
dà é dài kuǎn
  • large loans
  1. 大额贷款很少出现这种问题,因为大额贷款通常被当作商业交易处理,相关条款要用书面形式落实。

    Large loans are seldom the issue ; they are usually treated as business transactions , with the terms spelled out on paper .

  2. 这种态度转变的原因可能包括,小公司与有业务往来的银行关系更为紧密,并且金融机构不愿意发放大额贷款,同时更愿意与本国公司打交道,而不是跨国集团。

    Possible reasons put forward for this shift in attitude include smaller companies enjoying a better relationship with their banks , and financial institutions shying away from making large loans and preferring to deal with local groups , rather than multinationals .

  3. 消费者通过节俭存储、大额贷款和套现股票利润进行消费。

    Consumers spent by skimping on savings borrowing heavily or cashing in stock profits .

  4. 而大额贷款企业和小额贷款企业不良贷款发生概率的影响因素有区别。

    It exists differences of NPL factors in terms of the loan amount we call large or small .

  5. 此外,作为一个举足轻重的美元债权国,做出大额贷款承诺,有助于平衡资产与负债。

    And , as a massive dollar creditor , making large loan commitments better matches assets and liabilities .

  6. 信贷评级机构常常低估大额贷款的违约风险,致使价格不切实际的上涨和大规模发行。

    Rating agencies systematically underestimated default risk on vast amounts of debt , resulting in puffed-up prices and a surfeit of issuance .

  7. 然而,如果你有大额贷款或其它开销,你可能不会想或是没有资格去申请那么多的贷款。

    However , if you have large loan payments or other expenses , you may not want to , or be qualified to , go that high .

  8. 近年来,大型收购公司发展迅速,它们利用众多投资者的资金及银行提供的大额贷款,收购大型公司,从中获取巨额利润。

    The mega-buy-out houses have grown rapidly in recent years by generating big profits from acquiring large companies with a sliver of their own investors ' money and big bank loans .

  9. 有钱人总是能够靠自己的房产以及金条等大宗商品说服银行,让银行相信他们有资格举借大额贷款。

    The wealthy have always been able to rely on their own properties , as well as commodities such as gold bars , to convince banks that they qualify for heavy borrowing .

  10. 据称,马德里的高级妓女们表示此次的罢工将无限期持续,她们结束罢工的条件是银行员工履行对社会的责任,为目前在低迷的经济中苦苦挣扎的西班牙人提供大额贷款。

    Madrid 's top-end prostitutes say their indefinite strike will continue until bank employees ' fulfill their responsibility to society ' and start offering bigger loans for struggling Spaniards , it has been claimed .

  11. 就政府而言,必须要强化法人经济责任制、加强对高校贷款资金使用的监督、建立高校贷款风险预警提示制度和建立大额贷款备案制度。

    In the case of the government , the legal person economic responsibility must be strengthened , supervision of use of college loan funds be intensified , the college loan risk early-warning system and large loan record system be set up .

  12. 这应有助于降低它们的融资成本和它们所担保贷款的抵押贷款利率。自次贷及大额贷款市场冻结后,两房担保的贷款成为美国房贷业唯一仍在继续运转的环节。

    This should help to bring down their funding costs and ease mortgage rates on the loans they guarantee – the only functioning part of the US home loan industry following the freezing up of the subprime and jumbo ( large denomination loan ) markets .

  13. 一些银行还把服务范围扩大至房地产销售和大额抵押贷款。

    Some banks are also branching out to offer help with property sales and large mortgage lending .

  14. 富人的生活也离不开举债,诸如艺术品贷款、大额抵押贷款和飞机融资等等。

    The rich have also been funding their lifestyles with debt & from art loans and jumbo mortgages to jet financing .

  15. SLGreen总裁安德鲁马蒂亚斯(AndrewMathias)表示:中国银行拥有庞大的资产负债表,相比其它银行,它更愿意持有大额的抵押贷款投资。

    Andrew Mathias , president of SL Green , says : Bank of China has a large balance sheet and is prepared to hold large mortgage investments in mortgages compared to other lenders .

  16. 资产规模在中国各银行中位列第六的招商银行说,其纽约分行将提供大额存款、贷款、贸易融资以及其他服务。

    China Merchants , the nation 's sixth-largest lender by assets , said the branch will engage in wholesale deposit-taking , lending and trade finance among other services .

  17. 为缓解这一矛盾,大部分高校通过长期大额的银行贷款来解决扩招带来的资金瓶颈。

    In order to alleviate the acute problem , a higher proportion of large colleges and universities address the increased funds " bottleneck " through long-term , big bank loans .