
  1. 基于纽约市拨发的1500万美元资助款,城市科学与进步中心将会把大数据应用到实际的城市议题中,比如说,如何使摩天大厦更节能或让地铁更可靠。

    With $ 15 million in city aid , CUSP will apply Big Data to practical urban issues like how to make skyscrapers more energy efficient or the subways more reliable .

  2. 通用电气希望,通过注资Pivotal,公司可以有一个更好的途径来为客户快速开发、部署大数据商务应用。

    With pivotal , Ge hopes it will have a better way to quickly build and deploy big data business applications for its customers .

  3. 基于投影寻踪技术的基本原理和求解过程,建立了水质评价模型。大样本数据应用到模型中。

    A water quality assessment model is built based on projection pursuit technique .

  4. 人们慷慨激昂地谈论着新一轮技术革新浪潮,虚拟现实、无人驾驶汽车、3D打印、机器人、个人化医疗的快速发展,人工智能在大数据上的应用,还有经济中几乎每一个角度所遭到的深刻颠覆。

    The breathless talk is of another surge in technological innovation , the rapid development of virtual reality , driverless cars , 3D printing , robots , personalised medicines , the application of artificial intelligence to masses of data and of further disruption in almost every nook of the economy .

  5. 随着更多的大数据分析被应用到旅游业,这些数据口碑正在被量化。

    And they 're being quantified as more big data analysis is being applied to the tourism sector .

  6. 随着互连网络规模不断扩大,以及各种大数据量传输应用的出现,对核心路由器和交换内核的性能要求越来越高。

    With the continuous growth of the scale of Internet and the applications of numerous data transmission , high-performance of internal router and switching are desired .

  7. 这些伴随着大数据量的应用和服务需要更先进的数字信号处理技术,以便进行更高效的存储和传输,以及更准确的分析和更灵活的操作。

    These diversified applications and services with a large amount of data demand more advanced digital signal processing technologies for efficient memory and transmission , accurate analysis and flexible manipulation .

  8. 本文介绍了主流的手机软件开发技术,讨论了移动数据应用平台的产生原因和特点,比较分析了当前两大主流移动数据应用平台。

    This paper first introduces the main technologys in the development of the mobile application , discusses the appearance and the importance of the platform of wireless application then states the basic information about it , compare the two popular platforms .

  9. 结合微博等即时工具的开放活跃,大数据技术的应用普及和官民互动深化的时代背景进行选题和研究。

    Combining the era background of instant tools such as micro-blog are open and active , the application and popularization of the big data technology and the interaction of officials and public become deepen more and more to selected topic and research .

  10. 相关而非因果的思维模式,使大数据更多的应用于媒介与商业相关的部分,而难以应用于深度报道;对新闻价值的评判也因为数据新闻缺乏社会性和人文关怀而大打折扣。

    The " Relevant and no causal " mode of thinking makes the big data more used in media and business related parts , not in depth report . Because of lacking of social and humanistic care , the news value is compromised .

  11. 您可以使用这个基于开放标准的平台来构建、运行和管理Web、移动、大数据和智能设备应用程序;该平台支持许多流行的编程语言和框架。

    You can use it to build , run , and manage web , mobile , big data , and smart-device applications ; the platform supports many popular programming languages and frameworks .

  12. 小波变换在数据传输中大数据通信格式的应用

    The Wavelet Transform Application in Data Transmition Form of the Remote Data Communication

  13. 新加坡管理大学的信息系统学院已经和中国平安银行和保险集团共同建立了一个研发实验室,用于推行对大数据的研究、应用和技术迁移。

    SMU 's School of Information Systems has set up a research lab with Ping An Banking and Insurance Group to promote research , application and technology transfer of Big Data .

  14. 三维盘式全息存储方案以其相对简单的光路读写机构以及与现有光盘系统的兼容性,更适合大容量数据存储的应用,因而也更具实用意义。

    Owing to the simply optical set-up and the compatibility with the compact disc storage system , three-dimensional holographic disk storage scheme and system is more suitable for huge-capacity storage in a medium with a large area , thus is more practical .