
  • 网络Main Villain;arch-villian
  1. 媒体把他描述成一个左翼大反派。

    The media depict him as a left-wing bogeyman .

  2. 但是漫画原作者兼执行制作人罗伯特柯克曼告诉THR他想避免进入每一季都有一个大反派死去的循环。

    But comic book writer / executive producer Robert Kirkman already told THR he wanted to avoid having a new big bad every season .

  3. 最大的问题就是荒原狼(Steppenwolf)这个角色,他就是个超级大反派。

    The dude in question is Steppenwolf , and his thing is basically just that he 's super evil .

  4. 片中,毛克利不时受伤流血,所处环境晦暗险恶,还有邪恶的大反派–老虎谢利·可汗(伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴(IdrisElba)配音)。

    Mowgli is regularlystreaked with blood , his surroundings are murky and sinister , and Shere Khan ( Idris Elba ) the tiger is a far more menacing antagonist .

  5. 因此,我们要面对的是拥有超强能力的大反派。

    So , we have a supervillain with incredible superpowers .

  6. 今天的每日一句是:每个童话都需要一个经典大反派。来自:神探夏洛克

    Every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain .

  7. 梁朝伟饰演片中的大反派满大人,是钢铁侠的宿敌。

    Leung plays The Mandarin , a supervillain and Iron Man 's archenemy .

  8. 而片中的大反派则是刚刚把地盘输给浪子膏的流氓&红毛。

    An even bigger rival is a red-haired gangster who is losing his territory to Wax .

  9. 神夏里的大反派将在007新电影里和詹姆斯邦德出对手戏!

    Sherlock villain will go up against Bond , James Bond , in the new film .

  10. 而且,跟现在(漫画书里)大多数大反派一样,他们的超能力来自基因突变。

    And , like most supervillains these days , their superpowers come from a genetic mutation .

  11. 我们要将这件超级武器瞄准潜伏在肿瘤内部的超级大反派。

    we have to target this superweapon to the supervillain cells that reside in the tumor .

  12. 或许也有人好奇中国观众对于影片中的大反派满大人会作何反映。

    One wonders how the Chinese audience will respond to the film 's villain , The Mandarin .

  13. 看起来他能扮演任何角色,从斯文安静的君子到恨得人牙痒痒的大反派。

    It seems like he can play anything from the polite and quiet to the badass as hell .

  14. 上气是大反派傅满洲的儿子,但后来反对父亲的做法。

    Shang-Chi was born the son of supervillain Fu Manchu , but later opposed his father 's ways .

  15. 看那面具,那身黑衣服…我们正在被超级大反派追杀,伙计们!

    That mask , the black suit ... We 're under attack from a super villain , people !

  16. 我们可以将这几种致命的癌症想象成漫画书里面的大反派。

    We can think of these very aggressive forms of cancer as kind of supervillains in a comic book .

  17. 而这仅仅是我们的大反派--癌症的众多基因把戏之一。

    This is just one example of the many genetic tricks in the bag of our supervillain , cancer .

  18. 抖森说,这次扮演超级大反派的机会是人生中的一束亮光。

    The chance to play a supervillain , Hiddleston said , was like a light going on in his life .

  19. 音乐界的顶级天后和漫威宇宙中的大反派最近可谓是相当惬意。

    The pop princess of the music industry and the baddest man in the Marvel universe are apparently pretty cozy .

  20. 几年后,纽约受到来自无情大反派施莱德和他率领的异族的威胁。

    Years later , New York faces a threat in the form of ruthless villain Shredder and his menacing Foot Clan .

  21. 几乎每一部迪士尼电影中的大反派都长得穷凶极恶,鼓励小朋友们将这样的角色与邪恶联想在一起。

    In almost every Disney movie the primary antagonist is portrayed as physically unattractive , encouraging children to associate this character trait with evil .

  22. 于是就只能有赖阿宝和他的新老朋友们共同对付这个神秘的大反派咯!

    It 's up to Po and his allies ( and we 're guessing some new friends as well ) to defeat this mysterious villain .

  23. 影片中的大反派由英国格斗艺术家斯科特阿金斯饰演。最后他与冷锋一对一的对决更是将影片推向高潮。

    The final one-on-one grapple between Leng and the villain , played by English martial arts master Scott Adkins , pushes the film to its climax .

  24. 我第一次注意到,《史莱克3》和《蜘蛛人3》在电影院的斗争中,史莱克应该是个超级大反派。

    I noticed for the first time that Shrek should be a super-villain as " Shrek 3 " and " Spider-Man 3 " did battle in movie theaters .

  25. 由于古怪的个人生活和神秘色彩,派头十足的“维基泄密”创始人朱利安.阿桑格看起来在努力饰演一个《007》中的大反派。

    With his eccentric personal life and air of mystery , the flamboyant WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange seems to be doing his best to impersonate a James Bond villain .

  26. 在导演彼得•杰克逊的执导下,巨型蜘蛛、半兽人以及大反派巨龙史矛革悉数登场,群斗场景令观众犹如身临其境。

    Director Peter Jackson throws us right into the action , with the group fighting giant spiders , orcs , and the biggest villain , Smaug , the dragon .

  27. 山姆与巴泽曼谈论了商界大反派伯尼?麦道夫和杰弗里?思科林,我们从魔术师身上可以学到什么?以及要成为“一流的观察者”需要哪些条件?

    Sam talks to Bazerman about arch corporate villains Bernie Madoff and Jeffrey Skilling , what we can learn from magicians , and what it takes to be a " first-class noticer . "

  28. 有些蜘蛛饭觉得克尔斯腾。邓斯特(她可能回来演玛丽。简)更适合演新一代的大反派暴牙,不过这非常的不可能。

    There are some Spidey fans who think Kirsten Dunst , who may come back to play Mary Jane Watson , would be better suited to play a new villain called Snaggletooth , but that is highly unlikely .

  29. 想象一下:大反派塞弗躲在暗处,黑了很多国家和大公司的卫星,不得到足够令她满意的权力和金钱就要让世界堕入黑暗。

    Imagine it : Cipher has holed up somewhere secret and broken into the mainframe of various nations " and corporations " satellites . Unless she gets as much power and money as she desires , she 'll make the world go dark .

  30. 十年前,梅尔?吉布森成为好莱坞弃儿,之后他专注于健身,将意大利面和糖份从他的饮食中剔除,每周跟健身教练上三堂3小时的课,直至将自己变身为《敢死队3》中壮得吓人的大反派。

    After becoming a Hollywood pariah a decade ago , Mel Gibson threw himself into physical fitness , cutting pasta and sugar from his diet and spending three three-hour sessions with a trainer every week until he became the intimidatingly bulky villain he 'd play in The Expendables 3 , which made $ 60m less than the first Expendables film ,