
  1. 太阳能制冷空调的节能潜力及其性能比较

    Energy-saving potential and performance comparing of different air-condition system utilizing solar energy

  2. 太阳能吸附制冷空调吸附床温度场数值模拟与传热分析

    Numerical simulation and heat transfer analysis of temperature field for adsorption bed of solar energy adsorption refrigeration air conditioner

  3. 太阳能&沼气制冷空调系统

    An Air - Condition System Refrigerated by Solar Energy and Marsh Gas

  4. 新型太阳能降压吸收式制冷空调系统特性的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis on Characteristics of a New Type of Absorption Refrigeration Cycle for Solar Air-conditioning