
  • 网络big picture;overall situation
  1. 收集完需求之后,要有一个“大局观”,软件架构代表了当前对该产品的认识。

    After the requirements are collected , a " big picture " is to be drawn , the software architecture which represents the current understanding of the product to be built .

  2. 加上伟大的中国战略大局观,一切就没问题了。

    With an overview like the great Chinese tacticts nothing can go wrong .

  3. 大局观是区别职业与非职业肿瘤医师的试金石。

    The overall view is the touchstone for the differentiation between professional oncologists and non-professionals .

  4. 缺乏大局观和传球能力。

    Lacks great vision or passing ability .

  5. 职业肿瘤医师的大局观是职业肿瘤医师在长期的工作中形成的一种全局意识。

    The overall view of professional oncologists is an all-round consciousness formed from their long-term working experience .

  6. 所以选择另一个洛杉矶队伍将告诉我们伦纳德更多是一个有大局观、前瞻性类型的球员。

    So choosing the other L.A. team would tell us Leonard is more of a big-picture , forward-thinking type .

  7. 大局观维度存在兴趣区数目、回视次数、眼跳次数、注视次数和平均注视持续时间等五个眼动指标。

    There existed some difference in average fixation duration , fixation counts , saccade counts , run counts and interest area for global perspective .

  8. 一位资深同事给我回了信,口气比我应得的更为客气。他告诉我要镇定,要有大局观。

    A senior colleague wrote back , more politely than I deserved , telling me to calm down and get a sense of perspective .

  9. 身处数据洪流之中,我们不仅失去了对商业的大局观,还失去了部分人性。

    Amidst all the data frenzy , we are not only losing a more holistic view of business but also a part of our humanity .

  10. 在我方看来,这成功在很大程度上直接归因于您的有力领导和您所表现出来的大局观。

    A great deal of that success , in our opinion , must be directly attributed to your strong leadership and the sense of direction that you provided .

  11. 他惊人的技巧以及大局观,将华丽的足球带到了阿森纳,他为俱乐部在1998年赢得了双冠王,并且获得了当年最佳球员奖。

    His breathtaking skill and vision brought panache to Arsenal 's play and he was instrumental in the Double triumph of1998 , deservedly winning the Footballer of the Year award .

  12. 他不仅是扑救射门很在行,处理传中和任意球也很稳当。他的大局观和脚下能力也会吸引卡佩罗。

    As well as being a capable shot-stopper , the quality of Foster 's handling , especially from crosses and set-pieces , his kicking and all-round awareness will have struck Capello .

  13. 他强调新闻出版工作要有大局观,坚持党性原则,对党负责,对人民负责,对历史负责,对下一代负责;

    He emphasizes that publication must have an overall point of view , stick to the Party 's principles , and be responsible to the Party , to people to history and to the future .

  14. 它是最让人害怕的任务之一,并且为了做好它,我们必须在生气、无奈、或尴尬的同时做出清楚的、明智的、有大局观的决定。

    It 's one of our most daunting tasks , and to do it well we have to make clear , sensible , big-picture decisions at exactly the same moment when we are angry , frustrated , or embarrassed .

  15. 尽管郎佐-鲍尔作为榜眼秀,因其出色的传球技艺和球场大局观倍受人们的期望和关注,但是同样作为一名新秀,库兹马已经远远超越了湖人队或其他任何人对他的期望。

    Whereas Lonzo Ballis known for his passing , vision and ability to handle the enormous expectations on him as the No. 2 overall pick , Kuzma has exceeded any expectations the Lakers or anyone had for him as a rookie .

  16. 在观念层面上树立正确的权力观、高度的责任观、彻底的服务观、严明的大局观、自觉的学习观、文明的法治观、先进的开放观。

    In the respect of ideas , they should establish correct power viewpoints and have the ideas of high responsibility , thorough service , strict and partial attitude to general situation , self conscious learning , civilized rules of law and advanced opening up mind .

  17. 保险公司内部要树立正确的大局观,加强自身的经营管理水平;政府也要做好总体规划、准确定位、制度规范和扶持引导,以商业医疗保险来丰富和完善我国的医疗保障制度。

    The insurance companies should establish the correct concepts , strength their management level ; the government also should promote the development of overall planning , accurate position , regulation standardize , supporting and guiding . And then use Commercial Medical Insurance to enrich and perfect our medical insurance system .

  18. 服从大局的权力观;

    Power outlook of obeying to overall ;