
  1. 太阳能并网发电系统的核心是DC-AC变换器。

    The core of photovoltaic grid-connected system is DC-AC converter .

  2. 30kW太阳能并网发电系统的应用与运行

    The Analysis to the Application and Operation of 30 kW Grid-connected Solar PV System

  3. 以某实际工程太阳能并网发电系统进行经济性分析。

    In an actual project solar energy grid generation system for economic analysis .

  4. 太阳能并网发电系统对半导体器件的需求分析

    Request Analysis of Semiconductor Using in Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System

  5. 本论文就是在此背景下,对太阳能并网发电系统中的核心器件并网逆变器进行了较为深入的研究,具有重要的现实意义。

    Under this background , the dissertation deeply researches the PV grid-connected inverter .

  6. 本文首先介绍了太阳能并网发电系统,具体说明了太阳能电池发电系统的分类情况和拓扑结构。

    First , this paper introduces PV grid power system , classification and topology .

  7. 大力发展太阳能并网发电系统

    Energetically develop Connected-grid photovoltaic systems

  8. 而光伏并网逆变器是太阳能并网发电系统中必不可少的设备之一。

    In the future , the main utilization of solar energy will be the grid-connected Photovoltaic system .

  9. 在太阳能并网发电系统中,如何有效、及时地检测孤岛效应对整个并网系统具有重要的意义。

    Nowadays , the technology of Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems is one of the research emphases in the applications of the solar energy .

  10. 最大功率点跟踪技术(MPPT)在太阳能光伏并网发电系统中占据着重要的地位,太阳能光伏电池是否工作在最大功率点处,直接会影响到太阳能的转换效率。

    The maximum power point tracking technology ( MPPT ) occupies a significant position in solar photovoltaic power generation system , therefore , whether the solar photovoltaic cell can work at the maximum power point has direct impact on the solar energy conversion efficiency .

  11. 一种多逆变器太阳能光伏并网发电系统的组群控制方法

    A Group Control Method for Multi-Inverter Solar Grid-Connected PV Generation Systems

  12. 本文以太阳能光伏并网发电系统为主要的研究对象。

    In this paper , put the solar photovoltaic power generation system as the main object of study .

  13. 在太阳能光伏并网发电系统中,为了获得最大输出功率,并网电流幅值要随外部环境变化而变化。

    The amplitude of grid-connected current should change with external environment in order to obtain maximum output power of PV arrays .

  14. 运行数据表明,本研究所进行的设计和优化,能够有效提升太阳能光伏并网发电系统的效率。

    Operational data show that the institute design and optimization , effectively improves solar photovoltaic ( pv ) grid power system efficiency .

  15. 尤其是对太阳能光伏并网发电系统的研究,已经在许多国家和地区都热火朝天地开展着。

    Especially , the research on Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Power System , has been carried out with full of passion by many countries and regions .

  16. 目前太阳能光伏并网发电系统的关键技术主要包括太阳能电池板效率、最大功率追踪和并网逆变几个方面,而并网逆变技术则是整个系统的核心技术。

    Recently , the key techniques of solar photovoltaic power generation system mainly include several aspects : efficiency of solar panels , maximum power point tracking and the control of grid-connected inverter . Grid-connected inverter technology is the core of the whole system .

  17. 数字信号处理器芯片(DSP)的诞生,让很多先进的控制方法得以应用在太阳能并网发电的控制系统中。

    Digital signal processor ( DSP ) have enabled a lot of advanced control method can be used in grid-connected photovoltaic control systems .

  18. 本实用新型适用于太阳能光伏电站、太阳能光伏并网发电系统等领域。

    The utility model is applicable to solar photovoltaic generating plants , solar photovoltaic grid-combined generating systems and other fields .

  19. 太阳能并网逆变器是整个太阳能并网发电系统中必不可少的一部分,其效率的高低、输出电能的质量和可靠性的好坏将直接影响整个太阳能发电系统的性能和投资。

    Photovoltaic inverter is a key part of the Photovoltaic power generation system . Its efficiency , quality of power output and reliability are the key factors which affect the performance and investment for the system .

  20. 本文设计了一种混合应用的太阳能发电系统,即太阳能并网离网混合发电系统。

    This article system elaborated a hybrid application of solar photovoltaic power generation system , Stand-alone Hybrid blending photovoltaic system .