
tài gōng
  • great-grandfather;grandfather;father;greatly esteemed elder
太公 [tài gōng]
  • (1) [great-grandfather] 〈方〉∶曾祖父

  • (2) [grandfather]∶祖父

  • 候太公太母起居。--清. 方苞《左忠毅公逸事》

  • (3) [father]∶父亲,也用来尊称别人的父亲

  • (4) [greatly esteemed elder]∶对老者尊称

太公[tài gōng]
  1. 你为什么怪我?你是太公钓鱼,愿者上钩。

    Why do you blame me ? You “ swallowed his bait ” of your own accord .

  2. 今天我也来个牛太公钓鱼。

    Today , I 'd like to fish as Niu Taigong .

  3. 我的太公和他在荷兰的家人

    My great grandfather is with him at the family of Holland

  4. 太公见他诚心诚意来聘请自己,便答应为他效力。

    Jiang saw his sincere desire so decided to work for him .

  5. 太公奇特的钓鱼方法,终于传到了姬昌那里。

    Soon his strange way of fishing was reported to Ji Chang .

  6. 武王问太公说:评论将帅的原则是什么?

    King Wu asked Tai Gong : What should a general be ?

  7. 其实这些都是来源于太公的遗法。

    In actual fact , these are all bequeathed methods of Tai Gong .

  8. 姜子牙号太公,所以人称姜太公。

    Jiang was given the title of Taigong so people called him Jiang Taigong .

  9. 太公开化了点吧

    Isn 't that a little public ?

  10. 武王问太公说:任命主将的方式如何?

    King Wu asked Tai Gong : What is the process of appointing the commanding general ?

  11. 太公说:将帅需有五项才德和无十种缺点。

    Tai Gong replied : Generals should have five important characteristics and should not have ten flawed characters .

  12. 周武王问太公望说:“我想用最少时间来了解用人的要领。”

    King Wu asked Tai Gong Wang : " I want to know the essence of employing men . "

  13. 太公说:一是因势利导;二是慎用计谋;三是使用钱财。

    Tai Gong replied : Accord with the situation , be very cautious in making plans , and employ your material resources .

  14. 当猪悟能化为人形来到高老庄,被有钱的高太公看中,招为女婿。

    Gao Taigong a rich man settles on him as his son-in-law when Wuneng changes into a human being in Gaolaozhuang village .

  15. 小灰灰是灰太狼和红太狼的儿子,不常登场,但比他爷爷和太公登场机会多。

    He is the son of Grey Wolf and Red Wolf and doesn 't appear very often , though more often than Yellow Wolf and Black Wolf .

  16. 太公说:有八种考验方法:一是提出问题,看他知道得是否详尽清楚;

    Tai Gong replied : There are eight forms of tests by which you may know it . First , question them and observe the details of their reply .

  17. 可是太公依然不答理,边钓边说:“钓啊,钓啊,大鱼不上钩,小鱼别胡闹!”

    But Jiang again ignored the invitation . He just carried on fishing , and was saying , " Fishing , fishing , the big fish has not been hooked . A small one is up to mischief "