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dà ɡōu
  • major groove;wide groove
  1. 提出了A-DNA和B-DNA局部螺旋扭角的经验预测规则,考虑了非紧邻相互作用.对此结果从大沟和小沟中的大尺度环外基团的空间障碍作了阐述。

    The empirical predicting rules of A DNA and B DNA local helical twist have been presented . The non neighbor interactions are considered . The results are elucidated based on the steric clashes of large exocyclic groups in the major and minor grooves .

  2. 茂县大沟生态研究站改扩建工程用地地质灾害危险评估

    The Geological Hazard Assessment of Enlarging the Building for Ecological Research Station at Dagou Gully

  3. 浅谈贵阳市排水大沟设计与市政建设的配合

    Elementary Introduction to Design of Drainage Tunnel to Cooperate with Municipal Construction in Guiyang City

  4. 岷江上游大沟流域驱动植被退化的人为干扰体研究

    Human induced disturbance regime in the Dagou Valley in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River

  5. 他们将其戏称为“克林顿的大沟”,而这条“大沟”将永远改变纽约州。

    They call it " Clinton 's big ditch . " But it will change New York forever .

  6. 由于种种原因,后人所定西大沟系或西大沟群,均无一定标准;

    For a variety of reasons , there are no definite criteria for defining the Xidagou System or Xidagou Group .

  7. 岷江上游半干旱河谷土壤成土特征研究&以大沟流域为例

    MAIN TYPES OF THE SEMI-VALLEY SCRUBS IN THE UPPER REACHES OF THE MINJIANG RIVER Research on Soil-Forming Feature Semi-Arid Basin at the Upper Section of Minjiang

  8. 大同盆地东大沟湖成化学沉积物样品的实验室分析结果表明,该化学物质是水菱镁矿。

    The result of the laboratory analysis of the lacustrine chemical sediment samples from Dongdagou in the Datong Basin shows that the chemical matter is a hydromagnesite .

  9. 在岷江上游大沟流域,沿着人为干扰梯度,调查了退化榛栎群落的结构及其物种组成变化。

    Structure and species composition of degraded plant community , along a human-induced disturbance gradient in Dagou watershed of the upper reaches of the Minjiang River , were investigated .

  10. 该文对贵阳市这一山区城市排水大沟设计涉及的设计标准以及排水大沟和市政工程建设的关系等技术问题作了探讨。

    The article discusses the design standards involved in the design of the urban drainage tunnel and the technical problems of the relation of the drainage tunnel with the municipal engineering construction in Guiyang City .

  11. 岷江上游大沟流域主要植被生物量组成及影响因子研究岷江上游大沟流域不同恢复阶段植被枯落物的水源涵养效应

    Study on Biomass Compositions of Principal Vegetations and Their Relationships in the Dagou Valley of the upper Minjiang River ; Water Holding Capacity of Litters in Different Vegetation Restoration Stages in Dagou Area , the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River

  12. 对贵阳市这一山区城市排水涉及的设计标准、市政排水大沟、道路排水、地下通道、管道结构、管网协调等技术问题作了探讨。

    The paper approaches to the technical problems such as the design standards , municipal drainage ditches , road drainage , underground passage , piping structure , pipe network coordination etc. of the urban drainage of this mountain area of Guiyang City .

  13. 通过对梁王河流域和大鲫鱼沟流域实测降雨径流资料的分析与反演,提出了适合该区域的产流计算CN值。

    CN values of the SCS model are calibrated by matching the modeled results with the observed ones for the gauged river catchments of Liang .

  14. D,B+大围沟,宽2m,深2~2.5m,占小区面积的15%,养鱼;

    D was same as B except the large surrounding ditch of 2m in width and 2.0 ~ 2.5m in depth , occupying 15 % area ;

  15. 大岔沟侵蚀地貌分析与治理措施优化配置

    An Analysis of Erosive Geomorphy and Optimum Arrangement of Control Program of Dacha Gully

  16. 旱坡地大水平沟种植对养分流失和作物产量的影响

    A Preliminary Study on Effects of Large Level Ditch on Nutrient Loss and Crop Production at Dry Sloping-land

  17. 大线沟金矿床位于吉林省夹皮沟&大砬子北西向构造带中段北盘,金矿成矿作用与区域构造演化关系密切;

    The Daxiangou gold deposit is located in the northern part of the center of the Jiapigou-Dalazi NW tectonic belt ;

  18. 地震发生时,大柴旦一带大煤沟煤矿矿区震感强烈,部分房屋出现裂缝。

    When the earthquake occurred , qaidam ditch along the major coal mining area coal mine felt strongly that part of the housing cracks .

