- 名solar wind

Secondly , we make statistical study solar wind turbulence at ion scale . The results prove that the turbulence is strongly anisotropic in wave vector space within universal solar wind condition . The Alfven-whistler wave mode is dominant in the solar wind turbulence .
Numerical simulation for propagation of interplanetary disturbance in three dimensional solar wind background during January 1997 event
Solar Wind Origin in Coronal Funnels : An Introduction of the Article Published in Science , Vol 308 , 2005
And the OH 's isotopic signature indicates that much of the hydrogen came from the solar wind .
But it is also blown about by the solar wind and tends to trail the moving Planet X.
The Fresnel structure in interplanetary scintillation power spectrum and solar-wind velocity
Langmuir waves spontaneously emitted by energetic electrons in the solar wind
Single Station Interplanetary Scintillation Measurement to Diagnose Solar Wind Velocity
The nonlinear Dirac equation of the particle density on the Solar Wind .
What ACE detected was a violent gust of " solar wind ", the constant flow of charged particles from the sun .
In images taken by X-ray telescopes , such as the one Hinode uses , coronal holes appear dark because the hot glowing gas which would otherwise fill them has spilled out in the solar wind .
When solar wind density was low and AE index greater than 200 nT , the 2 MeV electron flux at geostationary orbit will increase sustained .
Well , researchers believe that solar wind and radiation is behind the theft , and they 're planning a mission to find out , called MAVEN : Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission
Solarwind Company orders a machine from YY Company at a list price of $ 10 .
The hydrogen protons combine with the oxygen in the solar wind to produce water in the comet 's tail ; which is comprised of visible photons ( coma ) generated by the comet 's electric circuit .
Numerical simulation of magnetospheric ULF waves excited by positive and negative impulses of solar wind dynamic pressure
The power spectrum of the kinetic Alfven turbulence is obtained from the nonlinear equations of the kinetic Alfven wave propagating along the magnetic field using dimensional analysis .
The calculations show that the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability can indeed play an important role in the coupling processes between the solar wind and the magnetosphere .
The analysis shows that geomagnetic storms / substorms can occur when the component B_z of the IMF is southward and the velocity of the solar wind increases to above 500 km / s.
Using an ideal two-dimensional MHD model , this paper investigates the evolution of a pure flow velocity enhancement disturbance in the solar wind in the heliospheric equatorial plane ( 2-D , 2-component model ) and the heliospheric meridional plane ( 2-D , 3-component model ) .
If you 've ever wondered where the Earth came from , the answer , it seems , is blowin " in the wind - the solar wind .
The momentum and energy equations for the high speed solar wind , which include all kinds of possible acceleration and heating processes , are examined simultaneously by using Helios ' observations of protons and MHD fluctuations in the high speed wind ranging from 1 AU to 0.3 AU .
The results show that the ambient solar wind speed and the ICME transit time errors show little correlation , even after taking into account the angle of magnetic cloud flux tube to the ecliptic plane the correlation is still not obvious .
A mechanism for the NON-GYROTROPIC distribution of the solar wind particles
The Evolution of the Carrington Distribution of High-Speed Solar Wind Streams
Radial evolution of the proton beam density in the solar wind
Formation of distribution of α particles in high speed solar wind
Numerical study on properties of two-fluid Five-moment solar wind plasmas
The electrostatic ion solitary waves with low frequencies in the solar wind
Mechanism of magnetospheric substorm and the turbulence of solar wind