- large loans

Large loans are seldom the issue ; they are usually treated as business transactions , with the terms spelled out on paper .
Possible reasons put forward for this shift in attitude include smaller companies enjoying a better relationship with their banks , and financial institutions shying away from making large loans and preferring to deal with local groups , rather than multinationals .
Consumers spent by skimping on savings borrowing heavily or cashing in stock profits .
It exists differences of NPL factors in terms of the loan amount we call large or small .
And , as a massive dollar creditor , making large loan commitments better matches assets and liabilities .
Rating agencies systematically underestimated default risk on vast amounts of debt , resulting in puffed-up prices and a surfeit of issuance .
However , if you have large loan payments or other expenses , you may not want to , or be qualified to , go that high .
The mega-buy-out houses have grown rapidly in recent years by generating big profits from acquiring large companies with a sliver of their own investors ' money and big bank loans .
The wealthy have always been able to rely on their own properties , as well as commodities such as gold bars , to convince banks that they qualify for heavy borrowing .
Madrid 's top-end prostitutes say their indefinite strike will continue until bank employees ' fulfill their responsibility to society ' and start offering bigger loans for struggling Spaniards , it has been claimed .
In the case of the government , the legal person economic responsibility must be strengthened , supervision of use of college loan funds be intensified , the college loan risk early-warning system and large loan record system be set up .
This should help to bring down their funding costs and ease mortgage rates on the loans they guarantee – the only functioning part of the US home loan industry following the freezing up of the subprime and jumbo ( large denomination loan ) markets .
Some banks are also branching out to offer help with property sales and large mortgage lending .
The rich have also been funding their lifestyles with debt & from art loans and jumbo mortgages to jet financing .
Andrew Mathias , president of SL Green , says : Bank of China has a large balance sheet and is prepared to hold large mortgage investments in mortgages compared to other lenders .
China Merchants , the nation 's sixth-largest lender by assets , said the branch will engage in wholesale deposit-taking , lending and trade finance among other services .
In order to alleviate the acute problem , a higher proportion of large colleges and universities address the increased funds " bottleneck " through long-term , big bank loans .