  19. 铅锌矿赋存于下志留统梅子垭组、中志留统双河镇组及中泥盆统大枫沟组、上泥盆统南羊山组;

    The lead-zinc deposits occur in the Lower Silurian Meiziya Formation , Middle Silurian Shuanghezhen Formation , Middle Devonian Dafenggou Formation and Upper Devonian Nanyangshan Formation .

  20. 辖7个社区居委会:太平桥、南兴隆、中华路、迎水坝、竹林寺、草市、大老虎沟。

    Jurisdiction over seven community neighborhood committees : Taiping Bridge , South Xinglong , China Road , Ying dams , Chikurinji , Grass City , big tiger moat .

  21. 相反,北极熊的大喻沟回在脑窝内模上留下的印痕不明显,而血管印痕在脑窝枕区的两侧很明显。

    On the contrary , they are not developed on the cranial endocast of the polar bear , but the blood vessel impressions are developed on the lateral occipital sides in the polar bears .

  22. 在岩骨表面确认岩浅大神经沟、面神经裂孔、弓状隆起、内听道口、岩嵴等解剖标志。

    Identify The important structures of the petrosal bone including the groove for the greater superficial petrosal nerve , the facial hiatus , the arcuate eminence , the facial n. , the petrous ridge , and the internal acoustic meatus .

  23. 通过对潜在污染源及地下水防污性能的分析,研究区污染源的的主要分布地段、地下水防污性能较弱的地段以及污染比较严重的地段均为延河河谷区及其各大支沟的沟谷区。

    The potential sources of contamination and groundwater vulnerability analysis , the study area source of pollution in the main distribution area , groundwater vulnerability weak lots and lots of serious pollution for Yanhe valley area and its major branch gully ravine area .

  24. 对区域矿产加以概述;在此基础之上对大梨树沟、红太平、新华村3个区域的成矿地质背景、重磁场特征及1/5万化探异常特征进行深入研究,最后总结了区域上的找矿前景。

    On the basis of that , the regional metallogenetic geologic setting , gravity , characteristics of magnetic field and geochemical exploration anomaly ( 1 ∶ 50 000 ) are studied in detail , finally , the ore-hunting prospect in the study area was summed up in this paper .

  25. 两组患者均在CT引导下行腰大肌肌沟利多卡因阻滞。

    METHODS : All patients were injected lidocaine in psoas muscles under CT guidance .

  26. 高电压,大电流N沟道MOSFET越来越广泛地应用于大功率的电力电子设备中。

    High voltage , high current N-channel MOSFETs have been applied to numerous high power designs .

  27. 硬膜外和腰大肌肌沟两种阻滞治疗坐骨神经痛的临床观察

    The clinical observation of the treatment of radicular sciatica using psoas compartment block

  28. 硬膜外阻滞者总优良率为85.22%,腰大肌肌沟阻滞者总优良率为74.80%。

    The overall satisfactory rate of the epidural block was 85.2 % , and that of the psoas compartment block 74.8 % .

  29. 腰大肌间沟注射碱化镇痛液治疗根性坐骨神经痛连续腰大肌间沟阻滞用于全膝关节置换术后镇痛的临床观察

    The clinical observation of the treatment of radicular sciatica using psoas compartment block EFFECTS OF CONTINUOUS LUMBAR PLEXUS BLOCK ON POSTOPERATIVE PAIN AFTER TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY

  30. 大鼠索沟生活反应的免疫组化研究对热解炭性质的影响因素方面,主要考查了热解反应中最重要的反应参数之一,热解温度的影响情况。

    Immunohistochemical Study on Vital Reaction of Ligature Mark in Rats As one of the most vital reaction parameters , the influent of temperature upon char property has been considered .