
  • 网络daxing town
  1. 合肥大兴镇土壤中Pb元素缓变型地球化学灾害研究

    Research on the delayed geochemical hazard of lead in soil of Daxing town , anhui Province

  2. 经济欠发达乡镇小城镇建设的对策研究&大兴县礼贤镇小城镇建设调查

    Thinking of the Small Cities and Towns Construction in Less Developed Towns

  3. 试论农村剩余劳动力向小城镇转移问题经济欠发达乡镇小城镇建设的对策研究&大兴县礼贤镇小城镇建设调查

    Preliminary Study on the Migration of the Rural Surplus Labour Force to Small Cities and Towns Thinking of the Small Cities and Towns Construction in Less Developed Towns

  4. 从分析土地平整工程土方挖填特点入手,应用运输模型的基本原理,建立了土地平整工程经济运距计算模型,并把模型应用于北京市大兴区礼贤镇土地整理试点项目。

    The paper analyzes the feature of excavation and fill of land consolidation project and develops the model of economic transportation distance applying the principle of transportation modeling . The paper takes Lixian Land Consolidation Experimental Project of Daxing District in Beijing as a case to test the model .