
  • 网络Dali;dali ancient town;dali ancient city
  1. 这里一定是大理古城了。

    It 's must be the ancient Dali City .

  2. 离丽江以南三小时的路程是另一世界文化遗址–有围墙的大理古城,白族人生活的地方。

    Three hours south of Lijiang is another world-heritage site-an ancient walled city called Dali , where the Bai people live .

  3. 为大理古城的保护与发展提供有力的理论支撑和评价标准。

    This paper provides the theoretical foundation and value standard for the protection and development of the Old Town .

  4. 大理古城占地面积2.25平方公里,已有1200多年的历史,去年接待游客500多万。

    The 2.25-sq-km ancient city has a history of over 1,200 years and received over 5m tourists in 2014 .

  5. 大理古城是人与自然和谐相生的典范,展示出丰富的生态智慧。

    The Old Town of Dali shows an example in the harmonious relationship between man and nature , with its abundant ecological intelligence .

  6. 云南第三个世遗候选地是大理古城,我避开主流游客的出行策略在这里差点就落了空。

    The third World Heritage candidate in Yunnan is the Old Town of Dali , a place that nearly torpedoed my strategy for avoiding crowds .

  7. 春夏秋冬青年旅舍位于云南省大理古城中心,是一座由春风阁、夏花苑、秋月楼、冬雪居组成的白族居民庭院,环境幽雅,交通便捷。

    Four Seasons Youth Hostel Dali is located in the center of Dali old town , it is totally in a traditional Bai courtyard which consists the building of Spring , Summer , Autumn and Winter .

  8. 逛悠了一阵后,我打道前往中甸的“古城”,它比丽江和大理的古城小得多,但也不无迷人之处。

    After a while of roaming about , I made my way to Zhongdian 's " Old Town " which is tiny compared to Lijiang 's and Dali 's , but not without charms .

  9. 不同的地方有着各自美丽而神奇的自然风景和传统文化,比如:大理和丽江古城,香格里拉,雅鲁藏布江大峡谷和布达拉宫。

    Concentrations of beautiful and mysterious natural landscapes and traditional cultures developed in various sites , including Dali old city , Lijiang old city , Shangrila , Yarlung Zangbo River Grand Canyon , Potala Palace .

  10. 本文论述了大理历史文化名城保护规划中的几个问题:大理古城特色的探析;

    This paper has discussed four problems for protective plan of Dali which being one famous city with its history and culture .