
  1. 它们是:人类前途之展望&追求合规律性与合目的性统一的大本大源;

    The first is the prospects for the future of human beings & the fundamental origin which seeks for the unity between law and aim ;

  2. 其主要特点表现在穷究天人之际,讲求大本大源,吸纳百家之学而综合创新;

    Its main characteristics are while deeply studying nature and man , stressing on big origin and big source , absorbing much knowledge but comprehensive innovation .

  3. 这一思想是以他的“大本大源”理论为基础,并以重视教育、组织团体、利用报刊进行文化宣传等为具体的方式。

    The above thought was based on his " origin and source " theory , the specific ways of which were emphasizing education , organizing social groups and propagandizing culture with newspapers .

  4. 因此,生活及其仁爱情感显现乃是一切存在者的大本大源所在,也是价值论建构的源头活水所在。

    Life is or equals Sein in the view of Confucianism , so life and its emotionally appearing is both where all Seiendes are from , and where the theory of value is constructed .