
  1. 欢迎收看国际足联(Fifa)为您带来的巴西世界杯。国际足联既是企业治理的负面典型,又是世界上最为成功的跨国机构之一。

    Welcome to the World Cup in Brazil , brought to you by Fifa , a corporate governance disaster that is also one of the most successful multinational enterprises on earth .

  2. 在美国和其他民主国家,这种限制措施使得中国变为经济全球化的负面典型,至少在公众的观念中是如此。

    In the U.S. and other democracies , such restrictions help turn China into the sinister face of globalization , at least in the court of public opinion .

  3. 不过,国家旅游局还是点名了部分负面典型,包括发生游客与工作人员争执事件的北京房山区十渡景区,因厕所脏、游客标识系统欠缺、存在安全隐患而受到批评的湖南龙王洞景区。

    The administration also noted some bad models , including Shidu Scenic Spot in Beijing 's Fangshan district , where tourists quarreled with working staff , and Longwangdong Scenic Spot in Hunan , which was criticized for having dirty toilets , a lack of guidance for tourists and potential safety hazards .

  4. 由于长期地、连续地、大量地不合理使用农药,造成了很多环境负面效应的典型案例。

    Chronically , continuously and largely absurd application of pesticides results in many typical cases of negative environmental consequences .

  5. 然而,领导者的一些负面领导行为往往会对员工的态度和行为造成许多负面的影响,不当督导就是这类负面行为的典型代表。

    However some negative leadership behavior will bring negative effects on employees ' behavior and abusive supervision is such kind of negative behavior .