
  • 网络absorber;Absorption Layer;absorbent layer;SAMI;absorber layer
  1. 用于太阳电池吸收层CuInS2薄膜的RF反应溅射制备及其表征

    Preparation and characterization of the cuins_2 thin files deposited by RF reactive sputter for solar cell absorber

  2. 为了与p型的CIGS吸收层形成p-n结从而分离光生载流子,需要在其表面制备一层n型半导体薄膜。

    N-type semiconductor thin film is deposited on p-type CIGS absorber layer to form p-n junction to separate light-excited carriers .

  3. STRATA反射裂缝应力吸收层施工技术

    Elementary Exploration on the Construction Technology of STRATA Stress Absorbing Layers

  4. STRATA应力吸收层抗疲劳特性研究

    Research on Anti - fatigue Performance of STRATA Stress Absorbing Layers

  5. STRATA应力吸收层的级配特征与施工控制技术

    Gradation Feature and Construction Control Technology of Strata Stress - Absorbed Layer

  6. STRATA应力吸收层在我国的首次应用

    The First Application of STRATA Stress Absorption System in China

  7. Strata反射裂缝应力吸收层混合料配合比设计及施工技术

    Proportioning Design of Stress-absorbing Course Strata Mix against Reflective crack and Its Construction Technology

  8. 结合工程实践,介绍STRATA应力吸收层的施工工艺。

    The construction technique of STRATA stress absorption system is introduced by practical engineering example .

  9. 应用STRATA应力吸收层防治路面反射裂缝工艺研究

    Research on the construction technology of STRATA stress absorbing layers prevention and cure reflection crack

  10. 给出因X射线辐射引入的热载荷所产生的金属吸收层衍射图形尺寸膨胀量及金属吸收层热应力的计算结果。

    The changes of diffraction pattern and the thermal stresses in absorber caused by X ray radiation were calculated .

  11. X射线荧光光谱法用于CIGS薄膜太阳电池中吸收层的定量分析

    XRF Quantitative Analysis of the Absorb Layer in the CIGS Solar Cell

  12. 按PG等级规范评价应力吸收层沥青性能

    Performance of Asphalt as Stress Absorption Layer , Evaluated According to PG Grade Specifications

  13. 把这种高速生长的微晶硅材料用作太阳电池的本征吸收层,在没有优化工艺参数和没有采用ZnO增反电极时,电池的转换效率达到4.8%。

    Using this intrinsic microcrystalline silicon film as absorber layer in single-junction solar cell , a conversion efficiency of 4.8 % was obtained .

  14. 为减少或延缓加铺层的反射裂缝,加铺结构设计中,采用了STRATA应力吸收层。

    In order to reduce and delay the reflecting crack , in the designing the asphalt pavement the author introduces the STRATA stress alleviating interlayer .

  15. 水窗波段X射线反射元件的特征是周期比较小,吸收层和间隔层很难形成连续的膜面。

    Because the period of reflector for water window X ray reign is very small , it is difficult to get a continue surfaces of the absorption and spacing layers .

  16. UTCPD是一种由p型中性光吸收层和n型宽带隙集结层构成,并且只用电子作为有源载流子的光电二极管。

    The active area of UTC-PD is consisted of a p-type photo-absorption layer and n-type wide-gap electron collector layer , within it only electrons are as the active carriers .

  17. 用射频等离子体化学汽相沉积法,在硼玻璃基片上淀积了厚为1.8μm的aC∶H光吸收层,实验证明这种光吸收层的吸收系数受工艺条件的影响。

    The light absorption layer with 1.8 μ m thick hydrogenated amorphous carbon ( a-C ∶ H ) film is deposited on boride-glass by RF-plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition ( RF-PECVD ) technique .

  18. 吸收层与倍增层分离的4H-SiC雪崩光电探测器

    Separate Absorption and Multiplication 4H-SiC Ultraviolet Avalanche Photodetector

  19. 依托武黄公路改建项目,分析了STRATA应力吸收层路面结构性能,STRATA材料配合比及施工技术。

    Relying on the rebuilding project in Wu-Huang Highway , the author analyzes the structural property of the pavement with STRATA , the mix design and construction technology of STRATA .

  20. CdTe具有良好的光电学性质和化学性质,因此成为制备高效率、低成本的多晶薄膜太阳电池理想的吸收层材料。

    Owing to its optoelectronic and chemical properties , CdTe is an ideal absorber material for high-efficiency , low-cost polycrystalline thin film .

  21. 设计和制备了吸收层和倍增层分开的4H-SiC穿通型雪崩紫外光电探测器。

    A 4H-SiC avalanche photodetector ( APD ) with separate absorption and multiplication layers was designed and fabricated .

  22. SnS是一种IV-VI族半导体材料,非常适合于作为太阳能电池的吸收层材料。

    SnS is a novel material for IV-VI semiconductor and it is suitable for the absorber of solar cells .

  23. 其中利用价格低、操作简单的磁控溅射系统制备高性能的CIGS吸收层就是其中的一个关键环节。

    How to take advantage of inexpensive magnetron sputtering system to prepare high-performance CIGS absorbing layer is become one key point .

  24. 利用三步共蒸法工艺在10cm×10cm玻璃衬底上生长出电池吸收层CuIn(0.7)Ga(0.3)Se2薄膜。

    The absorber layer CuIn_ ( 0.7 ) Ga_ ( 0.3 ) Se_2 films were deposited on a 10cm × 10cm substrate using a three-step co - evaporation process .

  25. 进一步分析了APD吸收层厚度、光敏面大小、寄生参数、入射方向、电压等各项参数对带宽的影响。

    The effect of the thickness of the absorption layer , photo-sensitive area and parasitic parameters incident direction and voltage on frequency response has been addressed to APD .

  26. CIGS吸收层的研究对制备高质量的薄膜太阳能电池尤为重要。

    The study of the CIGS absorb layer is the key part for the fabrication of high quality CIGS thin film solar cells .

  27. STRATA应力吸收层是一种用于防止沥青加铺层反射裂缝的新型沥青混合料,它采用特殊聚合物对沥青进行改性,具有高弹性、不透水及抗裂性能好的优点。

    STRATA is a kind of new asphalt mixture with anti-crack capacity for asphalt overlay , the asphalt in STRATA is modified by using special polymer , STRATA has the advantages of high flexibility , waterproof and excellent anti-crack capability .

  28. CIS系粉体材料的研发可为吸收层薄膜的制备提供多种简洁的思路,有望大幅度改进薄膜制备工艺、降低生产成本。

    The research of CIS-based powders can cast new insights on the preparation of CIS-based thin films , which are hopeful for improving the technics and reducing the cost of absorption layer preparation substantially .

  29. 结合Courant稳定性条件和完全匹配边界吸收层,应用交错网格高阶差分法对声波方程进行了数值模拟。

    Courant stability condition and full matching absorbing layer are combined to activate the cross-grid high-order full wave numerical simulation .

  30. 而在CIGS薄膜太阳能电池中,CIGS吸收层是关系到电池转换效率的关键。

    CIGS thin film is the most important structure in CIGS solar cells , which decides the conversion efficiency of the thin-film solar cells .