条件下,奖励和惩罚线索仅引发了各年级学生的皮肤电活动增高。

    ( 3 ) The skin conduct response to the rewarding and punishing cues was higher than other cues in three grades in condition with the low value rewarding and the high punishing cues .

  15. 是该实施艰难的新常识性道路规则的时候了,这样,我们的金融市场就能奖励建设和创新,惩罚投机和浪费。

    It is time to put in place tough , new common-sense rules of the road so that our financial market rewards drive and innovation , and punishes short-cuts and abuse .